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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Awesome watches, and, on another note, nice to see a non-standard wedding ring. My fiance got me a heavy sterling silver court ring as an engagement ring. It engraved with random lines, reminiscent of the engravings on the Stargate. When we get married later next year, I'm going to have an identical ring made in platinum as a wedding band :)

    Looks like it was a great day out :)

  2. Okay, I'm being very sad today. I am wearing this:


    Why is this sad? Well, because the movement is dead and it doesn't tell the time. I just couldn't stand wearing my Rolexes any more, and had to wear an Omega, even if it was a broken one... My 45mm should arrive in a few days, and I'm starting to lose the plot in anticipation :D

  3. The watch Daniel Craig wore in Layer Cake? I haven't any photos, I'm afraid... I suspect it to be something in the 'Rolex Line', possibly an Air King, or maybe a Tudor (there is one shot in the film that shows the clasp on the inside of his wrist)

    Just idle curiousity really, but thanks in advance :)

  4. I like to wear my watches quite loose. Not so loose as to completely 360 around my wrist, but certainly loose enough to put a couple of fingers between the bracelet/strap. As a result, they tend to naturally sit at the bottom of my wrist. The only watch I found uncomfortable like this, was my 42mm Planet Ocean, on the Stainless Steel Bracelet, when it came back from having the crown repaired. Before it went away, I didn't find it at all uncomfortable, but, in the week or so before it actually came back to me, I'd been wearing my 2531.80 project watch on the rubber strap, so had gotten used to how that felt, and when the PO came back, I was very aware of the SS links against the edges of my hand. Not truly uncomfortable, but enough to be noticeable and hard to ignore. Once I put the PO on the rubber strap, it was so comfortable, it was like I wasn't wearing a watch at all :thumbsupsmileyanim: Can't wait to get my 45mm PO through, as that will be my 'daily beater', and when my SMP comes back from being repaired (new movement installed and waterproofed) that will be my 'smart' watch :)

  5. sucks your jammed up like that TeeJay. Why not buy a new one, and swap the movement into the old one yourself? Maybe someone can do it for you here cheaper if you don't want to try yourself.

    Well, it was my own fault for not heeding my own advise about leaving regulation to the professionals... I could buy another and swap the movements myself, I've done that before with no problems whatsoever (untill I then tried to regulate the movements...) but I'd then be left with a duplicate watch I'd have no need for, so it's just as easy to pay for the repair :)

  6. Awesome photos, Stephane :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Mkes me miss my SMP something chronic though... I got a call from the watchsmith today and they confirmed it will need a total movement swap as I'd killed it (apparently beyond repair, but I don't see how if all I touched were the regulating and beat arms...) The new movement is costing twice what I paid for the watch. Economically, it would be cheaper to buy an entirely new watch. Emotionally, that isn't an option, as I paid for the watch with a small amount of money my gran left for me before passing away. (It wasn't inheritance money, but it was money she wanted me to have) so that watch has some real emotional meaning, even though I only wore it for a few days before failing to regulate it... Enought about my woes though... Awesome photos and awesome watch, I'm sure your friend will love it.

  7. A bit of an old thread to be sure, but I'll just throw my .2c into the mix... I agree entirely with the comment Kanerich made. To think the dealers do not have a good grasp of English is insulting. Anyone who does business in another language would either make the effort to learn it themselves to a sufficient degree, or, they would use an interperting facility. If I buy something, I expect it to be precicely as it was advertized/sold, as anything else is dishonest, and false-advertizing (which is a crime) I do not expect perfection in a replica watch, and I certainly do not crave or strive for it. I want a watch that, when I look at it, says Omega Seamaster, not Qmega Seameister. I'm not someone who wants the watches to pass for the gen item to impress others (or get one over on ADs) I just want something that will look reasonably accurate for my collection. If a watch is not described as perfect, I would not expect it to be perfect. If it is described as perfect, then I expect it to be a flawless replication (although I would appreciate that that level of replication actually means either swapping out every part, or just buying a gen watch)

  8. I have started to notice that some of the older gen. SMPs I have seen have started to show heavy yellowing of the markers and pearls. When I saw the picture of the previous generation SMP (the top one) it reminded me of some of the vintage gen Subs I have seen.

