The guys got a Zenith a Hublot and an Omega and he doesn't even know what they are worth or what he has?
To me they look like a very thought out collection are you sure these aren't stolen?
Gaungzhou is a very overcrowded sweat hole of a town, it is however the heart of the rep world but you are not going to be buying much on 2000RMB a Month which is only about 267USD.
Shenzhen on the other hand is a beautiful city and of course there is the little better pay.
I've said it before and it seems there will be many many more times to say it again.....................CS you're good
Miss Barret we need to have a word about this kissy kissy bit
Ok just for the record Ziggy had personal reasons for moving his articles out of the public eye, the fact that it may encourage some to become supporters is handy for us but had no weight in the reasoning.
The login change shouldn't really affect anyone as you do need to lodge your E-mail to register and those that don't want to register will still see as much as before.
Yes it's an RB site and here is an official Admin team warning........stay away, he has blurred the lines between safe and scam far too much these days.
Many kudos for doing this my friend, nobody has shown as much support for this forum through their hip pocket as you do.
Although it wont be a winning bid and that my wife will knacker me if she knew I made it I will push it up to $125 so we can start getting some serious bids.