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Everything posted by KB

  1. alternatively you might want to get a big bunch of flowers and get the florist to strap the watch around the stems before wrapping them. Ken
  2. Also very sorry to hear. I will get it changed for you, PM me the name you want. Ken
  3. well it still only cost him 8 bucks for a resize so the jokes on the jeweler Ken
  4. Oh he is/was but the point is like rogerthat just pointed out he did cause serious concerns at one point That may have blown over now but we like to play safe.....that's my story anyway Ken
  5. I see Lani from time to time on FB too, I think the other point is that his life has taken new directions. Ken
  6. Ok seriously guys one reason why this hasn't happened is that Biver personally posted on a watch forum that he would hunt down anyone connected with replica's of his watch. There has been a changing of the guard at Hublot now but the fact is the replica's were good enough to scare Biver so it is probably still a good idea to fly under the radar with this brand. Then of course I could just be full of shit Ken
  7. So could we attach the section to the AP forum, you know like AP's little brother? No? Blot me
  8. KB

    The BIG 4!

    Post whore Congrats R Ken
  9. Get those entries in folks that's a big juicy prize on offer. Ken
  10. Thanks again everyone. Just an update... Dad is doing great, so long as it is remembered that a stroke is very debilitating, the doctors say they expect a full recovery but this could take up to a year. Ken
  11. Thank you everyone. Yes Dad served with the Navy during WW11 and then spent the rest of his work life in the merchant navy after the war. Ken
  12. Thanks buddy, I will be replying to your PM soon. Ken
  13. If I seem a bit tardy with replies at the moment please do not take it personally. My father has suffered a stroke, it is relatively mild but as he also has high blood pressure (and on his second pacemaker) there is much concern. So whilst you may see me logged on (it's a habit of mine) I am often not here but at the hospital. Dad... Ken
  14. Ok this discussion has gone for 30 pages, nothing has been achieved other than pro gun stating their pro gun propaganda and anti gun stating theirs. As a regular member you know which side of the fence I am on as a moderator though I am neutral. What is surfacing now though is a case of trying to pin the blame on different groups (race) and that cannot be done without racism raising it's ugly head. If there is one thing I hate more than guns it racism. I'm locking it up. Ken
  15. Nanuq I see you down there, I say this topic is totally exhausted. What say we lock it up before it get right out of hand? Ken
  16. actually I didn't see it as racist, sure a lot of minorities voted for Obama but a lot of white middle class voted for him too. Ken
  17. I'm out of this gun debate, it's just all too sad, but Chief saying Obama voters cause the majority of gun deaths is so wrong it is not worth mentioning. He did win by a healthy majority so very many middle class people actually voted for him. Ken
  18. Only thing is guys that I think it was shown in a way that we could all see. In real life your wallet or cell phone would be gone in an instant, a watch maybe only a little longer. Ken
  19. so guns don't kill people, lack of education kills people. Still I'm out, I have come to realise that when the VC of a hobby group can not only make an obnoxious suggestion in way of response to Sandy Hook but to also openly attack the democratically elected President of the Until States for not wanting to implement that suggestion....and no one even gets upset...well it's a lost cause. Ken
  20. I fully get your side of the argument Joey, your problem is that you are totally dismissive of the other side. Everyone who has posted in this thread has the right to be called an informed voice, if you 'Don't get' the other side then you are a terrible debater. Ken
  21. Still don't get it I see... Correction 'You have addressed the rest a few times now' ........'You see yourself as the informed voice' I disagree. Ken
  22. The other day a man by the name of Wayne Lapierre, a man who is the VP of a hobby group and not a high ranking politician, released a video attacking the President of the United States because he wont implement the NRA's response to Sandy Hook. I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat or independent, if you are American you should realise he crossed the line and be angry, very angry. The following is your Presidents response, I ask you watch it, then regardless if you agree with the measures or not you will need to admit that at least there has been a great deal more thought put into it that Lapierre's more guns policy... http://www.upworthy.com/watch-obama-starts-having-the-grownup-conversation-about-guns-that-the-nra-doesn?g=2 PS; Joey I had nothing to do with starting this thread, I was in fact drawn in because it was started with a bogus video claiming Aussies (yes I am one) had it worse since our gun bans, Get it right. Ken
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