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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I've got to agree with Tootall here, that strap, to me at least, doesn't so much look 'vintaged/distressed', so much as just looking abused and worn out... Maybe it's just the fraying stitching, but if you put it on a pristine watch, I fear the contrast between brand spanking new and old, might be a bit too much to make a nice feature... But hey, that's just my .2c, as long as you're happy with it, that's all that matters :) I'm sure you'll love the 127 when it arrives, so wear it well :)

    [Edit for spelling]

  2. I'm done sparring with TJ, folks. I made the points I was attempting to make and have grown tired of talking in circles with him.

    Ha! You just couldn't leave it, could you! You had to think you were the one getting the last word in! What a troll you really are :lol:

    Just admit it, you got the wrong end of the stick about my motivations for wearing reps, and can't/won't answer the questions put to you in my last post because it would mean admitting you were wrong :lol: That's cool, doesn't bother me at all, but seriously, why bother anouncing that you're done? You think yours was the opinion people cared about? :lol:

    Just to help put my cheapness into a wider context, as it really is all pervading in my shopping habits, for my everyday wear, I buy unbranded clothes and shoes (although I am planning on getting some suits from Ken as the prices are comparable to what I pay for unbranded). I buy unbranded generic cola from the supermarket rather than Pepsi, because their taste is comparable, and I don't prefer Pepsi enough to generic to spend the extra pence for the brand name. Now, I am quite prepared to pay for an expensive item if I feel it is actually worth that cost, but, all the time I can have an identical/near identical product for less, I will always go for the cheaper option. And, once more, just so there is no confusion, I don't wear replica watches so others will think I am wearing the real thing, I wear them because they are the closest, cheapest equivelent to the genuine product, which, as illustrated above, I might like, but am not prepared to spend the extra cash for because I am indeed, to use your phrase, a cheap SOB :lol: Have a good weekend :)

  3. Indeed. There are some tough customers out there. :(

    That's for sure. I've always found myself to be a fairly good judge of character, but sometimes I've been swayed by positive opinions about someone from others, only to find out that the person really was a scumbag afterall (ala my fiance's Bio Dad :lol: ) At least this way, I havea reminder to remain vigilant, could serve an identifying purpose should the worst ever happen, and, from an aesthetic point of view, is much more interesting than wearing the conventional double dogtags as worn by US Forces :)

    This is curious. I am fairly sure I remember when the story broke that he had been shipped back to Bavaria, and that his name was Klaus or Karl. His family were happy he was back. Hmm.

    But apparently, he turned out to be a Czech musician called Tomas Strnad.


    "On Sunday the Mail on Sunday newspaper quoted Klaudius Kryspin, a fellow member of the Prague tribute band Ropotamo 20 years ago, as saying: "When I saw the picture I know it was Tomas."

    Friends told the paper Strnad's age -- around 35 -- matched that of the Piano Man and he was a classically trained pianist whose first love was always Chopin, Mozart and Liszt.

    Kryspin's twin brother Richard, a computer analyst in Columbus, Ohio -- the band's guitarist -- told the paper Strnad had mental problems."

    Fascinating. It's always interesting when such anomolies occur in the news, it's just a shame that more breaking events sometimes push them to the back of the queue and people forget about them.

    Blimey, he washed up in the Isle of Sheppey! LOL. Went there once. Deadly dull, as all of Kent is, but sweet, as all of Kent is.

    Never been there, although I have been to Seven Oaks, so I could sit with a friend while they had a tattoo done :)

    Lord Mountbatten's sister, BTW, and thus the Duke of Edinburgh's auntie. ;)

    Ahhh :)

    I just noticed your shoutbox about the 100% PMs. Did you get the messages I sent earlier about the straps?

