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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. @ TeeJay

    I'm not sure I get it.

    So, you don't want to pay 30$, right ?

    Because of cartel dealers ?

    Hmmm, I really don't get this point, but ok, let's think, who knows, maybe you're right.

    If I take 30$ and divide it by the number of lines you are posting here, I come to one conclusion: you're time is not expensive at all.

    If you are looking for a job, let me know.

    At that rate, it a bargain.


    As I said before, it is not a matter of the actual cost, it is a matter of the principle, and what that cost represents. I do not approve of the behaviour of the Cartel dealers, so I see no reason why I should indirectly give them the 'closed market' which exists here. Personally, I feel reviews should be open to everyone to read, and should remain solely that. Reviews. If people want to say who they bought a watch from, then I feel that could be handled privately.

    My time can be very expensive when I am 'on the clock' and actually working :D I'm quite happy with my current employment status, but thankyou for the offer :)

  2. TeeJay, stop.

    You took too much space already...or send some $$$ to the cartel, who knows, you might get another FREE vip period. :o

    This is why I wanted to leave it before, but no, Crys couldn't let that happen and had to push the issue.

    $$$ to the cartel?? I'd rather mop the floor at a peep show then send any Cartel dealer a single penny. Hell, I might even pay for a VIP subscription just to shut people up. Nice way of proving the point that others made that those without VIP subscriptions are made to feel guilty and hassled into paying. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. TJ...lay off the crack...it doesnt do you any good

    As you demonstrated in the LWL thread...you have no boundries arguing your point to death when something gets under your skin. There is a psychological term for the pathologically argumentative but I'll use the lay mans term of "last word freak". You sure as hell smell putridly of paranoid delusions accusing well seasoned and balanced members of attacks and your points of argument, like an excellent delusional person, are so off the main topic and so run on "ok ...bring it on...I'll argue the next point to death" that you are making a first class fool of yourself. OK...you proudly proclaim you never intend to pay for a subscription here...great...I hope TT...one of the unbiased, nonjudgemental moderators here..is right and the community of "collectors" take note of your juvenile attitude. The fact that you post rationally 90% of the time and the other 10% you show up like Mike Tyson ready to bite off an ear demonstrates something is seriously wrong with you.

    Now bring it on...quote me...argue it to death...pull apart what I said sentence by sentence...refute every point....light up another pipe....and demonstrate to the community what an a-hole you are.

    I think you were supposed to be making a point about 'maturity' earlier on, and now you accuse me of being a paranoid crackhead. Right. That's real mature isn't it.

    Let's see. Edge had the balls to start a thread which proved that Andrew and Joshua were people who lied about their products and the services carried out on them, yet people refused to believe it. Even now I see people writing about a bad deal they had from them, as if it totally unexpected. The writing's been on the wall for a long time. As for the other dealers, I haven't any experiences with the majority of them, so I have no opinion on them. My opinion of Silix has gone way down, following our recent deal. I've seen several people saying that their orders were delayed as the watches 'failed the quality check', a few people said it was 'Chinese Promises', I felt it was a plausible reason, as I've had QCd watches from other dealers. So, when my new X-33 turns up, having been posted seven days after I paid for it, and with a movement on the verge of death, I am not impressed by any claims of QCs being carried out. To add insult to injury, it is then suggested that I might want to pay for the dealer to ship a replacement for a faulty watch which they sent without QC. It's not my fault the watch has a dodgy movement, I've only asked them to ship replacement parts for a watch I paid 81 EUR for, despite the site stilladvertizing the watch for 49 EUR. Strange how that proved that they never QCd the watch, yet others have been stalled by saying watches have been QCd, isn't it. Or are you going to accuse me of being 'paranoid' about that too?

