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Everything posted by KB

  1. Well I hate to rain on your parade guys but you do realise the Mayan Calendar doesn't have leap years? Literally their 21st of dec 2012 was 7 months ago Ken
  2. Don't worry folks when they 21st rocks up for you it will already be the 22nd here so I know it didn't happen Ken
  3. Get a hawk then the little bastard will be too scared to crow Ken
  4. And besides he is so close to the North Pole that Santa pop's in for a beer at the start of his run. Ken
  5. I'm guessing you think about Mike every day, Mike. Ken
  6. I am very tempted to lock this thread. Has anyone looked at the pictures of the beautiful little kids that lost their lives? How on earth can people justify all this concern about 'Their Rights' and 'Their Freedoms' in the face of this tragedy? These sweet little kids were simply waiting for the day next week when they would be getting new Barbies, GI Joe's, Bikes etc and all you adults are worried about is that someone might take away your guns. If you honestly find it so hard to focus on the lives lost then go find somewhere else to beat your drum, this is a watch forum. Ken
  7. Angus is of course a TD here as well so you wont need to go to RG to PM him. Ken
  8. Yes that is a fair attitude, it wont change anything because there is simply too many buyers but if you do not like something about a particular seller then it is your right to vote with your feet and move to another. Ken
  9. Doesn't work like that though, with the Chinese business model you buy from them they must always make a profit, regardless of fault. Ken
  10. ok I'll give him a very stern talking to when shows up then Ken
  11. Not recently but Mike often takes breaks from the forum. Ken
  12. Indeed Bob , this is why I hate gun debate at this time, it's the death on the innocents that is tragic regardless of how it happened. Ken
  13. ok this is just stupid, 5yo's are going to engage a 20yo determined to kill in a shoot out? Any of my American friends willing to say they would send primary school kids to school with guns? What part of kids needing guns to defend themselves speaks 'Freedom' to you? Yes I'm angry, not because Americans can't lose their love affair for guns but because there are those who obviously care more for them than innocent lives. Ken
  14. I hate PP too for many reasons but at least you have to use them to incur fees. BTW I'm pretty sure the tax angle is only US accounts at this stage. Ken
  15. Just for the record I'm an Aussie, we don't carry guns either. Ken
  16. I stole this off my daughters FB page.... to even discuss guns today borders on obscene. Ken
  17. I have just receive a mail from Skrill (Moneybookers) about new fees. Now normally this wouldn't worry me as although I did open an account a couple of years back I am yet to use the account even once. Well get this the new fee is for not using the account, it makes no difference if no money has ever passed through the account or whether it is in the red or black, an account that has been inactive for 18 Months (soon to be 12 Months) will incur a fee of 1 Euro per Month. Yes there is an east way around the fee, all you need to do is log into your account but it's still a bloody cheeky money grab attempt if you ask me. Ken
  18. but you will need to return the watch at your own expense...that's just the way it is. Ken
  19. Sorry meant to get back to you, but as the Boss states above you need to OM him with you PP details so he can follow it up. @Mike when your Plati membership went AWOL deleting one page from your PM's would do nothing because your PM capacity would have shrunk. Ken
  20. I'm guessing he means the Tudor. Ken
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