  4. watch only

    any other jelwery gives me the heebie jeebies.

    my father lost a finger in a milling machine because of a ring....and i saw an electrician blow a finger off when he shorted 2 hi viltage breaker bars with his platnium wedding ring...poof....

    also saw a really nasty pic of a lady who slipped and fell on the ice...as she fell she grabbed at a nearby fence..caught her ring on a spike...and you can guess the rest.

    so....needless to say i dont wear rings. when i try they just feel uncomftrable. like a bad idea.

    i even dont like wearing watches with too robust of a steel braclet..rather loose the watch than the hand. :)

    ive always got my paws in some moving mechanical thing or another. ;)

    sad though cause i see a lot of rings (chrome hearts) that i like.

    Have to admit, I've also seen/heard my fair share of rings being the causes of industrial accidents, but fortunately, I don't have a career which would put me in such a situation where a ring could pose a danger (other than freak accidents like the lady who slipped...) An interesting story I heard on another forum was of a British dock worker who's watch strap got caught in a crane hoist, got pulled into the air (I forget how high), whereupon the strap gave way and he fell to his death :mellow:

  5. Lol. If you enter the US you are scanned...IDed...fingerprints...what the [censored]... they would have IDed you :)

    But good thing anyway.

    Yes, it's easier for legal aliens such as I was, because of the full complement of fingerprints, background checks, physician vettings you have to go through.

    It would be doubtful that TeeJay here would have been in a John Doe situation, even if he were just in a confused state and had to be admitted to hospital -- which however, might've taken a few days to resolve.

    Ahh, I never got far enough into the immigration process to find this out :lol: Oh well, at least I have a momento which serves to keep me vigilant of others ^_^

    I mean, is there any country with more ID cards, more police checks, etc. etc. than Germany, and remember that Piano Man mystery some years ago? Lasted for MONTHS.

    He was a Bavarian.

    I remember hearing about that, but didn't realize they'd identified him as it pretty much drifted out of the news... Any other details on who he was?

    Queen Louise of Sweden (British-born) loved to shop in London, like anyone else, and went totally alone to Harrods, etc. No ladies-in-waiting, no police, nothing.

    But she too was concerned that something might happen to her, for example, be run over by a car, and no one would be able to identify her (LOL).

    Lightning struck one day, and she put inside her handbag a long white piece of paper with this message in black capitals:



    Smart lady :lol:

  6. Having really only worn automatics (with the exception of a damaged automatic movement which required hand-winding) I've really grown accustomed to the handwinding of PAMs. Sure, it's nice to have an automatic on the wrist and know that it'll take care of itself, but, having to hand wind a watch leads to a somewhat symbiotic relationship with the watch. The wearer relies on the watch to tell the time. The watch relies on the wearer to wind it.

    I've never yet worn my 111h to the full extend of it's power reserve (as I didn't want it to stop and not realize until later when I might've actually needed to know precicely what the time was) so I tend to wind it every night before going to bed. Can't wait to get it back from having the movement cleaned ^_^

  7. Ach, admit it. It's so the pub know where to send you home in the taxi at the end of the night! :victory:

    If only :lol: In all seriousness, about 3 years ago I very nearly emigrated to the US, but things fell through at the last minute. I was concerned that if anything happened to me while I was in America, and if I was mugged, then any ID in my wallet or passport would be gone, and I didn't really fancy winding up 'John Doe' in an unmarked grave, so I ordered a Canadian dog tag engraved with my name, date of birth, National Insurance number, and the dialing code for my parent's house from the US. The plans all fell through one evening when, I'd suspected I was being messed around, and confronted the person about it, and, indeed I was. The next morning, the tag arrived, so I took that as a memento to trust my instincts about people :)

    Gee - I need a glyph of my own. :g:This is like your own The Artist Formerly Known as Prince thing, right?

    Pretty much. I use it as a signature on artwork I do rather than signing my name.

  8. I always wear jewellery which seldom, if ever, comes off that 'appendage' for more than a few moments. I wear:

    10mm Stainless Steel ring on my right middle finger

    6mm engraved Sterling Silver court ring (engagement ring) on my left 'ring finger'. When I get married, the wedding band will be a platinum recreation.

