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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Me too. :)

    I can imagine the scene. Beautiful blonde approaches 5 young guys, asking for the time. 4 start fumbling in their pockets for their mobiles, whilst one Cary Grant debonaire type (Bravoz) coolly, but with amazing machoness, extends his arm, flips his wrist, and with a twinkle in his eyes, tells her the time.

    As she leaves, she looks back, he looks up, their eyes lock, and they know. They know.

    At which point she asks:

    "Rolex?" He looks smug.

    "Oh Mee ga."



    Love that scene :lol:

  2. Thank you TEEJAY! :wub:

    You're very welcome :)

    After Thursday, I'm allowed to go out as normally (I am still on antibiotics that require no direct sunlight), so I have LOADS of things to post including Me So Horny. Will let you know!

    That's awesome news :) I can empathise with the 'no direct sunlight' rules... For some reason, natural daylight is the only thing which will trigger (and does so within minutes) near-incapacitating migraines. It's wierd, because no artificial UV does it, no kind of flourescent lighting does it, not even staring at a computer monitor for +12 hours will do it, but 5-10 minutes of anything brighter than 'overcast' and bam. Migraine. As a result, I wear sunglasses 99% of the time when I'm outside. Also, (not sure if it's related) but if in a car at night, I find the lights from oncoming traffic incredibly uncomfortable. It doesn't trigger the migraines, but it will make my eyes feel like they're about to explode sideways :o Oh well, at least when I eventually get round to driving, I'll be able to have fully tinted windows :lol:

    I love it. I bought it second-hand on Risti, because I refuse to buy from Strapcode/Taikonaut directly. Long story. I caught them cheating. :(

    It's an awesome purchase, it does look really good :) Never good to catch someone cheating though :(

    But I've longed for a pure white strap since I got the Pink Croc abomination. And guess what? The Roo looks awesome on black-dialed PAMs too!

    Sounds interesting, I'm sure that combo will appear in a wrist shot soon :)

    Give away the E-B SMP?? Darling you're too generous...

    Bit of a long story, but I'd promised watches to two of my best friends. I'd bought the AP RO for one, then changed my mind, ordered him a 111h, and figured I'd give the AP RO to the other. Now it turns out the 111h won't arrive before I go away monday, so that means giving one friend the AP RO as originally planned, and giving the E-B SMP to the other, as, he already has a quarts SS with E-B dial, so think he'd prefer the Omega to the AP. Of course, this does mean I'd get to keep the 111h when it arrives, but, I'm still waiting to hear back on an estimate for the repairs to mine, so that could mean I have two... If that does happen, then guess what will be going out on a Freebie Friday ;)

    Hello, how big do you think my legs are?? Obviously, the left leg is covered by my arm. :bleh:

    Not so much the size of your legs, just the angle and position I would expect given the angle of your foot :D I'd've exptected to either see your thigh (if sitting) between the bottom of the picture and the strap, or your foot between the bottom of the picture and the strap (if standing) It just kind of looks like an optical illusion :D

    [Edit to add]

    Just realized that your elbow is likely resting on your knee, and you're leaning forwards to get the shot... That makes sense :D


    These are live shots, just one hour old, after my enforced two-week stay in bed. If you want to know what the problem was, click here (not for those digesting). My hands and fingers are still recouping, seen here peeling. Sigh.

    But I can see light at the end of the rep watch tunnel, so I'm happy! :tu:


    By-Tor has one. Stephane has one. Raymond has a beautiful gen. And now I have one too! Ladies and gentlemen, the Rolex GMT II with upgraded black/red bezel from RWI member, Cschenone. Yay!


    I upgraded with a new Jubilee bracelet via RWI member, Rep-Craze. Looks mint. :)


    The Wristie!


    The Restie! :lol: ...just chillaxing in the pool on a raft, like I hope you all did this Columbus Day/Canadian Thanksgiving.



    From Turkeys we go to Kangaroos. :p Here's my beloved Andrew PAM 113 on its new Taikonaut white Kangaroo strap.


    The Wristie. Not too shabby. :)


    Tie me kangaroo down, sport! Tie me can kangaroo down!


