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Everything posted by KB

  1. Ah but you forget I'm an Aussie whether it's Huffington or Fox News it doesn't matter to me, what matters is facts. Ken
  2. Whoa Mike this is not and should be a racist discussion, if it becomes such I will lock it up. Ken
  3. I find this interesting..... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ethan-rome/five-reasons-why-the-nra_b_2426402.html No tomhorn it is not valid, this thread would not be here if not for the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook, the 2nd is in no way a valid explanation/excuse or remedy for what happen there. Ken
  4. If I send you a T shirt can you get him to sign it for me Ken
  5. O/S is there a limit to how many entries one can submit? Ken
  6. @jtiis I'm stealing that Ken
  7. Yep that's Paypal Arthur. A few years back I had a customer who bought over 1K of goods claim 'Goods not as described' over 90 after the sale. I asked PP how he could do this outside the 45 day window and they said he processed it through his CC. I then ran a check on him through a friend in Homeland Security and found out he was a petty thief and the CC was made out to an alias. I gave all this info to PP and it was still awarded in his favour, despite no attempt to return the goods. Ken
  8. Ok my guy has come back to the table and all is sorted. Now I'm going to have a chat to Aston and see if I can't help a little. Ken
  9. Since the start of this thread, which was opened with a totally bogus video, there has not been one valid justification against limiting access to semi automatics or large clip magazines. The 2nd Amendment has been throw in a lot, but it has not been as some kind of answer to Sandy Hook but more of "This is why you can't touch our guns" I have seen a clean fob off...It's a mental illness issue not a gun issue...well excuse me but a mentally ill person is extremely more dangerous armed with a gun than any other domestic weapon And now we have come to a point where law abiding citizens are trying to justify murder..... And 700 Americans have died by gunshot since Sandy Hook. Ken
  10. So what exactly are you saying here.... Is it that you feel the need to own a gun in case you have to help overthrow the democratically elected government? Americans obviously get very different mileage but this is exactly what the world sees... Many in the media said that Wayne LaPierre had seriously lost the plot with his response to the Sandy Hook shootings but on reflection could he have responded in any other way and keep his masters happy? Ken
  11. Unfortunately PP will process the claim regardless of time factor, one Christmas about 3 years back I had a customer make a purchase 5 days before Christmas. The goods reached her local PO in 4 days but then there was a 4 day public holiday and she lodged a goods not received claim. I contacted PP and asked how she could possibly lodge such a claim in under a week and was told it didn't matter as the investigation would show in my favour.......of course it meant nothing to them that my account would be frozen for 3 Months while they conducted the investigation. Ken
  12. The most frustrating thing for me is that the buyer has done this for no other reason than the fact the 45 day window is shutting from the first order. He must honestly believe that without a dispute I will do a runner. Ken
  13. Yes I have another one, yes it is a member who just believes Paypal is a legitimate method of sorting issues to their liking. Let me start by saying that I take full responsibility for the issues that led to this dispute but still know the outcome is totally unwarranted by the customer (who I will not name at this point). It started when the customer made his first purchase with me, a bag and a jacket. As it happens (very rarely) the jacket must have been mislabeled and so was one size to small, the bag my sales rep mixed with another order, that is to say the bag was the same size, look and material as the one ordered but being a different model it was minus a front pocket, never-the-less our fault and fully accepted. The Buyer was very understanding and agreed to let us re-sell the items to save on the return shipping, in the meantime he did another purchase of the bag and a belt. Problem number 2 the bag was the correct bag but too small he wanted a size (and yes he did state it) that was larger that what we have and despite my cautioning my sales rep to be extra careful the belt she sent had the wrong buckle. Still this is the rep trade and crossed wires in China is part of the business whether we like it or not. Again the buyer was very reasonable and pleasant to talk to and agreed, again, to let me resell the goods and he would be fully refunded. All this came to a crashing halt this morning when he lodged a PP dispute....why?...simply because (and he states this) his 45 days were up. In other words all bets are off because he doesn't want to take the chance that I might scam him out of the money! Yes I am angry, very bloody angry at the sheer stupidity it takes to do something like this. I have worked with him all the way, I have explained that my sales rep has moved from Gaungzhou so they cannot go back to her and that the only chance we have of recouping some money (and at best I was still going to lose more than $200) was to re-sell. To this end I have already found a buyer for both bags, all he has to do is post them (yes same country) and I could refund 80% of his money within a day but he doesn't want to take the risk. I am hoping he will read this and think about it because I have told him the alternative is he wont be able to buy off any dealer again. Ken