    I've always thought that if I had a "rough" genuine Submariner, there's no way that I would restore the dial, band and bezel. That just adds character.

    Over the past 10 years, I have become a huge Omega fan and I actually like the size and feel of a SMP better than a Sub. I've been "vintaging" a few Rolex reps but unfortunatly if you want a quality vintage Rolex rep, you have to start with a MBW. Sorry but I'm not spending that much on a rep to modify. By the time you buy a MBW and all of the needed genuine parts, you'd have as much invested as you could buy a gen. used SMP. I know it's all a matter of opinion, but I have owned both and I like the Omegas better. I'm at the point anymore that I almost dread wearing my gen Datejust, the first thing out of everyones mouth is "is that a real one?"

    I have a rep ETA UPO and a couple asian GMTs, but I am really wanting to get a Bond style SMP and "vintage" it some to give it some character. Yellow the markers, bleach the insert and give the bracelet some patina. I figure I'd start with an ETA SMP, maybe from Silix so I'd have no more than $180.00 or so invested.

    Mainly just wanted to let who ever post this topic before that "I'm with ya". I think it's a good idea and would be an interesting project. I may do it soon and if I do, I'll post pics. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I know what you mean, I prefer Omegas over Rolex, because as you say, the size and feel is better. I like the sound of your vintaging project, best of luck with it :) How were you planning on yellowing the markers?

  9. josh does not carry this exact piece, its not either one.

    A certain member here ran into problems with this dealer a few days or weeks ago when

    his shpmt was delayed. The dealers reason ; "did some quality testing & turned out the piece wasnt upto

    standard so had to reorder from supplier..." or somethn in those lines.

    Thats utter Bull if you asked me & just an excuse for the delay.

    Fair enough, I only wondered as it wouldn't be the first time they'd have sold a customer something other than exactly what was advertized...

    With regards the comment about the shipment delay, I've actually had two messages from different dealers along those lines. One was with a 42mm Planet Ocean. Two were on order, one was fine, the other movement died while they were checking it, so they told me about it and offered me an exchange or refund. I took the exchange, and got my Daytona. The second happened today. I've ordered a 45mm Planet Ocean from a new dealer, and had asked that they swap the bracelet for one on another of their auctions ('My' watch only had etching on the clasp, the other, an identical watch but with the pumpkin numerals, had engraving on the clasp) They'd said they would swap them over, but emailed a few hours later to say that they'd been unsuccessfull in swapping the bracelets, and would throw in a free leather strap as compensation for not being able to keep their word on the bracelet swap. Now, as much as I like leather straps, I'd only wear the 45mm Planet Ocean on rubber, so asked if they could make it a rubber strap instead of the leather, to which they replied no problem. I know it'll be the Seamaster Strap rather than the Planet Ocean Strap, but it'll be good enough till I can get the Planet Ocean strap through. I also paid extra for express shipment, so I'll have to wait and see how quick it arrives. A bit rambly, I know, but I just wanted to point out that sometimes, messages about 'delays' really are genuine delays :)

  10. No fresh wrist shot, I'm afraid, but I'm wearing my Daytona as the lume fell out of the pearl recess on my Submariner... Oh well, I'll just order another new insert (this will be the second replacement insert, both through 'failures' of the pearl) I really wish I had my SMP back from being water-proofed and regulated...

  11. thnx alot for cheering me up :whistling:

    I feel alot better now after that initial shock.

    The watch was listed as Omega Broad Arrow for Man New Dial : Lemania Manual

    The dent is not bad, but its there and noticeable to the eye & touch.

    A new dial is a must.

    I"m surprised this happened to me at all, after all this particular dealer claimed to another

    forum member that he does QC before shipping out. <_<<_<

    Would this particular dealer be named Andrew or Joshua by any chance?