    Sure, last word freak is certainly a term that could apply to me. I am not someone who is prepared to back down over a point simply because someone else disagrees with my opinion, and am definitley not prepared to back down or revise my view unless I am actually proven wrong. I'm a reasonable person, if someone proves me wrong, then I'll gladly change my opinion accordingly, but until they do, I see no reason why I should change my point of view simply because it might be unpopular. My situation with Jay is still 'in negotiation', so I can only give the facts as they presently lay. Who knows, he may indeed send me the new movement and caseback at no extra charge (For what it's worth, at least Andrew and Josh ship replacements without question of the customer paying the shipping), he may even throw something in to make up the value of what I actually paid, Vs what the X-33 is actually advertized at on his site. If he does, then I'll be more than happy to recommend him as a good dealer. At the moment however, the 'Chinese promises' comment I read elsewhere, has certainly been proven true. So what 'attitude' precicely should the collectors take notice of? That I am someone who expects what I pay for to work, and to not be ripped off? I think that's something we all want. As I pointed out before, all my best deals have occured away from this forum, and from dealers who are not even spoken of here, other than as 'scammers', so forgive me if I'm finding my experiences somewhat contrary to yours.

  4. I feel there is too much based on the argument that they feel it is not justified to pay an amount for access to an area that they may not need, or due to the collectors that who are in those sections not being to the requirements or satisfaction they require. I for one don't use the VIP section all that much, I hardly ever purchase reps now, but being a part of this forum, and being involved in watches is a big part of my life now. For the sake of $30, it's not alot.

    I think Stephane's post has been taken rather differently form how he wished it to be taken. I think long term members should consider upgrading, because admin, who I can imagine stump a large part of the costs personally, could quite easily say, no, we've had enough, and pull the plug. The privilege for me is to be here now, typing, not to gain access to the collectors section.

    Teejay, I absolutely understand where you are coming from, it is something that should not be preached. I enjoy your posts. You have been part of this forum for a fair amount of time now, if you genuinely dislike the fact that some collectors here are in your opinion not worthy of their status, that to me is fine, I am sure you can justify that, some of it would not take much! So that leads me to conclude that the reason you are here is because you have a good time, as so am I. You probably learn alot, and you also offer alot to the forum. Therefore, for the sake of $30 a year, isn't it a small price to pay in order to help for the maintenance of not only the forum, but your hobby? However, of course you do not have to pay to be here, as you are now.

    I do not look at peoples membership status and make any judgements. The way I see the subscription fee personally, is that it is not what I gain from it in access, it is what I gain from it in continuity of the board itself.

    Best Wishes

    Oh I agree entirely, Stepane's post was most definitely taken the wrong way, I was simply pointing out my own reasons for why I choose not to subscribe, and how others could find the 'encouragement' to subscribe as distasteful.

    With the issue of my own subscription, again, I agree entirely, it is a small price to pay, but, I am simply not prepared to pay for the Cartel to have a 'captive audience', for want of a better term, or to assist in them having a place here. Yes, some dealers are good, others have been proven to be less than scrupulous. I guess my point, is at the end of the day, there need not even be a collector's section, and I feel the reviews should be open to all, particularly as the new comers are the ones who would benefit the most from them, and also the ones who would find a subscription fee more offputting. I guess I just find it ironic that CQout is really only spoken of with distain here, yet all my best deals have been via that website.

    Indeed, best wishes to all.

  5. It would make a nice gift. However, one thing to consider is if someone see's her with this kind of watch, knows the value of it, and then manipulate her in some way. It would be horrible for such a watch to attract the kind of unwanted attention. How likely that is I don't know, but maybe something to also consider. Like you said though, she will hang around with people who wouldn't notice, and the BB are very rare, the chances of anyone realising it's worth (if it were a gen) are minimal!

    I have to admit, I hadn't really considered that as a possibility, but it's certainly worth bearing in mind... To be honest, I don't think anyone she'd hang around with would think anything about it other than it being 'a white watch', certainly no product knowledge... I was actually planning on buying one for my fiance as a replacement for her beaten up Chanel J12, but Cait saw the watch on the computer, and said it was really nice. I asked her if she'd like one for her birthday, and her reply was a

    "YEAH!!!1" :Jumpy: :Jumpy: :Jumpy:, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to treat her. Funny, I was more concerned about someone 'calling the watch out', than thinking of someone using it as a possible manipulation... Thanks for the input :)

  6. @TeeJay:

    What is it you would regret ?

