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Everything posted by KB

  1. Chris imploded. Problems on top of problems very few of them getting fixed until finally we couldn't accept the service he was giving our members. Ken
  2. It's best to have this public posting so all can see as he could just as easily do the same thing to a regular member. Dealers will of course be given full details on request. Ken
  3. Jim as a fellow Aussie who has been around the traps (rep game) for almost 10 years take it from me patience is the name of the game. Ken
  4. Go to our dealers section on the main page. Stay there and stay safe. Ken
  5. True but we don't want to scare the tourist away, Queensland would go bankrupt if they stop coming. Ken
  6. No Kangaroo shit sorry, the Koala's eat it all... Ken
  7. Yes unfortunately at this time I have not been able to get hold of the 8 watch case. This does not mean that it is not out there but it can mean that any replica is not of the quality that my people would look at. Ken
  8. The sad thing is, as all my customers know, that I will go out of my way (and out of pocket) to make them right when problems occur. But this guys attitude was like he see's Paypal as a legitimate returns dept. After I offered to replace the goods and pay for return shipping he just lodged the claim and stopped responding in anyway at all. Yes I know Karma will bite him but I just don't want to see a whole string of other members get caught by this guy too. Ken
  9. Tis not...it's the bosses joke. The mods just laugh so we can stay mods. Ken
  10. No I did a refund the moment it hit the account. PP did the refund but they took it from my bank account. I should add that I keep that account empty and PP simply overdrew the account. Ken
  11. R sorry but I'm a mod I can't break one of our own rules and post up his personal details. And T yes it's the same guy. I have asked PP to give me this tracking number they claim I have so I can prove it doesn't track to my house but I believe they are just saying that to close the case. I have no doubt at all that this person has told PP that he bought replica goods off me on RWG. Ken
  12. Of course we have already had a chance to chat but welcome to RWG. I think super rep has become a very relative thing these days, with nearly all watches being made from gen spec's now they are all pretty super. Yes there are different levels of accuracy but usually that comes with different mods done after purchase or watches bought direct from BK for example. Ken
  13. The buyer uses the same name on the Geeks as he does here '410' I have no idea if he is also on the other boards, just steer clear if you see him. @Hartdoc, no my foul, I didn't get the message out in time, just remember me when you are ready to order again. Ken
  14. Unfortunately I am not in the position to ban him, I'm afraid being a team member means there's not much I can do. Ken
  15. I have no idea who burned Gordon, sorry but I don't even know who that dealer is, but I do know this member has not been banned anywhere. If you want to know why people are rocking up and ruining it for everyone you only need to look at the tolerance the boards afford these guys now, once upon a time he would have been railroaded. Ken
  16. You will probably be aware of the issue I had with this customer previously, you may also be aware that I never disputed the goods were damaged in transit and offered to even pay return postage and replace the goods. The member in question however decided to both keep the goods and lodge a PP claim which he escalated to a full dispute within a few minutes. This dispute has now run it's course and Paypal has found in the buyers favour (surprise, surprise) as they claim that (1) The buyer Emailed me a tracking number on the 4th of August, which is a lie and (2) That I have received the goods, another lie. They managed to get $177 as a customer inadvertently sent a payment to the account when it was frozen but the claim is for over $700 so the account is well and truly burned. This member has not been active on this board since the 3rd of August but I believe he now frequents the Geeks, I post here as the team over there in their infinite wisdom locked down the thread where the members were trying to get the guy to be reasonable and as many of you travel between the boards the danger of being caught is very real. Let me just state this customer can and does function normally within our rep buying community, he will most likely have a number of successful dealings but if the slightest thing goes wrong he will take it straight to the PP dispute route and ignore all attempts to try and fix it. Ken
  17. I would be careful how you react...it was the bosses little joke after all... Ken
  18. KB


    You know I wonder if AP could bring out a Hurricane to go with their volcano, sort of a natural disaster series? Stay safe Mike although I like your priorities (grabbing more booze), fluids are important. Ken
  19. Dunno...whenever I see these salt lake record attempts I always tend to say "That thing has more in common with a plane or rocket than a car" Ken
  20. You're kidding me, we had one only 2 years ago! Seriously we do have a number of members in Sydney so I would be surprised if you can rustle up a gtg. Ken
  21. I have no idea if parcelforce handles all EMS packages in the UK or not but from my experience I have found the different countries postal carriers to all track these packages. Ken
  22. Every thing goes through customs, both in China and in your home country. In recent times they have added to all tracking 'Handed over to customs' this is part of the normal process and probably is no more than some pen pushers idea to make people sweat. there is in fact times when packages do not travel direct from seller to buyer but take a more scenic route before leaving China, this is on the initiative of the shipping agent (not the seller) and it is designed to battle the occasional customs crackdowns in the cities where the seller is located. In these cases it is not unusual (as Tom Jones would say) for the goods to take an extra week or two. Finally as pointed out the EMS site is not always updated in a timely manner, buyers should also be aware that their national postal carrier, in the case of the OP it would be Royal Mail, can also track these numbers and often better than EMS. Ken
  23. Jeffery Archer, Wilbur Smith, Thomas Keneally, Tim Winton, W Somerset Maugham etc etc Actually almost anything. Ken
  24. KB


    Actually if someone pays into your account it is available instantly, unless they pay by Echeque, you can spend it online the moment you have it in your PP account. It's when you transfer that money to your bank that you need to wait for it to clear. Ken
  25. Thanks everyone, I thought I woke up with a hangover but now I realise it's the flu. And Omni my friend if I looked as good at 52 that you do at 64 I would be a happy man. Ken
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