  12. I'm sure that I read a post here a month or so back where someone asked opinions on "vintaging" Seamasters. I can't find it now, but I don't think many (if any) posted opinions on this issue. I thought that it was an interesting idea. The current Seamasters are old enough now that seeing one "well worn" would be a possibility. I was on the net trying to buy gens when I ran across these two watches. Granted they are a previous generation but they kind of make me wonder if a vintaged SMP rep might be a fun project. Heck, some of the Rolex guys think a vintaged "red" is cool, why not a SMP?



    That could well have been me. I've previously asked about vintaging. I accidentally vintaged the dial of my 2531.80 project watch by leaving it under a daylight lamp for a few hours...

  13. I've seen a Vostok Europe watch which I quite like, and it has some awesome cobalt accents on the dial. Although it's a diver's watch, it's on a black leather strap with white stitching, and I think it would look better if the stitching complemented the cobalt accents on the dial. Can anyone recommend anyone who could re-stitch the strap, or would it be as easy to use a permanant marker pen to dye the white stitching? Thanks in advance :)

  14. So yea. I went to this party today for a barbecue wearing my Bentley GT.

    It was in a backyard... About half-way into the party my friend comes up to me and tells me that my watch is fake! So I give him a puzzled look and say what are you talking about? He says that some young guy at this party is a jeweler/watch dealer and he told him and a bunch of people that my watch is fake!

    So I come up to this guy and pull him to the side and ask him why he thinks that my watch is fake. He asks to to take it off and I do.

    So now I'm like damn he's gonna call me out on the font. But no, he pushes the button for the chronometer; it works. He still maintains that he has experience selling watches for 7 years and he is sure it is a fake. I press on for him to tell me why. He turns the watch over so I think he's gonna say something about the 't' not being crossed. Nope all is good here. He finally rotates the bezel and says that it should not rotate freely like this on the gen, and when he tried to set the time he said that the hour markers should rotate clockwise when adjusting the time, not counter-clockwise.

    He also tried to open the caseback at which point I was like uhm.. what are you doing? So he handed it back to me and I said I would take it up with the person I bought it from...

    This defininetly was not a pleasant expericen and I think this guy is an a**hole no? I mean he went around telling everyone he could find that my watch was a fake! I mean why would he do that.

    And what has me even MORE curious is the fact the he knew it was a fake by looking at it from my wrist, yet all the way he explained that it was fake were by touching it and moving the handles and bezel. He also said the bracelet didnt look right when he was holding it... But how was he able to deterine this by looking at it while it was on my wrist! Thoughts/Comments? What should I have said?

    As others said above, the guy was being a jerk by ridiculing you in public like that. It's possible that he didn't know your watch was a rep, but was just jealous (You said he was young) so just trying to make himself look/feel better by trying to make you look bad. It's also possible that something about your age/dress etc gave you away. I had a similar encounter where a snooty proprietor called out my Submariner. The fact my Submariner has previously passed as gen with an experienced jeweller (untill he opened the case) meant that this other snoot simply figured from my age/clothes that I couldn't afford a gen Rolex, so called me out. If I wanted gens, I'd buy gens, I buy reps because they're better value for money :)

  15. I'm afraid he doesn't have a website to buy from. You have to find his (daily) postings in the Timezone sales corner and contact him directly. He will then send you some attachments by email and you can go from there.

    Look in the gallery at speedmaster-mission.net (I won't link directly) and you can see the brown alligator on the Speedy. I got both brown and black exactly like that. They are 20/16mm (16mm buckle).

    Thanks for the info, I'll check it out :)

  16. I just got a pair of alligator straps with the double ridges (sport design) and curved ends to hug the case for my gen Speedmaster from Jurgen in Germany. They are far and away the nicest straps I have ever seen, and even have 'Omega' on the back side. I believe he used to supply Omega with their straps. In any case, he's highly recommended and can be found easily through the Timezone sales corner. -just an alternative to Ofrei and if you are not in the US, you can get alligator (Ofrei won't ship it out of the US)

    Could you PM me Jurgen's site, please? I've been looking at Ofrei for the Omega straps, and saw that he couldn't shipt alligator outside of the US, which was precicely what I was looking for... Thanks in advance :)

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