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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. :o

    Teehee. Another loophole is that when you purchase a set in a pawn shop, you don't need to apply for a licence fee directly.

    I suppose deep down inside, this ex-Guide loves cheating "the system".

    Do any of the Brits remember the Hale & Pace sketch with the 'TV Detector' van? :lol:

    And that's the van I meant! The one with the "radar" which went around street to street, supposedly scoping who was running their set illicitly.

    That has got to be the number one British urban legend.

    Other than Keith Richards, obviously.

  2. I feel for you, man! Some of our members here who are trying to do the right thing have been insulted like you, and I feel bad for you guys! Sometimes I feel like giving up this place, but I can't find any RWGA (AA plenty) in my area! Just hang in there, hopefully, it will get better!

    Guys, honestly, I just don't get why people are so against this, to the point of sneaking to teacher with insinuations about a member. Whether or not I get along with said member is beside the point -- surely you know his calibre by now?

    And if we start bleeding newer members like HikeUSA because of this...not good. I'm sad now. :(

  3. Analogue TVs won't be obsolete as long as there are digital tuners

    I'm almost positive you know, but analogue transmission will be obsolete in the US by next year (2009). This only affects people who have rabbit ears antennae, and not cable television, etc.

    Cable is nearly universal in the US, except for older people and intellectuals.

    So no worries. :lol:

    (Ahh, the memories of evading my BBC licence fee, and putting some coathangers to get reception instead. That little white van never caught me)

  4. I like a lot the SImona Anticata strap mostly of the 'pale' light tan colour it has.. So I tried to find a hide that it will be close to that look...

    I LOVE her Anticcata! :)

    We have very very close tastes, V. It's nice.



    Magnificent. Is this like my LV strap, which you made me? BTW, I had that on the other day, but it started raining -- I ran like a madwoman to my car to protect it.

  5. Nelson%20Muntz%20Haw%20Haw.jpg


    I only write that when I truly did ell-oh-ell in real life. :)

    There was an article in the NYT only this Sunday about this.

    Seems that most people don't care, even WHEN Best Buy or Circuit City staff tell buyers that Blu-Ray "has won". They keep on buying Toshiba players, and a few of them rationalise that discs will be cheaper.

    Well, duh, in the beginning -- but after a while there will be no new discs to buy!

    I was too little to remember this, but my parents tell me all they could get for their Betamax player at the rental place, after a while, were I Love Lucy reruns...

    In happier news, since Sony won the battle (for a change), they have slashed Blu-Ray disc prices by $10 on average. You can get first-run movies on BR now for $24.99 at Best Buy.

    And next year, analogue televisions will be obsolete. Times, they are a-changing. :)

  6. "Very nice"

    You know the words I use? "I like your watch, it's a xxxx, isn't it?". But the INEVITABLE phrase used to compliment one of my watches (which is happening more and more these days) is:

    "Nice watch"

    Followed by a pause, then a hint of an envious look, then true appreciation in their smile.

    And I reckon if you compliment my watch, you can grab any part of me you like. :p

  7. Tourby looks like he's doing fairly well with business, and trades on many other boards (and strictly does not sell replicas), so I doubt Hammer would spend time on RWG.

    OTOH, Tourby has recently changed his member ID. There's always interesting motivation for that. :p

    *sees the ex-Tourby reading this thread now, waves hello*

    Looks pretty nice, that Maurice Lacroix movement must have cost a pretty penny.

    I really appreciate his life story; it's inspirational -- if Hammer has a massive collection, it couldn't belong to a nicer person. Thanks for the link, PAMman!

  8. IMG_1190.jpg

    Jsmith! Welcome back. Great vista and versatile watch. ;)

    Naples is one of the most overlooked tourist Florida destinations for FOREIGNERS. It seems Americans proper know of its beauty. Gorgeous white sandy beaches over in the Emerald Coast, no? :)

    Hope you get your watches soon, and welcome back!

  9. Whoa, THAT is nice. I'm sure we will se more of it, right?

    You bet your life, Doc. :)

    Guys, I'm a little worried how I'm the one doling out info on PAMs in these threads. Whilst I love to help out, and that's my motivation 100%, I don't want Lifter or anyone else to be under any misapprehensions about my expertise.

    (He's not! We PMed each other wonderfully, and I made sure he knows that. Very nice chap)

    But please chime in too, okay? Kru, PAMman, Babola and others -- you went strangely silent recently in the Panerai area. Even V is posting more in the PAM section on RG now. Let's not let RWG become like the RWI Pannie section...somewhat lacking. :(

  10. Now, Ms. Victoria, considering you stated he was a Cuban/ American I would have to agree he was hitting on you!

    Well I think flirting and hitting on are different. I agree to the former, but not the latter. My boyfriend called me during one of the lulls in conversation. I'm quite sure he heard me ring off saying, "I love you, ciao!". :)

    Every Cuban guy I have ever known (and considering I lived in Little Havana for awhile Ive known a few) has no idea what the term "personal space" means.