    Not financialy contributing ?


    I was meaning that I have expressed my opinions on why I personally choose not to make a financial contribution to the forum, but instead, try and make as many contributions to the community as a whole, as possible, and I would prefer people to respect that opinion, even if they do not agree with it, and not try and change my mind. Afterall, I am not trying to change anyone's opinion about their subscriptions, I am simply explaining my own personal feelings, and I would rather leave the discussion at that point rather than continue and possibly lose my temper.

    I don't see where I'm browbeating, heckling, or guilting anyone into paying anything. All I'm saying is that if RWG's been good to you, to just consider the notion of helping out.

    P.S. If you have issues with the way the forum is handled, then why are you here?

    I didn't feel you were heckling or browbeating at all, that was CrystalCranium. I illustrated your post as it was an excellent phrasing that it should be an entirely voluntary contribution.

    Like my signature says - "Where People Gather, Life Happens"

    The World is full of Takers & Givers...

    Nice to know where you stand TeeJay...

    Likewise, nice to know where Ubi stands...

    I'm glad some of our Collectors take note of these Threads...


    Where I 'stand', is I give to the community through non-financial contributions. When the month's free VIP passes were given out, the only thing I actually gained, was the ability to edit my posts. I don't recall seeing any spectacularly interesting posts in the VIP Forum which were not repeated in the main forum, and as my recent deal with Silix has shown, I certainly gained no insightfull knowledge other than again, what was already posted in the main forum. As for the 'collectors', how is allowing them to 'set up shop' on the forums, which are supposed to be purely educational, in any way fair? All my best deals have been done through 'non forum' dealers, so forgive me if I am more than a tad scheptical about certain motives.

    As I said, I will leave the debate here, before I say something I would later regret, but people are more than welcome to PM me if they wish.

  7. I've ordered a rep of the BB Aspen for my sister in law's 15th birthday later in the year. She's a bit of an Ashley Simpson-wannabe, and doesn't really associate with anyone who knows the first thing about watches. Would anyone likely say anything? If told it was a gift, would that satisfy people's curiousity? (as these are people who know nothing about watches, let alone the existence of reps of non-Rolex watches...) Just thought I'd solicit a few opinions... Thanks in advance :)

  8. Ziggy, have you had any experiences with reps of the BB Aspen? I've got one on order for my sister in law, and wondered what kind of quality levelI could expect? It wasn't expensive, so I'm not expecting perfection, but if it was 'nice', that would be good... Thansk in advance :)

  9. People should contribute $5 a month to this forum to keep the lights on....no other motivations necessary.

    When we can't pay for server access.....all of these "deeply held conviction" rationalizations for not "contributing to a forum that tolerates this and that" go out the window.

    Paying your taxes in a democratic society gives you the freedom to debate the pros and cons. Not paying because you don't like some aspect of the debate lands you in trouble.

    Letting others pay to keep the lights on while one runs around the house eating the food and sleeping in the bed....while rationalizing "hey...I contribute a lot around here too"... sounds very familliarily adolescent.

    Why should people contribute $5 a month? Expecting other people to pay a subscription simply because you do, and morally browbeating others into doing likewise is not eactly mature behaviour. The fact is, this is not a subscription only, so it is not a case of 'paying taxes', but a case of making a coluntary contribution in exchange for certain privelages. I find it interesting that Admin is not the one making demands for money, but others who are expecting people to make the same contributions that they choose to make. I think this post makes that point perfectly

    I do agree that if the forum has benefitted an individual in some way, shape or form, that he or she should at least consider the idea of making a contribution. Is it mandatory? Of course not... And people are free to do with their money as they see fit.

    As long as this remains a non-subscription forum, then no-one should be heckled, browbeaten or otherwise made to feel guilty about not wanting to make a voluntary donation, especially if they have concerns about the way the forum is handled.

    I'll leave it at that before I say anything I'll regret.

  10. I would love to know who's the next dealer I will rely on... If you don't mind, I'd expect some names by PM. Thx ;)

    BTW, I often get PM about who or where, and always answer by return. I may think that if I would not name the dealers in my posts, I would get much more, and I may not answer everyone, for time reasons. Not mentionning the people asking things by PM, and forgetting a thank you or something that sounds like "your answer was useful". That's why I have a preference on "public" discussions over private ones.

