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Everything posted by flamemax

  1. Eye Candy Bump!
  2. @Estaban, Sorry for my terminology; I am not 100% versed in the language of watches.. lol Pictured above are the items I am referencing, if these are lug screws, then that is what I meant. Sorry for the confusion.
  3. Hello All, History: I ordered a 111h from Angus with a strap and SS bracelet. Angus attempted to mount the SS bracelet for me before shipping but he has discovered that the spring bars that he has do not fit. He has 2 different models fo the sprign bars; thin ones and thick ones. He says fat ones are the bars that go wit this particular model ad the ends fit flush and tight with the watch case, but they are too thick to pass within the SS braclet. The thin ones pass within the braclet, but stick out a bit from the watch case and also have a bit of a gap where the spring bar end fits flush to the watch case. I am not doubting Angus, as I am sure he has much more experience than I, but with the wealth os experienced and knowledgable people here on this forum I am wondering if anyone has ever experienced this, and if so, how you worked around the problem. At the moment I have a decision to make; Angus has apologized and offered to refund me for the bracelet, which he has not shipped yet due to this issue, or to go ahead and send me the bracelet anyways. What should I do, I really want the 111h on SS Pictures and description from Angus; IMG_0151.jpg shows the springbar we used for this PAM111 (right) which is thicker. IMG_0153.jpg shows the thicker springbar screwed in and it looks perfect. IMG_0154.jpg shows t he thinner springbar is very difficult to screw in and it is too thin and there is a gap between the the springbar and the hole. Thanks for any and all information!
  4. Thanks for the info! I will ask Angus to supply the bracelet and spring bars anyways as I am sure I will be able to get this to fiit, if not I will purchase soem that do fit. Angus was also sending me a strap, but no buckle. I will write him and ask for a buckle as well because I can think of no worse torture than receiving the 111 and not being able to wear it right away! I also sent this post to Angus incase he is a victim of the metal tabs problem. Thanks again!
  5. Hello Vbarret, Where did you get the spring bars from? I have just been told form my dealer that the spring bars he has in stock are too fat for the holes in the SS bracelet. I am thinking that perhaps he encountered the same issue as you?? Any thoughts?
  6. Thank you to everyone who offered! Unfortunately I do nto want to cut the jacket up and send a slab of leather here and another there as the point of this is... I get a strapor 2 , you get enough worn in weather beaten good lookin' leather to make... (guestimate) 8, perhaps 10 , maybe more, I don't know.. So after taking some time to think about it, my jacket is going to Tootall, in agreement for 2 straps on condition the the leather is usable strap making. I will take the lining out, seperate the jacket into it's predefined sections, package it and send it to tootall. Thanks once again to all who offered, all of you make beautiful straps!! Kindest regards,
  7. OK, here we go, pictures located at below link; http://picasaweb.google.com/flamemax/LeatherJacket
  8. How should I post the pics? Picassa web album?/ Copy paste into the thread? other? Thanks!
  9. Pictures on the way shortly. please note that I am not a photographer. These pictures are taken in my kitchen under regular lighting, snapped this evening. Consider the color to be a... rustic black that seems to want to be brown, with patches of grey thrown in for character. It's a tad thicker than the outer edge of a Canadian nickle.
  10. Hey Dizzle, I have a feeling it will be more than thick enough . Might even have to be shaved down in spots to make it thin enough. This is not your daddy's 3/4 length dress coat (no offence to your dad) Kindest regards,
  11. @corgi LOL!!
  12. R.I.P *Bows head*
  13. Hello All, As stated, I have an old motorcycle jack that has seen about 8yrs of riding, the leather is worn in and far from being brand spanking new (perfect for a strap). Don't get me wrong, is has not eaten any pavement, but it is discolored from the sun in areas like the shoulders, and still black/almost brown in other areas. The leather is of good quality (jacket cost me close to $1000) a while back. I am no longer wearing this jacket, nor have I worn it since I sold my modified V-MAX (143HP at the rear wheel BTW ) . The jacket has seen may a biker party and then some, so suffice is to say it has great sentimental value. I am wondering is I can ship this to someone (my cost) in exchange for a strap or 2. The jacket will have a hole cut out of the upper right arm, as I have to remove my VMOA (V-MAX Owners Association) patch. There is nothing I would love more than to have a memory of my V-MAX strapped to my wrist holding my 111h. Let me know if anyone is interested in pictures and I'll see about snapping a few Kindest regards,
  14. Can you post a link to the sticky, I cannot seem to find it at the top of the panerai area. Thanks much! Robb AKA Flamemax
  15. Hey All, As some of you know from one of my previous posts, I'm buying a 111 from one of our trusted dealers. I think I had a major misconception about straps though, I've been browsing the forums and have seen all these beautiful straps, (Culture straps anyone?). I thought that buying a PAM included one of these wicked wild straps, but I am coming to the conclusion that when you buy a PAM form a dealer (excluding a second hand PAM with a good strap) you are buying the watch and not the strap. If you want a strap (a fancy one) you must go shopping elsewhere and find one to your liking; is this correct? This PAM business is getting more and more expensive by the minute, I'm starting to regret allowing myself to get caught up in this as I am an Obsessive compulsive when it comes to watches. Now for my story of shame; I saw some beautiful straps in a previous post labled "For my PAM crazy gang" and I send a picture of these straps to the dealer I am buying the 111 from, inquiring if he had any of these straps, and if he could supply one with the 111. I have since researched the price and noticed that these puppied go for $100 +. Sorry dealer!! I did not mean to pull a n00b on you. haha. Robb AKA Flamemax