    Haemetite bead bracelet (left wrist)

    Watch (right wrist)

    Canadian dog tag (like Hugh Jackman wore in X-Men but with my own details on it (emergency ID for when I nearly emigrated to the US 3 years ago, and kept as a reminder to always trust my initial instincts about people))

    I've never been one for wearing tie clips or lapel pins, although I will wear cuff-links if wearing a suit.

    [Edit to add]

    I forgot to say tattoos as well. A tribal design (inspired by the design Snipes wore in Blade) across my shoulders, collar bones, neck and upper arms, and signature glyphs on both inner wrists(mine on my left wrist, my fiance's on my right) My signature glyph is also on the back of my neck, and was the first tattoo I had.

  9. So I'm pathetic because I contribute to the forum, not just in posts, but also by helping how I can financially?

    False choice. I never said that at all. You made a comment about supporting the forum, as if your support of the forum actually had any relevence at all, and made your opinion more valid than mine. I said you were pathetic for having that opinion. Not for supporting the forum. Quite a difference, but nice attempt to deflect the issue.

    This is actually a good point.

    So answer the question. What do I, and my opinions, matter to you? If nothing, why bother going into a rant about them?

    Not really, TJ. You seem to be getting a little worked up, however.

    Not at all.

    And why not? You post that you are so tired of re-typing stuff that can be looked up, right?


    I said I did not like repeating myself when discussing my opinions, which, given the times I have discussed them, I would expect most people who regularly read the forum to be familiar with. Quite a difference there. Just to re-state things, you said:

    There are also many dealers that sell unbranded versions of their replica's.

    I replied:

    Name them and link to images from their sites where they do this.

    All you've done so far is throw one name out. WHere are these 'many dealers' that sell unbranded versions of their replicas? Sure people sell unbranded/clone watches on eBay, but they don't also sell the branded ones. Again, you made this statement, the onus in on you to prove your point.

    Never said "loads". You have a bad habit of doing that, TJ. I remember that from the last time you and I 'talked'. The words are right there for you to see. No need to make up your own, or to exaggerate.

    Sorry, you said "many". The two words are rather interchangeable. They both mean 'a lot'. As I said, I have not seen 'forum collectors' or dealers on sales sites selling unbranded versions of the branded watches which they sell.

    Again with the making up of words. Never said this, TJ.

    Homer is one of the forums 'recommended dealers'. The same comment as above.

    I probably will later. Right now, you are my entertainment until the hockey game starts.

    You admit your trolling behaviour.

    Oh, but you are. Big time.

    No I'm not. Where have I used juvenile insults? You've called me 'numbnuts' and 'tool'. I have simply pointed out what you are. A lurker and a troll. You even admitted your trolling behaviour above, by considering me 'your amusement'. You accuse me of making things up, yet are doing the exact same thing here:

    It cracks me up when people lament the 'outrageous' prices a genuine Rolex, Omega or Panerai fetches, but they have no problem wearing a fake with these names painted on the dial with the obvious intent of fooling folks into thinking they DO own one of these pieces. If you're really going to thump your chest at the outrage these theives perpetrate with their crazy prices, why not buy a Seiko and support a company that sells something you can afford? I could even respect a person like this if he/she wore a non-branded 'copy'. But wearing a replica while getting preachy about the costs of a genuine? Hmm..


    You've been going off how no matter how much money you had, you would never buy one out of principal, but you're okay with a rep that makes folks think you bought one. Makes your 'principals' seem ambiguous, at best.

    You say you appreciate the product, want the product, but won't pay for one and never would. But you have no problem wearing a replica of that product, with that products name on it, that will clearly be interpreted by anyone looking that you DO own a genuine version of the product, and that you DO support the company. THIS is where you and I differ, and THIS is what I've been talking about. Not your opinion - you're entitled to have as many as you like! It's your BS double standards that I'm talking about.

