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Posts posted by AllergyDoc

  1. Welcome Tim.

    Bad news. You're chasing the Holy Grail of replicas. It is available with the running seconds at 6:00, but as you now know, the modifications to the basic movement to move the running seconds from 9:00 to 6:00 required the addition of about 12 gears, all unjeweled and mostly unlubed or oiled.

    If you really want the watch, get one. Some guys have had theirs for 2+ years without any problems. A lot had it die after 2 months.

    Your best bet is to ship it off to a watch guy who works on replicas and have him service the movement. Best to do it right away as most won't work on busted Daytona reps.

    The compromise is to get a seconds at nine, based on the pre-2000 Daytona. They're much more reliable but not very accurate.


    Lastly, as accuracy is important to you, I hope you realize that a solid gold Daytona would likely cost about $25K. Hopefully your profession would support this kind of acquisition. If not, well, it wouldn't be very accurate for you, IMO.

  2. He came here and old RWG1 a few months ago and tried to defend his products and service. He was blasted and banned.

    I ordered from them a couple of years ago. Got my watch, a beautiful YM, but got scalped for $1,050.

  3. I had mine shipped "free." Registered mail takes longer.

    Also, I was told the first watch they received had a problem with the GMT hand so there was a delay waiting for the second watch to arrive and be QC'ed. Hopefully this is really what happened. I admit I've been skeptical about QC claims since receiving a very bad Daytona from Silix. I was told the first one didn't pass "QC" but then was send a watch with a dented crown guard, running hours-at-nine dial, and poor painting on a subdial. I thought, "THIS passed QC?" I'm now sure Silix tells people watches don't pass "QC" as a stall.

    "Rep grime"? No big deal. A two minute cleaning and they sparkle.

  4. Yes. God does not like Liberals, hedonists, nor actors. It seems. :) After the twelfth wild fire, mud slide, Earth quake, and 2x, 100 mph desert winds for the year, only an atheist and/or a masochist would stick around to pay those taxes. Sometimes I think of 'AllergyDoc' as a pioneering missionary there. 'Physician heal thyself', GET OUT! :D

    And to top it off, we have gay activists storming Mormon churches and temples, scaring little old ladies to death and IDing donors to Yes on Prop. and demanding they lose their job. Now Arnie wants a 10% sales tax. Yet, the leftist legislature can only think of one thing: "How can we spend more money?"

    I'm thinking of Arizona or Washington. Love the Evergreen State. Alas, they're as or more liberal than Californians. Oregon's out of the question. Most Oregonians are incompetent nuts. How do I know this? The state won't let them pump their own gas, fer cryin' out loud!

    Col: There are far too many trees in Australia. Cut them down and don't allow any to be planted. Your next big wind will be a breeze!

  5. Doc, that wasn't off my drive. And I wasn't surfing sites like that - I searched the term "ass licker" for something in that thread. Nothing interesting came up. So I removed the filtering on Google and that popped up. I hotlinked it in my post for shock value.

    What I am getting at is that I haven't been surfing porn (and that is not my thing anyway). I have been clean for 67 days now. With that at least, I am doing well. But yes, there are lots of things that need work, clearly.

    Glad to hear it. Much more important than watch fora drivel.

    Saw your post at RWI. They seem pretty [censored] there.

  6. John, you need a job.


    Some other things need a little work, too, friend. Some time ago, shortly after you set up camp for us here in the Bin, I was reading a thread when suddenly I see the back end of naked tranny. Disgusting doesn't say enough. You shouldn't have those pics on your C: drive nor should you be on any sights where you can link to them.

    Banned for pulling one over on Klink? I doubt it. He's not exactly a rock star on the boards. Keep a low profile. Keep your nose clean. In a few weeks everyone will forget about it and you can crank up your post count again (unless you're busy at work).

  7. Looks like a great watch. How much did all the extras cost? Do you think they really oiled your watch?

    Also, the first 2 pics are unnecessary and maybe detrimental. Should some overzealous Homeland security slave been snooping about on the board they might take notice of the appearance of contraband packages. We all know what a shipping box looks like. I recommend you remove those first 2 pics.

  8. the longest thread going on RG "General Discussion" right now is one about men discussing the wear and finer points of caring for gentlemen's haberdashery as it applies to 'shirt cuffs' and larger mm watches.

    The longest threads are the drama threads. It's like Springer at the gym. You don't want to watch brawling welfare people but your eyes keep returning to the screen.

    Replicas are what brought this nutty group of people together in the first place so I think the central theme should remain the same.

    But ozonenub and greg need their own room, one with a thick door so the rest of us don't have to listen to their never ending "boobie" talk.

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