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Everything posted by KB

  1. I can do this...pretty sure anyway...where and what time? Ken
  2. Look why don't you tell everyone what you actually want? As you say you got QC pic's and you were happy with the received item on the 28th of December 2012... To which I replied... Then 3 Months later you start telling me the bag has differences from the gen, really? How does that make your purchase any less valid, you didn't buy a gen! You claim that you bought on the weight of all my good reviews, do you think I pay these people to review my items? I am willing to bet that the vast majority of them know more about the products they bought than you did, yet they were happy. The QC pic's that you have posted yourself show a high quality bag but you are making ridiculous claims of a $30 bag, this only shows your total ignorance of the rep trade, a fault is bad stitching, bad stamping etc but the bag can be printed with pictures of Mickey mouse all over it and it will still cost the same to make and still be of the same quality. I also fail to state that even with this attach on my business that I instructed my sales rep to address the belt problem, even though the belt was the correct length as per your own sizing. @Fraggle my whole point is that the bag was fine for 3 Months, now it is supposed to be rubbish, I'm not buying that. Ken
  3. That is a mighty long rant considering it is simply not true. You bought and was happy for 3 Months before you decided it was inferior, that is what you have to explain. The comment on spamming was because you added a link to your complaint IN SOMEONE ELSE'S REVIEW you spammed his thread and yes spamming is a banning offense, however you will note that I gave you a verbal warning not to do it again with no other penalty. Ken
  4. Lets be clear here. 1. I sell replica, I have never, ever claimed mine are identical. This is a claim that no dealer...NONE...can ever make. I have over 1500 items on my new web site and I believe if I was to keep adding goods I can double that, does anyone honestly expect me to be an expert on every single genuine item? 2. That said my reviews show that my goods are consistently of a very high standard. 3. It is and always has been the buyers responsibility to research the item before they buy. 4. In past cases where a difference is found between the genuine and my goods the factory has agreed to make the change with the next production run. Now we come to the above buyer, he purchased a bag and was happy, he was happy for 3 months and then someone must have pointed out a flaw because after 3 Months he decided to do what he should have done before he bought, research the item. Now I have no idea what he thinks he is trying to do, does he want me to refund him because that's not going to happen. Try telling a watch dealer that their item is not the same as genuine after you buy, try telling them after wearing it for 3 Months! So maybe he thinks he is going to damage my business by dragging this out for what is 6 Months now and all because he was to lazy to research the item before he bought. Well he might con one or two to take a chance on iOffer dealers but he is wasting his time if he thinks he can ruin my reputation. Another thing, if he spams others threads again (like he did today) he will be on the fast track to a ban. Ken
  5. Welcome to RWG, the sponges are the ones that learn the fastest Ken
  6. Not a prob buddy but also take a look at my site. Back on topic, any guesses why the pink dial? Ken
  7. Kind of in the same boat as Nanuq sorry. It reminds me of those cheap watches that had a sticker for a dial. Probably worth a truck load of money though. Ken
  8. Thanks guys, All my suits are rack size, if your suit size is 46 US (Hambone) then your suit size will be EU 56/40, this means a 40" waist pants. Our largest shoe size is US 12 There are some gender specific sections but to divide the bags and wallets that way was just going to take too long and I wanted to get the site launched. Ken
  9. and then there are these..... http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/120376-watch-cases/ Ken
  10. It is a mans wallet and yes has lots of slots inside, you can see the same style wallet in my bargain basement. Ken
  11. Sorry the only provision I should have added is that all orders will be hand checked but I only have the listed factory pic's of each item. Ken
  12. So this is a little over due yes? Unfortunately we had to do a complete rebuild as well as swapping hosts so time was lost there but far more time has been lost because I greatly under estimated the time taken to upload the goods to the site. At last count there was over 1500 items listed and we are by no means even close to everything we want to load. But here it is, a new name, a new direction, same happy people Interested parties, return customers and friends I give you.... Replica Plaza......... http://replicaplaza.net/ Come in, take a look and please let me know what you think...oh and buying is good too Ken
  13. so long as it is not Saturday night. Ken
  14. I will add that most with high post counts have been here a long time and as such they have become a part of the community. Many noobs will travel the same path but there are those that will clash to a point that they will be short term members and that is what you need to try and define when you first start interacting. Ken
  15. Please folks no more PM's, there is still 2 days of holidays before I can sort orders. Thank you Ken
  16. Damn this has really made me sad. I wish there was words worthy for a reply but nothing I can say other than thoughts and prayers from Aus seems suitable. Ken
  17. Bergies will be closed from the 29th of April to the 1st of May for the Chinese Labor day holidays. I will do my best to clear any work I have before then but ask if there is nothing urgent to please wait until the 2nd to order. Thank you Ken
  18. well I don't know if mine was the best but meatballs, olives, chiilies, cheese and ranch sauce must come mighty close Ken
  19. Bummer wasn't quick enough Palace
  20. KB

    msn messenger

    Thanks but all work out now, the biggest prob was that my people in China were still on msn. Still don't like the idea of having to access my hotmail separately though. Ken
  21. KB

    msn messenger

    Thanks J but after a bit of messing about we are starting to work out the Skype way. Biggest problem is that Hotmail is not separate meaning you need to keep physically checking for new mails. Ken
  22. So I go to log in this morning and find that it has now merged with Skype and Skype is the platform that I must now use. Has anyone else updated this morning and if so do they know how to find their msn inbox or how to send and receive pic's on Skype? Having big probs because msn messenger was how I communicated with my people in China. Ken
  23. well I have only just got back in after a 3 day siesta, Legendkiller sent me a PM and I followed the link from my email. Ken
  24. KB

    New baby!

    Very sorry to hear what happened to you, it just shows there are some real low life scum out there. On a happier note that watch really rocks, not a big fan of RW but it just shows there's always one diamond in the pack. Cool idea including cuff links too. Ken
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