    Your overall argument is flawed as you are working under the assumption that I wear branded reps so that other people think I am wearing the genuine item. I have said numerous times, that I do not wear watches to impress others, I wear them for my own pleasure. I have also said numerous times, that if someone actually cared enough to ask me about the watch I was wearing, I would tell them what it was (a replica) I also said, that thus far, no 'random stranger' has ever enquired about my watch, and that here, people do not tend to strike up conversation with others about their clothing.

    Lurkers rarely post. I don't have thousands, but I do have 150. Hardly a lurker.

    150 posts since december. That's slightly less than 15 in a month. Barely one post every two days. That's hardly contributing to the conversations and community here is it.

    You, however, are a tool. All one has to do is read any of your posts to get that sense.

    In your opinion. Others would disagree with you.

    But, as you mentioned above, I supposed I could ignore you.

    And yet you didn't, and started acting like a troll.

    I participate, TJ. Both with conversation, and as a RWG supporter.

    An average of 1 post every two days hardly qualifies as participating with conversaton, and as mentioned previously, forum support is irrelevent to this issue, yet you brought it up to try and make yourself and your opinion sound more important than mine.

    And I don't start fights

    You did here, by your comments about my opinions, although you weren't really brave enough to just directly address them to me, instead, you used the typical troll tactic of making a comment and hoping someone would bite and respond. You admitted above that you considered me 'your amusement', so that puts your comments squarely in the realm of trolling.

    And TJ, how many times do I have to say that you HAVE made your thoughts very clear here. No need for further clarification as I've got a good handle on it.


    If that was true, why were you laboring under the assumption that I wear my watches to impress other people, or so they can make an incorrect assumption about me? I've clearly said several times why I don't like Clone Watches, and that an unbranded watch would not be 'visually accurate' to the original item which I like, and, as my issue is with commercialism and artificially inflated price tags, I want (for my own pleasure) a watch which is as reasonably accurate (in terms of form and markings) as the original, at a reasonable price for the item. If someone who collected reproduction prints of famous paintings was to buy a print of a famous painting, they are not going to want to buy one which has a key detail missing. They might, however, tollerate a print which is on poor quality paper, or a poor quality print, providing all the essential details are present. That is why I prefer reps which are essentially accurate (even if there are slight inaccuracies). However, the key issue which you have ignored, is that the only person I buy my watches for, is myself.

  10. The Radiomir line is too dressy for me, and vintage does nothing for me.

    I buy watches to wear them,

    Hey Estaban,

    just out of curiosity ,because you've mentioned it,like many others in here,how come a purely action piece like the Radiomir became a mutant dress watch?

    And I agree with you fully,that watches are for the wearing , not for museum like exhibits.

    Personally, I'd say something along the sames lines as Esteban: The lines of the watch. Compared to other PAMs, it doesn't have a huge crown guard (which stops PAMs looking 'formal dressy') and the strap doesn't really attach to the watch by lugs, but the wires make the watch look almost 'suspended' from the strap, which gives it a more 'delicate' appearance. I guess on a NATO strap, it probably could look quite rugged and functional, but on a decent leather, it looks more sophisticated rather than rugged :)

  11. At least this lurker is a RWG supporter. You?

    And you think that because you contribute financially to the forum that makes your opinion more valid than mine? What a pathetic individual you are.

    It calls into question your credibility, numbnuts. I know you're not so stupid that you can't figure that out.

    Riiight. And my 'credibility' matters to you why?

    Umm, no, I didn't have a go at 'other peoples opinions'. I took issue with you and you alone, TJ.

    And me and my opinions, again, matters to you why?

    Also, me being a cheap SOB and you being a hypocrite are two different things.

    Sorry, but there's only one hypocrite here, and that's you, getting your boxers in a bunch because you can't get your head round an opinion you find too contradictory.

    Nice try, TJ. The information is readily available and the topic has been discussed many times before. If you don't know how to look the information up, that's your problem, but it doesn't invalidate what I said.