    BTW, isn't the Dealer's review section visible by all ? I can't confirm that, since I've been a *cough* VIP for some time already.

    Steppen, you disagree with Stephane's way of doing, I respect that, but I learnt that when it comes to judging someone namingly, it always turns into a fiasco. I would avoid continuing posting testimonials about who did what, in all honesty. Hopefully the thread will remain gentle.

    PM sent RE dealers, and no, the dealer's review section is not visible to all, but a protected forum... :smile:

  11. That doesn't make any sense. The forum helps to protect buyers from out-and-out scam artists, you can't do that and have a free for all. There is a free for all for rep watches - it's called Google.

    I don't think you can have it both ways either. It's your prerogative not to pay, but you can't not pay and get humpty with the folk that pay for it all too.

    There have been many recruitment drives before, to remind folk that it costs money to run the joint. Nothing wrong with Stephane's post in my eyes.

    And what about the less 'out and out' scam artists like Andrew and Joshua, who have been proven to be liars and manipulators on numerous occasions, yet still spoken of like 'Watch Royalty'? What about the people who might think that they can be trusted at their word, buy from them, and wind up getting a smashed watch in the post? Or a watch which they paid for to be waterproofed but leakes like a seive when pressure-tested? Not everyone who posts here will know about those problems, and all the time people gloss over them, n00bs will be more inclined to trust the happy majority, only to wind up getting their pants pulled down, metaphorically speaking, as has happened to me in my recent deal with Silix.

    As a forum, this place is excellent, and certainly way better than another forum of similar initials, but, I really feel that 'dealer review' sections should be open to all, and there should be no presense of any collectors here at all. If someone wants to know where someone bought a watch from, they can always PM someone. I've had people do that with me, and am more than willing to pass on the name of the respective dealer. That way, it keeps popularity and 'cult of personality' out of the mix.

    I'm not getting humpty with the folk who pay for it, I'm getting humpty with the attitude that "Just because I pay for it, everyone else should too", as pointed out by others, it is simply distasteful, and not Stephane' place to make such requests in the first place. While I would accept that it is no doubt harmless over-enthusiasm, it must be remembered that others can perceive it as tasteless heckling...

  12. Absolutely. To break down a few points :)

    TJ : Understood ;)

    From my side, when showing my latest aquisitions (very important part in that hobby as far as I'm concerned, if not the most important), it's difficult not to say where it comes from. I know that the question will be raised if I don't mention the dealer's name.

    I have since the recent events on RWG2 learnt not to link directly to any website, but still, if I'm satisfied with a deal, I feel it's fair to say it. Not only for the dealer, but before all for the readers that come after me and may want to have a similar experience. The same way I expect dissatisfied members to express their opinion on the same dealers. It just makes us stronger.

    Personally, I strive now to only detail the watch, and the deal itself, and simply offer to pass on the dealer's name privately to interested parties. While I agree, people should definitely express opinions when dissatisfied with dealers, I feel it needs to be done in a balanced way, such as in the dealer review forum. Sadly, that is restricted to VIP members, so I find that somewhat counter-productive...

    It seems we're turning into a Cartel / non Cartel dealers discussion : to be honest, I disagree on their recent pring policy (check my thread about the Asian SFSO from Ruby), but my worst experiences were not with them. They have now become my last choice (if I can source a watch elsewhere, I do it), but they remain possible suppliers, because except their price (and the usual "little? white lies" which seem to be a common behaviour everywhere), I find nice things in their range, and still affordable ones.

    To make it clear, and not acting as a shill for them, I came to this conclusion after having delt with PC, TT, Silix, Ruby, River, Sashwatch, and with Narikaa to some extent (pens only). I also know who I will never deal with -_-

    Yes, some dealers never ever answered my inquiries (which are always done in a convenient and gentle way) : I blame them much more than the ones being "too kind" with me, because I don't feel anyone makes me a favour when selling me a rep, just they do business, where I'm the customer and they're the vendor. Even if that's an illegal business, relationship should be the same : there's one seller and one buyer.