  14. so you going to enter it in the Watch Bitz competition? Ken
  15. http://sobadsogood.com/2012/04/29/25-words-that-simply-dont-exist-in-english/ Gotta love Backpfeifengesicht Ken
  16. @Idegeneve as much as I can understand your anger here (my wife is Indian) this thread is now taking a very severe turn for the worse. Lack of gun control the members have shown can be debated in a civil manner, racism never will be. Things may have been said that were, at best, unfortunate but I ask that the thread now returns to topic or I will be forced to lock it down. Ken
  17. I also do not like the idea that every fact thrown up gets dismissed without anyone actually saying "well we have a heck of a lot at stake here, if it seemed to work before maybe we should give it another go?" You have everything to gain and nothing to lose...2005 was a very long time after 'Leave it to Beaver. Ken
  18. Ok this is interesting... As stated earlier gun lobbyist are trying to hang Senator Dianne Feinstein for wanting to reintroduce a bill that regulated semi automatics and large clip magazines which expired in 2005 I see Bill Clinton stated the other day that half of all recorded mass shootings in the history of the United States have occurred in the 7 years since it expired. Thoughts? Ken
  19. Broke a bone in my wrist before Christmas but I got lucky as it was more a hairline break and is almost back to normal now. Ken
  20. and again thanks for the good thoughts guys Ken
  21. WE HAVE A WINNER! Sneed12 An RG modder got the nod for his for his excellent tutorial...ETA 28xx keyless works repair Winning entry...... http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/154983-official-watch-bitz-competition-thread/?p=1210044 It is with great pleasure that I announce a very generous muti-forum competition which has been devised and fully sponsored by member Offshore and his Watch Bitz Store.... The Watch Bitz Tutorial competition! $1000 in prizes- U$500 in cash and $500 in Watch Bitz tools credit. To encourage our budding repairers, and thank our more experienced ‘smiths, we are running a competition over the next 6 weeks, for the best repair/DIY tutorial. This is a multi forum competition with entries being taken at RWI, RWG.bz, Rep Geek, Homage forum , and RWG.cc. The best of the entries will be stickied on all forums, with acknowledgement of the producer and his home base. Rules are simple. Prepare a tutorial on some aspect of watch making or modifying work and post it here. It can be written, photo essay and/or video. The competition will run until February 15. The entries will be judged by a team made up of a moderator appointed by each forum, and one overall winner will be selected, based on quality of instruction and presentation. The tutorial must be the writers own work, however previously published tutorials, may be republished , with or without enhancement. The purpose of this thread will be for open discussion on the above competition, any thread crapping or any post that has no reasonable bearing on the topic will be removed. ​Offshore will be available to answer any questions within this thread and later I shall put up a mirror thread (with link) which will be for entries only. ​No discussion will be permitted in the actual competition thread and will be removed regardless of how relevant. All entries can be posted here...... http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/154983-official-watch-bitz-competition-thread/
  22. Yes I understand all this but it was still the predecessor of the Constitution and in quoting them you are still only quoting 3 civilians ideas, yes they were obviously highly intelligent men and what they wrote was the blueprint of the Constitution but is it not correct that The Federalist Papers is not apart of US law itself? Ken
  23. I am taking no further part as I believe I have said what I came to say. However I do have a question... Why are there members referring to the The Federalist Papers as if they are part of the US Constitution? My understanding is that The Federalist Papers, whilst comprehensive and the precursor to the Constitution, was in fact an Essay and in no way US law in itself. Ken
  24. And that is sad. A nation that is looked upon as the world leader and the epitome of freedom but cannot find common ground in the face of such a tragic incidence like Sandy Hook. Ken...over and out
  25. But that's my point, many of the people using the very same arguments..stats, surveys and the 2nd...do believe it should be 'all' Ken
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