    I don't have to look anything up. You're the one who cited that loads of dealers sell unbranded versions of their watches. I pointed out that I have never seen any of the forum dealers selling unbranded watches, and asked you to name and link to examples. Not because I can't find the information, but because the onus is on you to prove your point.

    Just to give you a hint, try looking for information about Homer (exclusive watches on E-Bay), for one.

    And how many others of the forum's 'recommended collectors' sell unbranded reps?

    And you're a tool to be devoutly ignored.


    So ignore me. I'm not the one having to resort to juvenile insults because I can't articulate myself properly. And before you try and use 'lurker and troll' as examples, sorry, but that's just describing you for what you are. Someone who lurks on a forum without contributing participation, and who trys to start fights for self-amusement. Try fishing from another bridge, I've got better things to do than try and further clarify my opinions to someone who's 'opinion' means nothing to me.

  12. Oh forget it. When I'm about to go outside, since my torch is right next to my watch cabinet, I immediately grab it and place it on my watchface for 5 minutes!

    Lady with the Lamp. :)

    Yes, vanity. But it looks SO COOL!

    Practical too :) Not much point in a dial having luminous markers, if, when you're exposed to darkness, it doesn't actually glow :lol: Sure, holding the dial an inch from your eye and squinting works in a pinch, but it's hardly ideal ;)

  13. it's clear that I'm wasting my time here (and everyone else's)

    That pretty much sums it up, lurker. Deflection, inconsistency, call it what you want. What does any 'ambiguity' or 'inconsistency' on my part matter to you? At the end of the day, you're the one who's admited to being a cheap SOB and then started having a go at other people's opinions, so that makes you a hypocrite. You also said that many dealers sold unbranded versions of their watches, and when asked to provide links to such, you failed to deliver.

    You're a lurker, a troll, and not worth any more attention.

    Edit to add:

    You've been going off how no matter how much money you had, you would never buy one out of principal, but you're okay with a rep that makes folks think you bought one. Makes your 'principals' seem ambiguous, at best.

    I'm not responsible for what people think. As mentioned above, if someone chooses to think that a watch I am wearing is genuine, then that's down to them. If they cared enough to take a moment to ask me, I would tell them what it was. It is up to them to care enough to ask. Most people don't. Incase you hadn't noticed, I don't exactly buy Super Reps. Anyone with the slightest bit of product knowledge could point out the flaws on my Omegas and Panerai watches. I don't flash my watches about hoping someone will notice them and make a comment, as I've said before, I don't wear watches to impress others, I wear them because I like how they look. Also, brandname and product are two entirely different issues. A brandname can often be held to all kinds of standards which, in reality, the product itself simply does not live up to. Rolex Submariner as a case in point. A clasp made of thin, stamped stainless steel. Totally unacceptable for a watch of that price, and at the bottom of the table when compared to the manufacture of clasps by Omega, Panerai, Vacheron Constantin and others. Brandname says the watch is awesome, but the product itself falls short. Also, not that it's really any of your business or it really matters, but with the exception of the VCs and Panerais, I could have afforded to purchase all the other watches in my collection genuine had I wanted to do so. I chose not to do so, because at the end of the day, I don't think any watch is worth more than a few hundred dollars at most, and, just because I am not prepared to pay an artificially, corporate-set price tag, that is no reason why I should not have a similar, more reasonably priced product which I find aesthetically pleasing.

  14. Estaban/Caseydog:

    Right now I am agreeing with you. I think that the 111h is a classic and the best. Of course, I have also heard via PM that I should sell them all and get a good 112.....What to do? What to do?


    To be honest, the 112 was the watch I was really after, but my dealer didn't have one, so I 'settled' for the 111h. I prefer the look of the 112 as it's doesn't have the complication of the second sweep, it's just a clear, simple, plain dial with immediately noticeable, easily readable hands. Between the two models, personally, I think it's just a matter of personal taste as to which you prefer. If you're definitely trying to thin out the collection, I would suggest keeping the one which best fits your requirements :) Omega used to be my favorite watches to wear, but, the most important thing to me when wearing a watch, is that it's easy for me to read at a glance. Can't get much easier than a 111h/112 :)

  15. The 'obvious' part comes from the fact that your watch(s) says Rolex, or Panerai, when in fact it is neither. Seems pretty obvious to me, at least?

