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Everything posted by KB

  1. the second sign is buying a dtrlwww from the Crazysaleman.... Ken
  2. hit the nail on the head Especially when I choose a manuel Ken
  3. I think a big problem may be that these site's are now selling photo hosting so they make the free hosting unattractive to encourage you to buy a plan. Ken
  4. One last point, if you want to talk to a mod at any time you only need to PM one of them, not start a thread. Ken
  5. thanks guys and Pete my Godson is coming from Interstate over the holidays, he said I'm drinking with him even if he has to tape a glass to my hand I didn't have the heart to remind him that I can just as easily lift a glass with my left hand Ken
  6. Freddy and Nanuq...now I remember why I trash your offices when you go on holiday Ken
  7. I fell off a ladder whilst decorating. You might notice it is my right hand, mighty slow work typing left hand Ken
  8. Well the truth is that I decided to have a short break... Oh the joys of Christmas decorating Ken
  9. Well at least you guys know your RWG team members are made of stern stuff. Nanuq may have broken many of his own scout rules but at the same time years of scouting is probably what kept him going where others would have stopped. Ken
  10. agree with the above 2 gentlemen. However I do not think it is fair to do a side by side of 2 modders unless you are making claims of poor workmanship of one of them. It will probably end up being a case of Vac did this better and UWE did this better, but in another 2 watches it could be the other way around. Ken
  11. well obviously everyone is looking for watches but...... http://www.rwg.cc/topic/151912-christmas-comes-early-at-bergies/ Ken
  12. Meanwhile across the stream.... Ken
  13. I don't know why... the 1 skin is dark the #2 skin is light Three skin is funky And your foreskin is normal...what's the problem? Ken
  14. It's not weird.............It's Nucking Futzzzzz! Anytime now the Crazy salesman is gunna pop in Ken
  15. Patience R, we are still trying to work out how to change your avatar to piss yellow Ken
  16. You came real close there R, the rest of the team was with the RWG SWAT force. Given the go ahead we were either going to storm your house with blazing Uzi's or key your new car, whatever was going to cause the most distress. My vote was keying your car Ken
  17. Can't attach pic's to PM's at the moment either. Ken
  18. BTW it just merged 2 posts together<br /><br />Ken
  19. I sent a PM to a member with the word stitching in it, it came out s[censored]ching<br /><br />Ken damn there it is again<br /><br />Ken
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