  16. HAAH, exacyly, It was posted here; http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=53788 In the Panerai area of RWG. And I beleive I am a VIP member, or at least a Supporter, My membership dues have been paid. I Guess lack on info is how rumours get started, huh? Sorry for that. Robb AKA Flamemax My brain might be playing tricks on me, but I have not see davidsen in the Collectors area. Robb AKA Flamemax **EDIT For fear of submitting guarded info on this public topic; If someone could PM me davidsen's info so that I may view his watches or contact him it would be much appreciated END EDIT**
  17. Thanks to all who posted their suggestions - I was recently on the PAM forum and posted this there; I've made a decision, now I just have to figure out where to get a good one, and who can get it to me the fastest <grin>. *Quote from the PAM Forum* Hello and thanks to all who posted here essentially building yet another informative PAM thread. Question; Would I fond davidsen in the Collectors forum, if so what alias does he go by. I posted a topic in the general discussion forum asking what watch suggestions members had. The result of that post is that I have decided to spring on a PAM111 H or E, have not decided that yet. I will purchase it with a thick brown strap with bold stiching as well as a SS bracelet, if possible. Now on to selecting a collector/member/person to buy from. I don't mind purchasing used either, hint hint, to anyone wanting to part with one... Sorry for hijacking the post. Robb AKA Flamemax *END- Quote from the PAM Forum*
  18. Hello and thanks to all who posted here essentially building yet another informative PAM thread. Question; Would I fond davidsen in the Collectors forum, if so what alias does he go by. I posted a topic in the general discussion forum asking what watch suggestions members had. The result of that post is that I have decided to spring on a PAM111 H or E, have not decided that yet. I will purchase it with a thick brown strap with bold stiching as well as a SS bracelet, if possible. Now on to selecting a collector/member/person to buy from. I don't mind purchasing used either, hint hint, to anyone wanting to part with one... Sorry for hijacking the post. Robb AKA Flamemax
  19. Hello, Is there a reason that old posts of sold watches stick around in the member and VIP trade areas. I've seen a couple of items I was ready to buy, only to realize that the item was sold . It acts as quite the tease! Would it be possible to have posts of sold items removed, I think it would make the trade area much less congested as well. Thanks, Robb AKA Flamemax
  20. You are correct, I have literally been dreaming of PAM as of late. The thing is, that family is so compelx, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I acttally saw the 112 earlier on a collector's page, it had a SS bracelet along with a leather one for an additional cost. I almost ordered it, but it was missing the do-hickey(chrono type device) on the left side of the dial that I have discovered I like (because that is what prevented me from pulling the trigger). Thanks for re-igniting my flame for this particular model. Robb AKA Flamemax
  21. @lanikai I have been reading and lurking on this board for quite some time, with a couple of pauses thrown in here and there. In unserstand exactyl what you are saying about "my choice will be the best" but the gist of this post is to help me make a impulsive decision I like the ROlex in the Sub, SeaD, Explorer flavors, I like the Omega PO, I like the tag monaco, I like the PAMS (but I must admit, I am having a hadr time digesting all the models, choices and info, SS bracelet, leather, more than one strap, modded or no, chrono, or not.. I'm dizzy now) I like certain IWC, HBB!! (Yeah Baby). But the thing is, I have been looking at wrist candy with the intent of purchasing for the past couple of weeks, and have not been able to choose Hence this topic. I do thank you for the reply! Robb AKA Flamemax
  22. OK, let me rephrase. If you were me right now, and had a few hundred extra Canadian dollaras to spend on an addidion to your collection, what would you buy?
  23. Hello All, My impulsive side it getting the better of me, and as a result I want to pull the trigger tonight on a watch. The problem is, I don't know what to buy. I want something that can hold the time, that has probably has a tad of custom work done to is, and not a watch that comes right out of an asian manufactuere with out any QA or TLC. M budget is about $300 CAN +/-. What do you knowledgeable folks recommend. I know this is hard without knowing what i like, so here goes; Nothing gold (or whatever) plated. Nothing with roman type numerals like the a Chopard Nothing with fake (or real for that matter) diamonds. I'm not crazy about a rubber (or anything other than SS) strap, but exceptions can be made, as in the Divers or a PAM. I like my watches big >41mm and, I am not crazy about flashy colors, like the Orange PO for instance. I have a thing for fancy materials such as titanium. I also have a thing for movements with a flair Can I get some educated recommendations? Many thanks on any and all recommendations as this will greatly help me make a decision. Thanks! Robb AKA Flamemax
  24. I had the exact problem with an Explorer II, no matter what i tried, screwing the crown in would change the date. The workaround I used was to set the date 2 days in advance, and then screw the crown in, which would turn the date wheel a couple of clicks and land on the correct date. I never thought of the possibility that the stem was too short, I simply figured that the movement was a POS. I do not want to give you any reason for concern, but the movement eventually let go all together. I brought it to my watchsmith and he stated that the movement ate itself due to lack of lubrication. Kindeat regards, Robb AKA Flamemax.
  25. Thanks for the rapid response; I've been to this page, selected a 1yr VIP subscription, the problem is on the next page; It says "click here to select payment option" I do so, it brings me to another page with "Payment option" written there, but no option to select. If I select next, the page states that I have not selected a payment option and to go back to select one... help. Thanks!
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