    And so your opinion about what I personally feel or do is in any way valid how? You don't know me from Adam, I don't think we've ever spoken on these forums, so how dare you assume that you know my personal motivations better than I do.

    Ahh, so do you wear a sign that points at your watch and says: 'Not real, but you too can own one of your own by visiting this website!'? And tell me, why would it feel good to be recognized for wearing a brand that your are principally opposed to owning?

    Oh shut up, and quit being facetious. Given that not many of my friends are particularly into watches, it was nice when someone actually recognized it, rather than it simply being ignored as 'a watch'. (bearing in mind we were discussing what I'd spent some inheritance money on and had handed it to him to look at) It was nice that it was something we were able to talk about for the sake of conversation. You might feel the need to constantly impress your friends, but don't project your own habits onto me.

    Never said that you did, or do, go around telling people that you spent 'stupid' money on the watch you're wearing. You just allow them to think that you do. Clever!

    I don't, but I know that there are people on these forums who do. Personally, I let someone make up their own mind. If someone chooses to ask me about a watch I'm wearing, I'll tell them about it. If someone chooses not to speak to me, then that's their business. For example, about a week ago, I was sitting on a bus wearing a T-Shirt and a 111h. Someone sat next to me, and couldn't take their eyes off it. They didn't say anything to me, and I was more interested in looking out the window. Chances are they'd never even seen a watch like it so didn't know what it was, the issue of it being gen or rep probably never even occured to them. Perhaps where you come from it's common for people to strike up conversation with total strangers asking them about their clothing. Where I come from, it's not something people do.

    There are dozens of labels that make very close copies of ALL the major brands. Invicta, Seiko, Sandoz, etc, ALL make copies of the more popular styles. None of them say Rolex or Panerai on them though.

    Yes, clone watches. I've commented about those several times before, which is why I find it tedious to have to respond like this to someone who chose to try and start something about an issue they could simply have read previous comments on.

    I don't like clone watches, because I feel the companies who make them are gaining the benefit from another company's experience, but passing it off as their own. Rep watches might also be copies, but they are at least still giving the credit to the original parent company.

    There are also many dealers that sell unbranded versions of their replica's.

    Name them and link to images from their sites where they do this.

    I've never seen any of the forum dealers, or dealers on sales sites selling unbranded clones. The only one I can think of, I've forgotten the name of, but they still brand the watches as Marine Diver (Panerai) and such like, and even then, they apparently deal more as a wholesaler than individual orders.

    If it's simply 'getting close', why not choose one of these options and demonstrate fully your high ideals of not supporting these 'overpriced' genuines? Why does it have to say Omega on the dial if not to fool someone into thinking it's the genuine article?

    For the reason I gave above. I like how a specific watch looks, so do not want something which has a different brand name on it. As I've said before, I'm cheap. I want the watch, but am not prepared to pay the price tag as I don't think they are worth the price the company sells them for.

    I see little reason to own a replica if not to 'pass it off' as genuine, either to yourself, and/or to others, beyond simply not being capable of affording the genuine article.

    And you think your opinion is all that matters?

    There are many reasons to own a replica, most all of which are just a valid as the next. Can't afford the real one. Appreciate the detail of the duplication. Whatever. But for someone to say that they won't own a genuine article, such as you, because of some high moral standards of commerce, but have no problem wearing a replica that will make people think that you do, smacks of contradiction.

    Just because you don't agree with, or more likely, can't understand my opinion, that does not make it wrong.

    Personally, I think you're just a cheap SOB who tries to deflect that fact by taking an economic 'moral' high ground.