    That's cool, I totally understand your point of view there. I just find it interesting that I have had excellent deals with dealers who are not even discussed on these forums, and who are regarded pretty low in the pecking order, but when I actually do business with one of the 'trusted collectors', I wind up with an express delivery not being shipped out for 7 days after payment, and then wind up with a watch with a dying movement... Sure, my 'other dealer' watches might not be running, but that's because I killed them with my tinkering, 'out of the box', they were fine...

    Oh, and I agree, the special price for the Chopard might be overstock, but on the other hand, I have only seen satisfied owners of the Asian version. We should not forget that what is a hobby for all of us is nothing but business for our esteemed collectors. They won't discount a top seller item. So, if I don't agree on all what they do, I understand at least.

    Might be overstock? ;) Oh I agree, it is a business for them, and no, perhaps a top selling item like the APROO or BB might not be discounted, but look at the humble 2531.80. The community's oft overlooked favorite. Early versions of this watch had 3 markers. The most recent versions (available via the Cartel and Silix) have been sent missing the marker, and if someone then complained, they would be sent a replacement dial. Why the sudden backslide in quality? What if the buyer had not complained? I bet they wouldn't get sent the replacement dial as well... But I'm getting off point... The SMP (particularly the flawed version) would be no problem to discount as a "member's special". Sure, the Chopard might be a nice watch which it's buyers were happy with, the point I was making though, was that in general, it is not a particularly popular watch, compared to some other watches, and that was what made me scheptical of it as a 'goodwill gesture' ;)

  13. Im not sure I completely understand your point here. What I am about to post isn't intended to come across argunmentative, but purely a healthy good spirited discussion :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Is it that due to the VIP membership, it gives access to the section of collectors and therefore, due to your view famous four (which is completely justified I might add) it is furthering their business? If that is what you mean, I understand that.

    However, Im on the other side of the fence, and contribute because without money, this forum will go down the plughole. Although there was some controversy, and this topic should not turn into a debate on the integrity of our collectors, as this has been done too much in the past, could it not be hypocrytical to say you don't support the board due to their support of the collectors, but are still willing to post and get information from it for free? I can completely understand why you would stick with Silix, he is a great collector. However, In order for this forum to survive, and for noobs to have access to such dealers, it is vital that contributions are given to the board, so that it can be maintained?

    I also fully understand that this should not be preached, and people should not be forcd into such membership, this forum is not run in a dictatorship styled fashion, and I think it's good that it allows access to a great deal of info for free. For me the VIP membership isn't about status, getting access to info, getting access to collectors, it is about the preservation of the future of this forum.

    Yes, that was what I meant :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I agree, it should not become a debate about collector's honesty, I was merely explaining that I personally did not want to contribute money to support a forum which allows said collectors to 'shoot fish in the barrel'.

    I think you misunderstood my point, I am not at all happy with the deal I got from Silix. The point I was making, was that if the watch I wanted was available via other dealers, I would have gone to them. This is the only time I have used a 'forum collector', and it is also the only time I have been shipped a watch which was mechanically faulty, in a manner any visual inspection by said collector would have revealed. I wish I never bought the watch from Silix, and wish I had stuck with my own trusted dealers. I am hoping Silix will send me the replacement parts necessary for me to fix my watch, because the alternative suggestions that I either ship it back for repair (at my expence) or have a replacement shipped out (at my expence) are simply unnacceptable...

    Indeed, VIP status isn't something which should be preached, but, as pointed out by other posters above, it is, and that is simply distasteful behaviour.

  14. Oh, I hate myself for entering so seriously in the discussion, I have always tried to stick to sharing my hobby exclusively.

