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Everything posted by KB

  1. Ok so how did you do that one.....................you didn't use a stapler on those notes I hope Ken
  2. Forget the watch will you sell me the photo prop. Ken
  3. Oh bum...............I go to bed early and the game goes ballistic Ken
  4. I'm with you on that one, it took 2 Months for me to get to see the Neurologist and a further Month for the MRI, 1 more Month to get to see him again at which point he said let's wait 6 Months and see how it goes Ken
  5. And may I say a pleasure having you with us Feta1 Welcome to RWG Ken
  6. Very sorry to hear this Estaban I had bad luck with a couple of loved pets whe I was young, one was hit by a car in front of me (and it was my fault), the other was hit by a truck when a family member left the gate open. The pain I suffered on those two occassions has ment that I have not aquired another pet (except goldfish) in over 35 years. Ken
  7. Of course, I was thinking 24hrs when I only needed to think 12 hrs
  8. 9 years of course Bugger OB beat me
  9. Actually I think Sue is the visitor because she told the truth. Ken
  10. Correct one of the coins is not a 10 cent piece, it's a 20 cent piece..................but the other coin is 10c Ken
  11. Um.........yeah.........I think Ken
  12. This of course is the main point..........What if we build it and nobody comes? Ken
  13. My appologies, I forgot about that. I bookmarked the page for future reference as I have been as busy as buggery trying to get my little shop open on WT to worry about buying anything for myself at the moment. Ken
  14. Puggy's our go to guy for technical stuff Ken
  15. Are you sure it's gen? I have noticed a lot of rep's sneaking on to Amazon over the last year. Ken
  16. What colour is your watch, it couldn't simply be black paint could it? Ken
  17. About................as pencils had not been invented yet, he had to work it out with a stick No? thought not Ken
  18. I think you got the wrong guy, the only Bob I have is the one that came with my 192 and that's a crocodile. As far as who will be able to access the chat room, this will be discussed in Admin once it has been decided that there will in fact be a chat room. Ken
  19. Also agree with WW's idea but not the revealing of the members username (not yet) lets see how he responds to Thomas's prob before he is called out. After all bad packaging is careless and thoughtless but it's not intentional scamming. Ken
  20. Yeah we caught that the first time Everyone needs to sit tight as Da Boss is away for a couple of days, I have already left a message about this in Admin for when he returns..............................still no promises Ken
  21. For a start never turn your nose up at a gen as it will be around long after all your reps have given up the ghost. It's funny you mention TAG's as for the price range a good second hand TAG may be the way to go, however I'm sure there are many more informed members that will be along and point you in other directions. Ken Edit; In fact a couple have popped up whilst I was typing
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