    Me by the pool, wearing my Havaianas from J. Crew. YAY! How lovely to see the sun again. I learnt one thing during this time -- I could never be a hermit living in a cave, that's for sure. Wonder how Osama does it. :lol:


    ...great Wrist-Shots today, guys! Congrats to all.

    Great to see you back with the live wrist shots :) The PAM on Kangaroo in particular looks fantastic :) I know I'd been planning to build a White Seamaster as a dress watch, but, I might have to give the E-B SMP away next week (depends if ordered watches arrive before my mini-vacation) so I've decided to get a white-dialled PAM as a dress watch and combine it with my SS bracelet :)

    One question: On the last shot, your left foot is clearly visible above your hand. Where is your left leg?? :huh::o:mellow::D

  4. But I have nothing good to say about Miss Miller.

    To be honest, I don't know anyone who does... ;)

    On topic, it doesn't really bother me if people don't wear a watch, as long as they don't keep asking me what the time is.

    "Time to buy a [censored]ing watch!"

    Oh, and people who are perpetually late just [censored] me off. I might leave things 'till the last minute', but I am only ever late if delayed by circumstances beyond my controll (traffic delays etc) where as my fiance, has something of a phobia of being late, so insists on leaving for things ludicrously early (I blame her bio-dad for giving her that neuroses, the [censored]rag)

    [Edit as profanity censor missed the word 'c**trag' :lol:]

  5. Might just be my imagination or a trick of the light, but in the screenshot, the bracelet on Paul Newman's watch doesn't look like anything Rolex built, but rather one of these...


    Intersting that Omega would bid to keep hold of their own watch... Surely they could've just taken it from the production line to their museam themselves, and for much cheaper than bidding on it :lol:

  6. To be honest, no. There are only a couple of (literally two) watches in my collection that I could do without owning. All the others, have some kind of sentimental value, either as gifts received, bought with inheritance, modified myself, or, in the case of my least 'attached' watch, (the SMP 2220.80) completes 'a collection' (the watches worn by Daniel Craig in Casino Royale) The only watches I could do to lose, are my Rolex Daytona, and my Omega X-33. Even then, I'm unlikely to get rid of the X-33, as it's a reasonably rare watch to have, and, I know that at some point in the future, it will serve as an 'outdoor pursuits beater', (although it wasn't purchased for that reason) For me, the attachment is to the watches themselves and what they represent (as gifts etc) rather than any accuracy or favoring one more than another, and, there's not really a 'grail watch' which I really want enough to sell the collection to aquire. As I'm not particularly bothered between rep and gen, there's nothing really unaffordable which I can't aquire in rep form.

    Also, as mentioned above, there can be instances where a watch is received, and simply doesn't have the desired impact. I had this happen when I bought a VC Overseas. Lovely watch, I just couldn't stand to wear it, so instead, I sent it to a good home :)

  7. I agree with Carl. I would contact your credit card bank and place a dispute hold on the purchase. I have had to do this two times for reps--once for a defective rep watch & the other time with this Faisal crook (since paypal took Faisal's side, even though I had the paperwork that proved my case and my bank agreed with me). Even seeing all of the photos and email exchanges that made it pretty obvious that these were not gen watch parts, my bank never batted an eye over the matter of my purchasing rep watches & parts (credit card banks really are the greediest bastards in the world, but, in this case, it helps when they are on your side). It took several weeks (the bank kept asking for additional explanations in writing), but, in the end, I did get satisfaction (and all of my money back).

    That's an awesome outcome :) I'll have to bear that in mind if I'm ever in such a situation again :)

  8. TeeJay

    I feel your pain.

    But you did not receive the item (which you ordered). Signing for garbage does not mean you have to accept it. You did not order and pay for garbage. That is a valid credit card chargeback and it goes against PayPal, not Faisal. They will have to take up with him and they will simply take it out of his account to make themselves whole. There is no way he can dispute it under their rules. You have no further need to deal with PayPal's obfuscations or Faisal's lying.