    But... Teejay, I respect your point of view, basically I respect all points of views when expressed in a gentle manner (the way you did). But as far as the support to the Cartel dealers is concerned, without going into blaming them or not, I feel that the less supportive board to them is RWG : the collector's section is only accesible to VIP members, and there is no list of supported dealers, as we have it on RWI or the newest Repgeek boards. Don't misundersand what I'm writing, I share my time there too (basically, the more, the better !). Just, I don't have the feeling that RWG is letting dealers hunt for naive customers (BTW, we're more or less all aware of what is expensive and what isn't)

    And I totally appreciate what you're saying. Sure, the collector's section might not be accessible to VIP members, but the collectors are still discussed and praised on open forum. As I just pointed out (apologies for missing your post) the behaviour of Cartel Dealers has been established and proven, yet people are still prepared to do business with them. Which is fine, it's totally up to an individual who someone does or does not do business with. But, I don't think they should be so openly praised, when there has been irrefuteable evidence of 'dishonesty' on their part. As for Repgeek, note how one of the dealers offered a 'members special'? Note how it is actually a watch that hardly anyone discusses, rather than something popular, like the APROO, BB or even just an SMP. That 'gesture', strikes me as nothing more than a blatant attempt to offload a lot of unpopular stock, by making it look like a goodwill gesture.

    Another forum I moderate on has an active filter (like the cuss filter) but it has had certain people's names added. Personally, I think that should be the case here too. If people want to show folks a watch they purchassed, then no problem, but any discussion of dealer names, should remain totally private and off forum, so newcomers who might no know of certain collectors reputations will be unlikely to 'pull the trigger', and wind up getting ripped off. Look at my ongoing recent experience with Silix. I only went with them because they were the only person who sells the watch. Were it not for that reason, I would have stuck with my own trusted dealer, and, given the problems the watch came with, I really wish I hadn't bothered buying :(

    It is reasons like this, which is why I will not subscribe, and, as people mentioned above, heckling people to pay to subscribe, or made to feel any less a member of the community because of that, are simply distastefull and inappropriate. That's my feeling on the matter at least.

  15. Personally I didn't subscribe to the forum to get access to said areas. I contributed because it costs alot to keep this place running, and I aswell contribute information to this forum, but without money, I would not be able to do so, or learn from others posts. For the sake of $30 per year (0.08 dollars a day) I can make a tiny contribution to help this place running. For me it is not about getting access to areas, it is to ensure that a forum as great as this keeps running so I can continue to contribute information, and continue to learn from information contributed by others like yourself.

    It's not the amount that concerns me, it is the principle. Edge pointed out the Cartel's behaviour, yet people still not only tollerate them, but virtually worship them, and the admins allows them to continue to attract business via the forum. There is no way I am prepared to give financial assistance to a forum which continues to tollerate proven liars. There is a distinction here between 'the forum', as a commercial entity, and 'the community', of people who post on it. Given my experience with Silix, I am going to stick with the CQout dealers who I know I can trust, because I have personally dealt with them. I'm not bothered about 'Super Reps', so what do I need the 'trusted collectors' for? As I say, this is about principle, not cost.

  16. totally agree, people should do it of their own volition,

    this constant cajoling people to pay, is not only distasteful, but not your (Stephane's) place at all.

    I totally agree there. Stephane, you're a good guy, but seriously, you have no business whatsoever cajoling people to pay. As mentioned, it is distastefull, makes you sound like a jerk for doing it, and certainly makes you lose respect.

    To be clear, I have no intention of ever subscribing to this forum.

    I contribute to the forum by sharing information with others, just as others shared information with me, and, when I get my 2531.80 SMP back, I will be writing a comparitive review for everyone's benefit.

    I know you mean well, but seriously, it does not come across as anything other than harassing people for money.

  17. Keep us posted on how things work out with Jay...

    I got an email today suggesting that I might like to ship the watch back (at my expense) or have a replacement shipped out (at my expense) I replied that given I paid nearly doublt the 'catalogue price' for it, there's no way I'm paying for anything... I don't mind if I just get sent replacement parts and have to fit them myself, but I'm sure not paying for a replacement for something that was never QCd, it'll be interesting to see if he'll be prepared to simply send me the replacement parts as I suggested...

    this is the only quartz watch on my "want" list...

    Does it function at all like the gen?... chrono, stopwatch, alarm... etc?

