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Everything posted by KB

  1. And there's the rub, had it stayed simply as the ACA you wouldn't have a government shutdown now. Ken
  2. Look I'm an Aussie so this is not my fight, however I do have an interest in world issues and one of the many issues that have intrigued is the pro and con arguments for Obamacare (ACA) It seems to me that most opponents of the bill have a habit of just repeating the GOP stance without actually reading up on the bill itself. One example is the mentioned congress exemption, this is of course quite a big porky by the Repubs and by law they must buy there insurance through Obamacare....... http://thedailybanter.com/2013/10/that-thing-about-congress-being-exempted-from-obamacare-huge-whopper-lie/ You know there was a time a few years back when due to many factors, the biggest being not thinking about it, I had let my private health insurance lapse. As fate would have it I came down with, what I thought was, a bad sore throat which quickly worsened to a point that I could hardly breathe. My wife took me down to Triage in the middle of the night then went home to get our daughter off to school, she was called back to the hospital and when she arrived they had me on life support. I spent 2 weeks in an induced coma in ICU and then a couple of days in recovery, without our Medicare I would not have been here for the past 6 years. We also have private insurance here for those that want it but medicare means everyone who needs medical assistance gets it and funnily enough it has never been a drain on our economy or private taxation. I just cannot understand why the American people would not want this and it is not because the bill is flawed, your President is on record as reaching out to the Republicans and saying "Show me how we can improve this and we will talk", they don't want improvements they want it scrapped. Just some more light (fun) reading..... http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-q=Obamacare&sp-a=00062d45-sp00000000&sp-advanced=1&sp-p=all&sp-w-control=1&sp-w=alike&sp-date-range=-1&sp-x=any&sp-c=100&sp-m=1&sp-s=0&x=50&y=16 Ken
  3. G'day Doug I am sure you will fit right in here at RWG. Ken
  4. Please all note that this holiday starts on the 1st and runs for around 1 week. During that time there will be no shipping of goods, therefore I cannot take anymore orders until everyone returns to work. I ask that all request be held until at leather the 6th of Oct. Thank you Ken
  5. http://replicaplaza.net/index.php?route=common/home Ken
  6. diystorm is not a trusted dealer on this board so why would you want to order from them in the first place, stick with WE or the other sellers that are here. Ken
  7. This is terrible news I have had a very long history/friendship with Reg, I do hope he is well looked after in Thailand and that he makes a full recovery. Ken
  8. No there is a lot of customs seizures in China (GZ) but generally they hand the goods back to the agent for re-shipping. Don't ask me I don't understand it either.... Ken
  9. Indeed as Jkay says let me know what you want and I will give you a larger pic, I should also point out that the pic's on my site enlarge twice with clicking. Ken
  10. Yes I have many ladies shoes but I can also get very nice ladies dresses, Nanuq buys them all the time. He especially looks nice in pink butt huggers Ken
  11. He didn't work yesterday on account of him turning a year older Ken
  12. Chino was a mod here for a while too but I believe his work became to intensive for him to find the time to remain. For the newer set the evolution was WC => TRC => RWG 1 => RWG 2 / RWI with the other boards spinning off these last two The Admin for TRC and this board is the same person. Ken
  13. The Mulberry is second only to the Hermes as being at the very top of replica bags. Ken
  14. That will come, we need to get the site fully operational first Ken
  15. Sad fact is that due to the many who abuse the Paypal system to get what they want it is becoming harder for dealers to offer PP. If you are uncomfortable with the way dealers try to work around PP then you are lucky you were not in the game 5 years or more ago. Ken
  16. Click again Mike it blows up more Ken
  17. I'm sorry but 2 things inhibit this (1) we are limited to the pic's the factory gives us and (2) There a couple of thousand items on the site and I have to tell you uploading is a major pain in the butt, even finding the time to upload is hard. Ken
  18. meh I was running it through Bing and found the same as Ronin Ken
  19. It has come to the teams attention that the above replica seller is demanding members post reviews on this and the other replica forums in return for the favour of using PP to purchase. We have discussed this within the team and agree it has all the dirty markings...shill, spam, blackmail..and have therefore decided that all reviews of this site will be removed and any member attempting to post future reviews will be warned once and banned the second time. In future we hope our members will be more forthcoming and tell us directly of serious rule breeches like this. Thank you Ken (on behalf of the Admin team)
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