    Just tell your CC issuer that you ordered watch replacement parts or whatever through PayPal and what you received was significantly different, substandard, etc. That is only the truth of the matter. It is very simple to initiate a chargeback and I highly recommend that you look into it.

    Best Wishes,


    Would that actually work? I have to admit, I only thought it applied if nothing was received at all. I quite agree with your point that I didn't receive the item (which I ordered :lol: ), but I still got 'something', which in all fairness, would probably have been satisfactory to some. My beef was primarily that I didn't feel the product filled the claim on the sale (of being indistinguishable from the original) It was quite a while ago, (nearly a year) so not really much I can do about it now, and to be honest, it wasn't for much money, I just don't like how eBay continues to allow the scammer to list auctions, despite their misleading content... Oh well. Allah will judge him :)

  9. LOL! No I was going to order the strap I need from his site. I forgot about the holiday, thanks for reminding me. I'll give it a few more days.

    I ordered a strap from Silix about 8 weeks ago and am still waiting for it... <_<

  10. The "diver's extension" on my two-tone Rolex submariner is extremely difficult to open. Once I was trying to pull it out and the little metal plate forced itself under the part of my thumb where the top (not the tip) of the fingernail meets the skin. Because it is quite thin, it sliced itself inside quite nicely like a little knife and caused some pretty surprising bleeding as a result. Of course, it was not big deal, but if I ever want to dive with my watch, I may attract the attention of some sharks. :(

    Another time I was trying to adjust the time on my Full Gold Rolex President Day - Date when the hands misaligned and the watch essentially broke. I was so furious that I started screaming profane vernacular at extremely high volume. My throat was sore for several days after the incident.

    I've sliced my thumbs up a treat before trying to open a Submariner diver's extension. Once it was a bit more used, it became easier to operate, but initially, it was near impossible and frankly, dangerous to operate. The diver's extension was one of the key features that made me start viewing Omega as a better engineered watch than Rolex.

  11. I guess you're right, not a big deal. But it still pisses me off to see our people going to gen forums and "educate" them with their "superior rep knowledge". I never understood why they do it.

    Occasionally, you also see stuff like "Look, I was into reps but now I bought this gen Submariner and finally saw the light... the crown FEELS SO MUCH BETTER, and suddenly my [censored] started to smell like roses too." :lol: I don't mean Rob though.

    PS: I've seen the most impressive gens here in the rep community. I don't visit "The Purists" though. :)

    I'd guess that they get [censored] off with people on gen forums slagging off reps as if all reps are Canal St quality, and all rep collectors are wannabes living on welfare, so want to redress the balance. To be honest, I think comparisons like that are a joke, as, as someone else mentioned, they missed a detail about the cyclops, so it reads more as a regurgitation of information rather than something they actually understand (or they wouldn't've missed the other detail) and, as previously mentioned, there's a heck of a difference between being able to spend hours/days staring at a 500% sized high definition image of a watch from all angles to spot flaws, and catching a glimpse of a watch at 10ft in a crowd for a few seconds as someone passes. Things like the detail on the diver's extension, yes, interesting to know that that's a difference, but, something that under 'normal conditions', anyone but the owner would never see. To be honest, such people on the gen forums are just shallow elitists, likely with no actual product knowledge of their own.

    I have to admit, if I read a comment like that, I think I'd laugh my ass off :lol: I admit, gens might have that 'little extra' to a rep, but personally, I don't consider that 'little extra' worth the 'big extra' on the price tag, so even if I were to aquire a gen somehow (I'd certanly never buy one unless it was dirt cheap) it still wouldn't take away my appreciation of reps :)

  12. ROTFLMAO!!!

    Considering one of those was for my mum, I suspect, thanks for the Hoo-lops!!

    Bvlgari. :lol: :lol:

    When I read this, through our tears of laughter, my mother figured it out. She's a really un-PC lady who frequently calls our local Chinese restaurant to place a take-out order:

    "2 rarge Flied lice wi' chrim, plea"

    And by God if they don't have 2 large fried rice with shrimp waiting for her to pick up. :lol:

    EDIT: Read this back to her, and she said I forgot the 'rarge'.

