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Everything posted by KB

  1. You know we have review sections so buyers can read of issues before they order? Ken
  2. When I started in this hobby we had a saying "Don't spend what you can't afford to lose" I think that explains just how much this hobby has changed. For example no dealer owns a rep factory we are all 3rd parties, the benefits we have extended to our customers do not come from the factories, they still maintain the same ideology they had 10 years ago so often when something goes wrong and the dealer makes sure the customer doesn't lose money it is the dealers money that they get. Now many may think that's fair because if they return an item to a local store they expect a refund but the local store is not selling illegal items and that is where the problem lays, many customers on these boards now believe buying replica's should be a normal shopping experience, yet the buy from these forums because they know the pitfalls of buying from the unknown. It has been suggested that without the buyers on these forums the sellers would be doing something else, what about this then...Without the sellers on these forums buyers would still be getting scammed or paying $1500 for a $300 watch. Ken
  3. Hi and welcome to RWG As above take your time look through our site and when you feel ready contact one of the dealers on this board. Cheers Ken
  4. In what way has accountability not come from the dealers? Most have been on these boards for years, just because there are the few who expect the Mall shopping experience when buying a rep does not mean the dealers are not doing their utmost to make their customers happy. Anyone who was in this hobby 10 years ago would be blown away with the benefits the buyer now has that were totally non existent back then. Ken
  5. sorry I missed that. Cheers Ken
  6. G'day sport, there is enough of us Aussies here to make you feel comfortable Ken
  7. @markiemark the boss will be back to explain later but the problem arose from the hosts not setting up everything they way our Admin asked them to. Ken
  8. Once again we are so very lucky to have the Admin we do, who can keep our downtime from such a major crash to such a min. Ken
  9. @ 70ura the boards Admin team do not have to give reason (although we will if asked) for locking, setting invisible (which is what happened) or deleting threads. What members should do is contact an Admin member for an explanation, if you have been moderated then someone deemed you in breach of the rules, if that is the case the answer is not to go out and do exactly the same thing again. Ken
  10. Trusted is a term given by the members not the Admin team, we just call them dealers. However there are very many reasons why the members have coined this term and it wouldn't hurt to remember all the good points about them when raising a minor negative point. Ken
  11. Which old thread are you guys talking about? Pretty sure it wouldn't be moderated unless it was deemed spamming. Ken Edit to add; never mind I found it. It was obviously closed by a moderator or Admin so the question is why have you now started a new thread without contacting a team member?
  12. Cheers guys However being an Aussie we don't actually have the holiday here. Putting the Mother-In-Law in a leaky row boat would come close though Ken
  13. This holiday runs from today until tomorrow, Bergies will be back on Friday (AEST) Ken
  14. Thanks J spot on. Ken
  15. Hi, First you need to upgrade your account and then you need to list the watch in our sales area which you can find by scrolling down our home page. Ken PS I took the liberty of editing your post to avoid backdoor sale.
  16. As Jkay states GZ is where most ship from although at times (depending on delivery method) they will ship from HK or other regions Ken
  17. contact me direct and I will look after you Ken
  18. Yes I saw this a while back too and was blown away. It is for this very reason that I love these talent programs as they tend to find these gems that may never get another way to display their talent. Good on them for sticking together, yes she (a fine singer herself) may get a bit of a ride on his rise to fame but she deserves it for helping him out of his shell. Unfortunately I can understand Simon's initial rudeness, we only get the cliff notes of these programs, the judges must sit through hundreds trying their luck at least 90% wont be good enough and of those maybe 5% would be funny bad, the rest just make for a long day. Ken
  19. Is anyone else having trouble uploading pic's through this host at the moment? It seems they have done some kind of upgrade and now nothing seems to work. Ken
  20. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi The problem with polls like this is that they only reflect the numbers of those who can be bothered voting. The biggest demographic on these boards are Nth American followed closely by EU but I know of many members from all those regions. Ken
  21. Well why do you think they are call Cleveland Launcher? Ken
  22. Pretty useless stating that, are you aware for instance that after being banned the first time, he thought he has sneaked in through the back door with a new handle but he was in fact spotted on day one and the team voted to say nothing and give him a second chance? He had no bones at all with his first ban, you think any of the other boards would be so accommodating? I am pretty sure also that our Admin will refund any donations and that is regardless of the fact that I am sure we actually gave him a free upgrade at one point. Is it ok to ban him? Yes of course it is, no one is above being banned, I have already stated that. Ken
  23. @tomas415 what makes you think no warnings were ever given? Is it possible you are being very biased in what you are saying? I make no bones about the fact that I considered Robbie a friend and very old friend too but this is the second time he has been banned from this board and on both occasions the team had just had enough of trying to make him conform with our rules. As all these forums are privately owned no single member can put himself above the boards rules. It makes me sad to see him go but the team knows I fully support the decision just as I did the first time he was banned. Ken
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