    Good for you. I couldn't really care less what someone who's been lurking on the site for 11 months thinks of me. And yes, I am cheap. I've said that before on several occasions and don't deny it. As for 'deflecting the fact', sorry, but that's just not correct. See my comments above about Pepsi or clothing. This is not a philosophy that I apply to expensive, high-end products, but every aspect of my life. Oh, and given you said you were also cheap, what gives you the right to try and assume a moral highground?

    If you really were so much against these companies, and were truly put out by their business practices and prices, you would never wear a watch with their name on it, whether it was to fool someone or not.

    Why? My issue is not with the product, but the companies, as mentioned previously.

    If you don't appreciate these comments, perhaps you should be more careful with how you express yourself in a public forum as eventually, someone is going to disagree with you.


    I express my self very carefully on public forums, and have always been very clear about my opinions on such issues. Maybe you should take more care to read and comprehend what other people write rather than getting on your high horse. I have no problem with people disagreeing with me. I do have an issue with having to repeat myself because someone either did not read, or could not understand previous similar comments I made. You said that you were a cheap SOB, precicely how are you a cheap SOB, and how does your opinion on such things differ from mine, or are you just being hypocritical and acting like a troll to get a bite?

  16. What I'm wearing determines the watch I'll put on. At present, my default watch is my 45mm Planet Ocean. Once I get my 111h back from having the movement cleaned, that will be getting the priority wrist time, and, depending on the answer from my dealer, as my fiance bought me a 127 for my birthday (which is being returned due to a faulty crown guard lever) that will become the watch I wear most (for my own sake :lol: ) and will either be another 127, or a PVD 111h :)

  17. just be careful sending it back and hope the chinese customs dont get it. If i were you, i would look for a local solution first and failing that, then send it back. UNless of course you are in the same country then theres no issue returning it.

    I've sent watches back to China before and never had a problem with seizures. I've never had a problem with a seizure coming into the country either. Given that those who genuinely do have seizures tend to post panicked posts of "I've just got a letter from customs, WTF do I do???!!!!!" I suspect that the response to emails asking about a delay along the lines of "It was seized and shipped again..." are just [censored]. A while back, I might have been generous enough to say little white lies, but I've had enough of that kind of thing, and don't see why I should spare the blushes of anyone who's caught lying to someone about something. Call it as it is, describe the situation as is, and everyone's happy :)

    The watch has also been posted back earlier today :)

  18. It cracks me up when people lament the 'outrageous' prices a genuine Rolex, Omega or Panerai fetches, but they have no problem wearing a fake with these names painted on the dial with the obvious intent of fooling folks into thinking they DO own one of these pieces. If you're really going to thump your chest at the outrage these theives perpetrate with their crazy prices, why not buy a Seiko and support a company that sells something you can afford? I could even respect a person like this if he/she wore a non-branded 'copy'. But wearing a replica while getting preachy about the costs of a genuine? Hmm..

    Now ME, on the other hand... Ya, I'm a cheap SOB!! :)

    Obvious intent? I don't know about you, but I've never told someone one of my watches was genuine, or let someone believe it was. Sure, it felt good when a friend actually recognized the brand of a watch I was wearing, and said it was a nice watch, but I immediately told him it was a rep, and then showed him the site I'd bought it from. So speak for yourself, but don't try labelling me as one of the wannabes who go around flashing their rep and telling people it's genuine and that they paid stupid money for it, because that's something I've never done, and never will.

    As for why not buy a Seiko or non-branded company, for the simple reason that I like how specific watches look, so want something which is visually similar to that. Note I didn't say identical. I'm not somone who mods watches and swaps them out with gen parts in the attempt of fooling themselves and others that it makes the watch genuine. I don't even buy the high-price reps. I buy the cheapest reps I can, which have the closest appearance to the watch I like. As long as the dial does not read Qmega or Banerai, I'm really not fussed about minor details like it having the wrong strap or movement, simply becasue I don't buy reps to fool other people into thinking they are real. I buy them for my own pleasure, not for the image they convey. If someone wants to think my watches are genuine, that's their business. If someone actually asks me, or makes a comment like my friend did, I always tell them the watch is a replica.

