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Everything posted by flamemax

  1. Hello, For those of you who stated that the leathwer of the jacket would be too thin, well... I'll eat my words on that matter. You were right. i measured it and the leather is about 1mm in thickness. I have found an alternative. Many many moons ago, my father hand made 2 leather duffle bags. These bags are well traveled and well over 20 yrs old (for those looking for that vintage look!) The leather is a worn biege color and is 3.5mm thick. I will be PM'ing the Person I promised the jacket to shortly and offer the bags instead. Sorry for the long delay on this. I got caught up with the holiday thing and the work thing, well, you know how it all goes. Kindest regards, Robb AKA Flamemax
  2. What everyone else said, and then some! Fantastic! 5 stars! It does however look like your missing a historic PAM in there, perhaps a fiddy, or maybe even a 111e. Thanks for the pics!
  3. Hey Pug, You see that pink vial in the picture up above, that is what I have. The way i understand it; it would take tens of millions of those vials if not billions to have enough tritium to even begin thinking about having enough for a WMD. So, I don't think I'll be going to the pen for simply having imported one vial. BTW is was shipped and delivered without problems
  4. @rmc .. I guess that depends on your perspective and if you want a 2nd pecker or not Do not let my n00b status fool you, if I do this I will take precautionary measures, such as wearing an anti radiation suit, and making sure I have a radiation meter running at all times. Tritium is such a weak radioactive substance that it cannot even penetrate through the first layer of human skin. As I understand it, a watch caseback and sapphire is enough to be 100% sure that the tritium will never have an adverse effect. With that said... the only thing that is stopping me is that I am afraid that the tritium substance within the vial will not be "workable" enough to apply to a dial.
  5. I own a key dongle that had a glass tritium vial within it. They sell on the bay for about $7 a pop. I have no idea what the consistency if the tritium is within the vial or even if it is usable. The thought has crossed my mind, though about wanting to crack open the vial and make an attempt at luming a cheap Timex, just to see what the result would be. Food for thought I guess... Robb
  6. I understand the point you people are making about this being "underground" and "contraband".. The point I tried to make was the following... If I am promised a hand inspected, QC'd watch, that is what I will expect. If the watch arrives and it was obviouslt NOT inspected, that will peeve me off, period. If I am told ahead of time that the watch is "not exactly the one in the picture" and "will not be hand inspected" :Read, Dropshipped, then I will prepare myself to expect just about anything... even a Micky Mouse timex. It all boils down to expectations... not who is right or wrong... If I am promised X, I will expect X.. If after being promised X, and receiving Y, I will feel that I was lied to and the dealer in question will loose a great deal of credibility in my eyes. Credibility is KEY! So yes this is contraband, that does not give dealers a "carte blanche" to lie. ...and please do not get me wrong.. I am not saying all dealers are liers, not am I saying all dealers are honest... I'm just saying they should always deliver what they promised, whatever the promise may be. When dealing with dealers, trust is the only thing a rep watch consumer has to base his or herself on.
  7. I have bought a few reps as well... I have also banned some dealers in my personal list of dealers due to long delays in response times and or sending an email with 5 questions for example, only to have 2 of the questions answered. I am still in my "dealer selection process" and will prolly give each one a try, once, and only the best will receive my repeat business. I have a lot of business to bring to the table as I am an avid collector and THE watch and replica watch guru within my circle of friends and family. I am open to delays and mistakes, what I am not open to is false expectations... If I have been told that the piece I am ordering will be hand expected and when I receive it, it turns out that it wasn't - that's a big no-no in my book. Same goes for answers to questions and the time it takes to receive a reply to an email. As for pricing, I am more than willing to pay an higher price (withini reason) to a dealer who will literally had inspect a purchase before sending it out. Many have said... "This is an underground business... so it works differently" "It's high risk for the dealers, so they don't have to provide good customer service" "Most of the dealers are from Asia, and their customer service philosophy is ... different" I say... "The truth is universal" "A promise, is a promise, no matter what way you look at it" TIP FOR DEALERS (It has been my experience that The Zigmeister makes good use of this) Under-promise and always over-deliver
  8. I agree, I have heard lots of good concerning Andrew. Perform a few searches and you shoud come up with a substantial amount of info.
  9. Privince of Quebec, Montreal. Price = $1.17 per litre for reg.
  10. I don't get it, am I supposed to post here, or not?
  11. ...and mine!