    Likewise, I wanted it for several reasons really. Sometimes I have to 'dress down', so wanted a watch which was a decent brand, but wouldn't look 'too flash', and the X-33 fit that criteria perfectly (especially on the leather strap). I've always been interested in space, so that was another plus, as was the fact that Tom Cruise wore a modified X-33 in Minority Report (I also collect movie memorabelia) so several reasons why I thought it'd be a good watch to get.

    In terms of functions... It has a stopwatch, a night light, date function, and an alarm. But. It is not the same 'operating system' as on the gen X-33, and the alarm is nowhere near 85 decibels. Infact, the alarm is barely audible, and is barely noticeable while awake, it would certainly never wake someone up... If you don't need the multiple timers and alarms, it should be more than adequate for any general wear.

    From what I've been able to find Jay is the only rep source for this watch currently... anyone know of any others?

    As far as I know, Jay is the only source, I've certainly not seen any other dealers offering the watch. Also, I read a TZ article which said that the gen watch was pulled from 'civilian sales' in the summer of 2006, so tracking one down at all could be problematic...

    And that leather strap looks great... your fuzzy shots may have moved this watch to the head of my "want" list... luckly its a cheap one to pick up.

    Thanks, the strap was from a very cheap watch, but it has a nice look to it, and the OEM Omega buckle worked wonders on it. I think the strap really gives it a nice look, and funnily enough, the majority of astronauts and pilots who wear them, wear them on leather or kevlar straps, not the metal bracelets :D

    I had the same watch before... just be careful with the bazel, my fell off...

    Thanks for the warning :) Was that the entire bezel, or just the insert coming out of the bezel?

  18. ouft im having the biggest dilemma of all time now.. i only have 200 bux to spend on watches right now ok.. but then im tossing up about how i should spend it.. i want to get my superocean relumed with superluminova.. which will cost me around $200 (bezel pearl, dial and hands).. but then king also offered me to buy a tag heuer carrera chrono for $200.. so i don't know which i should get.. the watch or the relumination.. which one do yout hink should i get first? i mean ziggy wont have his relumination work done until next month anyway :) hehehhehe any tips would be welcomed

    Which would see more wrist time? Do you have a reason to buy another watch (for a certain occasion or activity) or would it simply be 'one for the collection? If it's just be an 'extra purchase', I'd suggest investing the money on reluming the SuperOcean...

  19. I've found going into independant jeweller's/watchsmiths and simply asking if they do repairs on automatic watches, to be a good opening gambit. I them mention that the watch is a replica, and gauge their reaction. I've only had one person unwilling to actually work on a rep watch, but, that was because I'd asked them if they could build a watch from parts ordered, and they were unwilling to undertake work where they were unable to guarantee the end result. Other than that, they were reasonably competant, but, their slow turn around forced me to find another watchsmith, and they have been much more willing to work on my reps. I guess patience is the key requirement :)

  20. Okay, this arrived for me on thursday from Silix. Bit of a mixed bag. Looks nice enough, but, there's a flaw with the analogue movement, the second hand keeps sticking, and it is losing quite a bit of time. Jay has been emailed, to see what we can do, but, at present, I have not had a reply. Given the site lists the price at 49 Eur and I paid 81 eur for it, and the problem with the movement, I'm feeling like I've been treated like a mug, but, I'm prepared to wait and see what Jay suggests so we can resolve the situation. In terms of accuracy to gen, the body of the watch is not too far from the 1st gen X-33 (2nd gen has a different crown assembly) however, the bracelet and clasp were nothing special. The clasp had a rectangular side-button deployant, rather than a round double side-button deployant (and it was engraved Seamastei, rather than Speedmaster) the end of the bracelet also doesn't sit too well between the lugs. Having seen the modified X-33 worn by Tom Cruise in Minority Report, I replaced the bracelet with a dark brown leather strap I fitted with an OEM Omega buckle, and it looks much better than it did on the bracelet. The leather strap gives the watch an 'old school' air, which contrasts nicely with the more 'hi tech' display.

    The pictures aren't anything special I'm afraid, but when the issues are resolved, then I'll take some decent pictures...



    Any comments and questions are welcome :)

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