    I don't buy genuine watches, or any other brand named product for the same reason. I don't like paying more for a product than it is worth. If I can save money by purchassing a cheaper generic or even replica version of something -anything- then I will. I wear unbranded shoes and jeans. I'll drink supermarket cola rather than buying Pepsi. If I drove, I'd want a kit-car rather than a pretigeous marque.

    Sure, there are some folks here who do buy watches to pass them off as genuine, but I'm not one of them, and given your comment appeared directed at me, I don't appreciate your implication that I am, especially when I have made my opinion on this subject very clear in the past (making the majority of my above post a repeat of what I've previously said)

  19. Who prefers reps to gens?

    I dooo :lol:

    Primarily for economic reasons, ie my opinions on consumerism and brand-name worship, but alsop because they do allow people to have a more varied collection, and to try marques which would normally be financially prohibited...

    On the issue would I ever replace my reps with gens? That would be a resounding never. All my collection (bar two watches) all have some kind of sentimental value (ie received as gift/bought with inheritance etc) which a gen replacement would simply not have. In a sense, that watch would be a 'replica' of the original watch which I owned. With regards buying new gens, then my opinion is still one of economy and value for money. I simply don't think such brandnames deserve to command such high prices, and, even if I had a huge lotto win, I think I would still have the same ethos of only paying what a product is worth. It's often said that the richest people are often the most tight with their money.

  20. The lever on the crown guard on my new 127 won't completely close (stays out by about 2-3mm) I'm wondering if anyone can give any suggestions to alleviate this?

    I've tried looking at how it closes, and can't see any abnormal contact points which a quick filing would take care of. I first thought it might be the lever resting on the lower screw, but, even when the assembly was removed from the watch, and there was no screw in place, the lever still would not fully locate into place.

    Any suggestions?

    I've emailed the dealer asking if I can either have a replacement crown guard or just replace the entire watch, but thought it might be worth seeing if a little 'barnyard engineering' might solve the problem first :lol:

  21. No, not at all. :)

    I went to the en suite toilet, which has no window, and shone the torch for about 1 minute. Turned off the torch, and took a quick photo in complete darkness. Same procedure with the bottom photo.

    Let me try to show you a photo of the torch I bought (on eBay). What you wrote is a bit too techy for me. :)

    EDIT: Oops, not 140 UV lightbulbs. Just 41!

    "UV 41 LEDs light burn life of around 100000 hours

    2 modes of operation: Press on/off button ONCE - 21 LED mode / Press on/off button TWICE - 41 LED mode

    Aluminium body

    Ideal as a pocket flashlight

    Can act as money detector

    Twist for constant on/off

    Powered by 4 x AAA batteries (not included)

    Size: 143 x 53mm"

    I used mode number 2, the one with the most lightbulbs.

    Looks exactly like this:


    Hmm! Interesting interesting, indeed.

    And yes, I saw your wonderful Fiddy. GORGEOUS! Shame it has to go back, but there you are. The usual rep watch owner merry-go-round. :mellow:

    @All who replied with info: THANKS! I begin to understand why the variations occured. Any more first-hand info would be lovely.

    That's really interesting that your markers and hands still flouresced different colors once the light source had been removed, I guess it could be down to slightly different lume materials being used on the hands and markers (whenever I see photos like this, it's always the same color seperation, ie dial/markers blue, hands green)

    The torch itself looks fairly standard, so I'm at a loss to explain the different results, but the UV light I've used (a Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver) always produces an even green glow after charging.

    I have to admit, I do rather like it :D Although not quite as much as the 111h :huh: I'm not too keen on how the domed crystal distorts the edges of the dial and reflections, where the 111h crystal provides a more uniform view... That said, the 127 case, being 'less blocky' is very nice, and more 'subtle' than the 111h. I'm still waiting on a reply from my dealer, but I'm hoping I'll just be able to install a new crown guard rather than having to totally replace the whole watch... :)

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