  12. Its in French, sorry could not find the English version of it, if there is one. Enjoy!! hxxp://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Dv1ohRsjDUQ xx for tt, you know the drill **EDIT** and this hxxp://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=PvdAurLTYVw **END EDIT**
  13. sssurfer speaks the truth! Give it time.... But they again, everyones different and you may end up liking them... another "but" But, if you fancy watches, you'll eventually come to admire and lust over the PAM's... And I'm with vbarret on the B&R... nice but do not have the elegance of a PAM. Funny story, I recently purchased a 111e, when I first showed the pictures to some worjk friends, they did not say anything at the moment, but they all thought "yuck!". Well! when the 111 arrived, along with a SC 24/24 legend strap, their minds changed within a day if not hours.. Now atleast 2 of my work buddies want one gotta love those PAMS Oh! and BTW, my thoughts were right inline with yours when I first arrives here Have fun!! Robb
  14. Thanks Unokool, That is indeed some invaluable information!
  15. Vienna, Thanks a bunch for taking the time to answer! I hear what you're saying and I only wish it was I who was going. The thing is, a co worker friend of mine is going, and he is not as versed in reps as I, nor is he as passionate. Don't get me wrong, he like reps, and the concept, but just does not have it in his blood like most RWG members. I was hoping for some sort of turn-key information I could give him to make his shopping experience more fluid. He will prolly be picking something up for me, and himself, and prolly a few more than that. My goal was to provide him witn information to prevent him form being scammed, and most importantly to keep him from bringing home a $10 Canal street knockoff and plop it on my desk. Thanks again!
  16. Thanks a bunch for the replies! Any suggestions as to how to aproach the dealers when asking for the "secret merchandise" ? Is there any advise available in terms of "whatever you do, don't buy xxxxx ? How would one spot a dealer who had the "good stuff" What can one expect to pay for a medium to good quality rep in KP? Many thanks! Robb
  17. Hello All, I have a friend who will be visiting KL soon and he would like to go watch shopping. Does anyone know of a prime location within KL. Anything he should be careful of (scams)? Any and all advice is much appreciated!! Robb
  18. It could be a bit normal that the seconds hand turnd when you wear it or when you move the watch briskly, what could be happening is (assuming the watch is unwound) it that you are releasing the remainder of the tension on the main spring. I'm sure if you watch it, the seconds hand will not turn for more than a few seconds.. When winding, turning the crown away from you ^ should cause the gears to move and the main spring to wind. Turning the crown towards you should result in a ticking sound and no visible movement while looking through the clear case back. I am no expert, but this has been my experience. Kindest regards, **EDIT The crown should not need to be pulled out inorder to wind the mainspring. END EDIT**
  19. Hey Man, Stick around here for a while, check out this forum very throughly, and then come back to this topic and tell us what YOU think. IMHO, that a pretty poor rep, and I really hope you did not spend very much on it. You'll have a perfect one in no time. And they are like Lays chips, once you have one, you can't stop. Not to mention "Strap disease" Kindest regards,
  20. The Zigmeister!!! That! Is! An! Amazing! How-To! Thanks bud!
  21. THAT!!! is a work of art! I love it! I usually try to sell those telemarketers something in return. "...You're just the person I wanted to speak to, how would you like to be the proud new owner of a 5 year old coffee maker..." Gets's 'em every time! But I must admit, the above recording is much much more intricate than my tactic Kindest regards,
  22. Hello xlr8tn, I had these exact same questions, but they were "all" answered by scouring the RWG Panerai forum. There is also a good stick or 2 on rep geek. Read lots, study hard, and then come back and ask some more percise quesitons. The senior members will then prolly be more willing to help. I personally started way back in 2006 and read up until present in the Panerai forum, it helps! Kindest regards,
  23. On average I would say about 7 days depending on the shipping cie. I received an Ultimate 111h from Angus yesterday It was ordered last wednesday, shipped last Friday and arrived at my office yesterday
  24. I have a couple of comments on this matter, as much as I have tried to stay out of it, for obvious reasons; someone who is convinced that guns are bad or vice versa will usually stick to their guns, no pun intended. FYI I do not own a hand gun, or a hunting rifle, but I like having the option Criminalize guns and the only people who will have guns will be criminals, how safe is that? Imagine the damage one could do with a big pickup truck and a bus stop loaded with people, the pickup truck drive could potentially wipeout a dozen lives in a heartbeat. Bottom line is, guns don't kill people, people kill people. I have never killed a person, nor do I ever intend to, but let me tell you this; if ever I put my mind to it, it will happen, guns or no guns. Peace out! Robb AKA Falmemax
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