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Everything posted by arminvanbuuren

  1. wat the hell is with all these campaign rolex is "making".. seriously are they trying to control us now? huh? far out!! sif theyre trying to be patek phillippe.. get out of here.. they'll never be patek phillippe!!!
  2. thats y i kinda stayed away from the rb II eventho ive always wanted it.. actually its so not worth it thats y im building a 202/a which is a 90k watch.. more expensive than rbII rose gold and ill get more of an accurate watch for cheaper
  3. double the price?? for a simple mod? man ur not kidding right? like hell even 800 range is a bit too much
  4. no matter what u say i still think ur bsing.. ok i kinda agree with previous post.. the freakin datewheel on the ingy is too different to the gen.. its like day and night.. how the hell does the ad or anyone who looks at iwc everyday does not know this?? a bit weird if u ask me.. and iwc ingy is the easiest to resize.. why the hell would u need an ad?? ur story just doesnt make sense to me.. i dont get why other are [censored] off.. im not coz i think its a [censored] story that u made up
  5. the gen is so sexy.. i never seen the rep.. but if its remotely close then well done.. coz gen is so [censored]ing sexy
  6. especially made up fake stories.. who the hell would wanna hear that?
  7. yes iwc ad is just as good as the rwg members.. /me rolls eyes.. so good that last time i posted 2 pics of gen breitling skyland and rolex daydate 60% of the ppl in here thought it was franken and 40% thought it was rep coz it had gold oxidation on the bracelet.. ok i dont freakin recommend taking watches to an ad.. but saying "ITS EASY TO TELL WITH A BLINK OF THE EYE???" pftt.. so much for being experts and all.. i still need to be convinced at how good we as rwg and those ADs are.. coz seriously i doubt we're that good.
  8. 1.5k?? mike said the gear mod is easy.. certainly not worth 1000
  9. thats a gen bezel.. lol ye gen bezel is much more shinier.. its kinda like a mirror.. its got that "bakelite" effect to it
  10. cool man.. have u ever had a 1950 project? coz i really wanna see a dlc'd fiddy.. never seen one b4
  11. that just gave me an idea.. since i got this fiddy.. i should get it ar'd by chief or ajoe.. then get it dlc'd.. and superlumed with blue lume.. i reckon it should be the sexiest fiddy in the world.. wat do u all think?
  12. show me the finish product man.. cant wait.. this'll be sexy
  13. how much are they? i thought theyre in the 500 bux range
  14. 400? i thought they're close to 500 but meh.. yes i prefer the topgun ceramic.. eventho last time i heard this wont even be considered as a 'super rep' by the senior members here.. so i never really talk about it here
  15. not sure about correct crownguards.. i mean it ranges from fu cg to little hero cg.. so if u want a really accurate ones ud be spending about $200-300.. crowns are about $100 im guessing.. but ye after these mods ull have a pretty accurate watch tho.. well im not much the panerai expert but this is wat i think anyway.. u may want to ask the board more.. but i dunno if its worth it considering ur base is a dsn (or just get a t crown.. dw about the cg i think if it gets too expensive.. but i was thnking if u want to dlc it then might as well get the best parts ).. if it was me id go with the dsn 127 and dlc that.. i mean 127 out of the box is fine ..
  16. well $900 sounds hard.. considering the dlc itself will cost 400.. but as for mods.. i suggest u get a new crown from t i dunno if he still has this or not.. but if not then get his t-60.. and installed into dsn's case.. in addition u might want to get a new crownguard.. i was wondering tho.. wat would polished ss look like with dlc?
  17. oh well i dont know but this is mine ey
  18. its not paperweight!! :@.. they should do this in tungsten.. ohh and u know wats the best.. if someone can do the gear mod .. weeeeeee
  19. ok if he said "theres trouble with chief's ar and needs to be recoated in UK" then hes bsing.. coz i know chief, he checks out crystals before he sends them out.. and if there is trouble he offers recoating for free as what happened to mine last time.. so i dunno just my 0.02
  20. oh trust me i have about 4 diff ones here in adelaide.. and theyre all the same.. slow, grumpy and have no skills.. seriously we're lucky to have The Zigmeister here.. just overall nice person and his work is just outstanding.. too bad hes all the way in canada.. but for simple mods sometimes its just not worth of sending it to him.. but then again these days i just think its so worth it..
  21. ohh ok i get it now.. but last time i went through chief's ar run.. he gave an update in every step of the way (good bloke).. u coulda seen the progress there of when he accepted crystals from rocketeer and when he dispatched it.. then ud know whether or not hes lying.. i mean just to make u feel better.. i had some problem with my crystal when i did a work with chief.. after the1st run my crystal had problems.. and chief did a rerun for me for free (again good bloke).. the whole process for me took about 6-8 months.. but at the end of it.. its worth it coz his ar is just the best.. so hang in there man.. hopefully this'll put u with more ease
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