    When I went to Egypt, I was thunderstruck by how little room they give interpersonal situations. They're about 10 inches from your mush when they speak to you (a common trait with Middle Easterners, Arabs and those from the Mahgreb in general, I've been told).

    The woman determines whether a social situation is a welcome advance, or a sexist imposition. That's just the way the world works.

    And this lady didn't mind, probably because she's a WIS. :p

    I think Dad would've knocked him down too.

  11. Love the Franck Muller (the bathrobe helps :p).

    I do have to say I greatly dislike the Patek. It looks every penny of $25. Do I spy "diamonds" on each quadrant?? Mercy.

    The important thing is that they mean a lot to you, because they'll remind you of your visit to Mark in Guangzhou. Wear it in great health! :)

    @Rodwc: You betcha! Thanks for taking my comments in a nice way. And what you say is absolutely true. I know there are loads of people here who, every time I wear my Fiddy, just shake their heads in dismay. :o

  12. DSC09085.jpg

    What, BOTH? ;)

    Jackyl, I just received my own Slytech from Rolli! This is a MASSIVE watch. It just dwarfs the Fiddy. Feels like you're wearing a boulder on the wrist.

    I like it. Just not sure I can pull it off. MidWeek Wristies await...

    Nice watches, though, Jackyl. Gold Star!

    @Jackyl: HOLY GUACAMOLE. You must be Sly's best mate. ;) ...how much does a gen cost, BTW?

  13. nice story.

    Thanks! I was hoping it would prompt similar stories from others. :)

    Freddy had a good one with a Patek and a lady who also grabbed his wrist, like this guy did with me. You know, it may be rude, but it just gave me a tingle. It's awesome to have one's taste validated by a similar-minded human being, even if it is a rep.

    There was this one guy who I met tonight that kept eyeing my Omega SMP electric blue. While we were talking, he would glance at it from time to time, I thought maybe he would bring it up (he wasn't wearing a watch), but he never did. Maybe it was just the blue color that caught his attention. Anyway, definitely more than 10 seconds, but never said anything......

    Good one, Marrick.

    I think the people who glance are more knowledgeable of watches, than the people who ask or chat about them nonchalantly.

    One lady at a restaurant once leant back very noticeably to check out my Rolex. It was one of the gens I have, so I was home dry then. :)

  14. I have been giving that place a wide berth since then, I want him to calm down a little bit since I'm not really the gold mine he thinks I am.

    LV Sub! Oh dear. ;)

    The one negative, other than the inadvisability of going near an AD with a rep obviously, is that you went from primarily a chum to a high-roller customer. I think every time you go inside now, he'll be half-expecting to sell you something, if he just plays his cards right.

    That sucks.

    Good call on giving it a wide-berth from now on though, Llsteve.

  15. I agree, nice strap.....wrong watch to put it on.....just my opinion!

    I'm afraid I agree with that, Sean. The 253 needs a dark strap.

    Having said that, as V will tell you, that GeF La Spezia in Cognac is the same as used by the Xa-Mas Strapmasters site -- a legendary hide. The buckle is nice and CHUNKY. Very unique!

    You can check it out, third from left in the photo below:


    L to R: Taikonaut white Kangaroo; MF Hammered Brown Calf; GeF La Spezia Cognac; Kaktus Havanna Drifter; Simona Vintage Blue.

    (On the watches, L to R: Kaktus Black Calf; Mario Paci XIV Biscotto; OF Mario Paci Medici Tan)

  16. I feel like I have to keep saying this.........Never trust the opinion of the average gen (assuming his was not just a rep that fooled you) owner.

    To quote Jim Cramer, They Know Nothing!

    Who is Jim Cramer? I thought it was Schultz from Hogan's Heroes who said that? :p

    I'll tell you why I don't think he was not a rep-owner. He was clueless. He had heard of Mario Paci, but no clue about Greg Stevens, Manifatture Firenze, Simona straps. He didn't know about the tang buckles or anything. I mentioned "historics" and he said he read that in "the book", once. I presume he meant the Panerai history book which comes in the pearwood box.

    Rep watch owners are forced to know more than others. It's inherent in the hobby, unless you're a boob.

    Having seen Golfman's 111 helped. I really think he was a gen, Freddy.

    It's vastly different from my 111h, seen below.


    But yeah, he was flirting with me, Dluddy. :)

    However, this thread isn't about me, or that situation -- it's about the Ten Second Rule. Does it work for you?

  17. This has happened to me as well, and I find it very rude! <_<

    It is very rude.

    However, since I am reserved and was raised in a "cold" culture, I really like handsy people, as Latins like the French, Italians, Spanish are. It's exciting to me. :)

    (He was Cuban-American, by the accent)

    When I spot someone with a watch that I would like to comment on, I kindly ask them to show it to me AFTER making the usual introductory small talk.

    How often do you talk about watches to strangers?

    I do a lot.

    Congrats on pulling it off though...

    Thanks! I didn't think of it this way until you mentioned it. In fact, I felt rather scummy after I got home. I'm getting that gen PAM sooner than later, I think.

    P.S.: This isn't about Panerais. It's about all watches. Something similar has happened to me wearing a Rolex. :)

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