fantastic timepiece
great shots!!
but the lume shot looks like if it was made in photoshop i know it wasnt great watch, wear it well. i will egt my dvs pam one day
these arent nice photos but the watch is for sure :wub: Ive never been into vintage pieces as they are way outta my price range, but the more pictures I see the more I understand all you freaks that spend $$$ on Cortebert movements and vintagalizing process
great watch, wear it well
yeesss some kinky wrist shots cnograts, not everyones lady is as Yours
mine do like my hobby but she is totally bored now with it as I used to talk too much about it I told her "none of my mates share my hobby so I have to tell You my thoughts about it". Se used to listen patiently, now... well not so carefully
this is nonsense. Guy told he even hadnt got a court time yet. And fined already. Hes afraid if it will come to the must of visiting the court he can be fined another, biger fee.
this is probably the worst scenario for us all. If a postman delivers watch and something else
i thinkk he ment just the clasp, not whole bracelet.
if so then I dunno, ask you dealermaybe he can source you one.
EDIT: ok, got your point, buy deployant and take one pusher out
honestly the first pam I bought looked the same, but its face was more like 250 than fantasy, but still, same rubber strap, but black, same buckle, same movement my bro's wearing it since over a year. He likes it, cuz it shows the time well
will postr pics tomorrow, no time today to take any
i dunno how good is the bergeon one nor how is it compared to my 4usd one, bought at local watchtools retailer shop, but the damn cheap tool does its job good.
spending almost 10 times more on a brand one is just pointless and sensless to me
sorry to hear that, that really really sucks
you can try to give your friend a old sub if ya have one, that he could swich to the damn parcel. You will get your new watch eventually and the old might be back too
yes, cut the crap!
this morning she looked like this (I like my dirty shots )
but then I changed my mind and while shredding some solo sounds i dressed her like this