    (Spare me if this shocks anyone. You think no one has ever made fun of her German accent. Lighten up people!)

    Wow. There's a difference between being 'un-PC' and just blatantly racist. Sorry, but I don't think racism is anything people should ever 'lighten up' over. :(

  13. @TeeJay-

    If you paid through PayPal with a credit card, you cannot lose.

    If you paid through PayPal with any other means, charge this off to experience and don't make the same mistake again. Don't read any further.

    Call you credit card company and have them reverse the transaction as you did not receive the item. You may need to put it in writing as a follow up.

    The burden of proof is now on PayPal and their friend Faisal. Your credit card company will give you an immediate credit and PayPal will charge Faisal.

    That should be the end of it. I'm not sure what your local laws are, but working though your bank is the best way to deal with PayPal.

    If you need more particular info on this (with UK threads) go to www.paypalsucks.com.

    PayPal's rules do not override the rules of all of the credit card companies which it accepts. The credit card companies have their own terms and PayPal has no choice but to accept them. All of them allow a charge back out to 180 days in most of the world. As they accept the cards, they are forced to accept their terms- a little known fact. They have been proven to not fight a chargeback. Initiate a chargeback with your issuer.


    Carl, sorry for the delay, my net connection was down all day yesterday.

    That only works if you don't receive the item. I received the item, and it was garbage. He even acknowledged in his emails that he realized there were problems which he was trying to have rectified, yet when I put the complaint against him, he used his usual feedback of "Liar, all customers happy with our product and service."

    Getting a credit card to issue a chargeback is a potential minefield in this area of interest. Sure, buying an aftermarket bezel insert is no problem, but, had I tried claiming the parcel never arrived when it did (it could ultimately be tracked) would have made me a liar, no worse than Faisal, and likely to eventually be humilliated by the CC Company.

    At the end of the day, the guy is a lying roach, (ie seemingly indestructible) and anyone would do well to avoid him.

  14. Check it out.

    P.S. I did security for KFED not too long ago and he sports a bogus Omega, not even a decent one....go figure.


    KFED wears a rep Omega? My opinion of him has gone up :D Further proof of those who can actually afford to buy gen watches taking the cheaper option of buying a rep. As for OJ, he was found innocent. Just like Michael Jackson was found innocent. Now, who wants to hire them as a childminder for the weekend... :lol:

  15. In all fairness to Rob, he wasn't so much giving information away, as pointing out how the factories operate (fairly standard knowledge) and pointing out that we're just people with an interest in watches. It was the elitist "I bought my watch from an AD" twats who were getting their boxers in a bunch over it. So someone spend $4000 on a watch and thinks that makes them a 'Big Man'? I think it makes them a chump who worships commercialism :lol: As pointed out by FiremanFred, all that comparison goes to show, is that someone can by a rep which, without a loupe, is virtually indistinguishable from the gen, for a fraction of the cost :lol: Why pay the extra? An 'official brandname'? Sorry, not worth the extra duckets in my book :D

  16. adam b

    thanks for the info I have been looking around at a lot of web sites and getting an idea of what i want. I want something that looks as real as it can. I have a desk job so the watch would be getting beat up or thing. I have looked at both the Swiss and Asian models and from what I have read so fare the swiss made is the most detailed and reliable watch to purchase for the long run and accuracy. I really like the Breitling Navitimer Two Tune I just don't know where to purchase the swiss version, or a respectful dealer. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    To be honest, I've never really had a problem with the reliability of Asian movements. I admit, they're not quite as 'smooth' as ETA, and obviously you can't fit genuine hands to them as easily, but, that depends on how important that is to you. For example, a while back, I bought a Vacheron Constantin Overseas with an Asian movement, and, with the exception of the movement itself, everything else about the watch was identical to the watch sold with an ETA movement. It was also about half the price ;)

    With regards dealers, there are the dealers here, or, if you want a cheaper price, you can always look on sites like CQout. Some folks here scoff at CQout purchasses and dealers, but, in all honesty, the site is regulated much like eBay, so even if a deal were to go wrong, you would have someone you could complain to and get the issue resolved. Best of luck with your purchases :)

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