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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Which member posted about receiving a rep watch, and giving it the Ten Second Rule? If he can't find any glaring flaws in that brief moment, he keeps it.

    Chances are, if one can't, even knowledgeable people around us can't either.

    So I FINALLY had my first Panerai encounter, my first Panerai "moment" at (of all places) Brandsmart USA -- a discount warehouse where I was buying my new DVD-R. :p

    Already at the checkout, I was wearing my Andrew PAM 111h, on DSN's steel bracelet. Hardly an amazing rep. Skinny crown, bad lume, badly fitted bracelet.

    I felt two eyes on me, burrowing into my skin. I turn around, and there was a gen PAM 111 on the wrist of a guy next to me. He grins at me, I grin back, and says, "Nice watch". We get into conversation (about straps!), as our queues move up, and then the worst thing happened.

    He took my wrist (surprisingly) and looked at it closely. 6 seconds, 7 seconds, 8 seconds...my heart was in my mouth. :huh:

    "Really nice on the bracelet. I have to get one."

    Either this man was an Oscar-winning actor, or he really believed it was a gen PAM.

    I was chuffed. B)

    EDIT: Please post your "Ten Second" Brief Encounters about any replica.

  2. TeeJay, what ARE YOU DOING?? Two stellar reviews in less than one week, madness! :tu:

    Great stuff. How to describe the impact of this photo?



    Or the simple lines of this:


    Wrapped up in this:



    ...don't care for the silvery hands. I think it's distracting somehow. And that rubber strap's gotta go (I know I know, I read why). But this is a seriously humping watch.

    Thanks for the awesome effort!


    In Corgiland, there's snow. But in Funland USA, aka South Florida, it's been raining ALL WEEKEND. I've had to put away my PAMs and beautiful leather straps...


    ...and put on my Andrew Gucci Twirl in YG! :thumbsupsmileyanim:



    There's nothing, and I do mean nothing, so elegant on a lady as the Cartier Tank Classique. :wub:


    (Just another Manic Monday. Whoa-OA, wish it were Sunday! That's my funday, whoa-oa)

  4. @Lifter: Mate, you can't go wrong with Victoria's advice, she definetly knows straps, leather and strapmakers. And above all, exceptional taste. So follow her lead and you will be satisfied to wear an amazing strap on your first PAM.

    Thanks SO MUCH guys! I will claim the good taste part because I'm conceited. :p

    But there are a lot more proficient members here about straps. You truly cannot go wrong in listening to what Savage, V, Tootall, and others have to say.

    And yes, Lifter, that SC one you fell in love with I think will suit. Good luck! 15% Risti discount -- don't forget to mention that you read that forum.

    Check out the Photo Gallery Strap Culture have:


    It shows you customers' photos of their PAM/SC strap combos. :)

    This is DELICIOUS:


    This is more your speed though (THICK -- SC HM Legend SCLG-M882)


  5. Yummy those are great, I am looking for this picture that I saw on here the other day that had a very nice thick strap and a very wide buckle that is really what I want. Im still looking

    Lifter, I mean this sincerely, not because he's a strapmaker here or because I like him...

    But you cannot GO WRONG if you buy this strap:



    It even has what I do believe is a repro of the Holy Grail of PAM buckles. More than that, I cannot say. Either way, I'll let you know if I find something like you want. :)

  6. Learned from the best ;):lol:


    Now I am on the search to find a strap to go with my PAM000 trying to find a really thick one!

    Dude, I do not like thick straps, but I tell you, I fell in love with this one and bought it yesterday (in the Risti Acc. Corner):



    It's the one with the chisel tail by Julien Landa, a Risti-strapmaker. :)

    Look at the quality of that leather, and the personalied touch! StrapCulture's got nuttin' on him.

  7. DSC02416.jpg

    WOW! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Spooky, you may think I dashed through your post, but I assure you I gobbled up each word. What treats we've been getting recently -- Seadweller4000, then TeeJay, now you!

    Guess what? Sold. I'm guessing you got it from WBK, so I'll be PMing him about this.

    190k for a Cartier. OMG. Are they kidding?

  8. Sean, it's been said before, but allow me again -- some guys LOVE StrapCulture. They love the feel, the thickness, the machoness of the strap.

    Me, I like the buckle, but the leather is ABYSMAL. No East Asian leather will ever ever come to the feet of an Italian hide (the one exception seems to be HKTan's).

    However, that said, the Toscana you reference is very ugly, no offence.

    I have a very similar one, in "cioccolata", seen here:



    I really would buy a better strap second-hand on Risti. Savage has some really cool straps going at the moment.


    And these are great.


    So, to recap, if pressed of the choices you gave us, the Strap Culture one -- but look around. I'm SURE you'll find better stuff.

    @Savage: Hey there!

  9. CIMG1028.jpg

    Someone looks AWFUL happy. She must've just sold three Hulops and a Loleks.


    This reminds me of our recent jeans thread.


    Looks like someone just raided the local Pre-K!


    You know, it's funny but this could be anywheres-ville Chinatown -- easily Canal St.


    I'm guessing this is Mark's dog? Cutey-pie.

    Thanks, Rodwc. If you have more photos, or anecdotes, that would be cool. :tu:

  10. I chose to refrain from posting as not affect the flow of the discussion ;) ,

    It's funny how every forum has the same "Types", no?

    The wag:

    "idk where online... but went to NYC and bought me a FOLEX!!"

    The snob:

    "if you can't pay to play...."

    The reverse snob:

    "that's pretty ostentatious. you dont need different watches."

    The "Man, I'm surrounded by old farts" young dude:

    "Never saw the point in any watch, let alone an uber expensive one... guess I need to age some more."

    The helpful know-it-all:

    "Try Hamilton. You can get a nice real Hamilton for sub-1k. It's still a well-respected brand. To somebody who knows watches, a Hamilton says that you like nice timepieces but are on a budget."

    *cough* ;)

    The potential scammer:

    "PM me i can get all the replicas you need for cheap."

    Forums. :p

  11. 1) I'm the type of person who has IMMEDIATE buyer's remorse

    Me the exact opposite! I want more the moment I get something...

    2) I've never been there and to Disney-world (I repeatedly called it "disneyland")

    Big faux-pas in Florida. The locals will correct you. :lol:

    3) I have a 15-year old daughter and her friend whom both put together, are a destructive combo and are at that age where they rebel against you in EVERYTHING.

    They have loads of stuff to keep these teenies preoccupied. Don't worry.

    What can just the wife and I do?

    OKAY, don't laugh, it's not one of my sophisticated, or fashionable references -- but I do have a suggestion.

    Go to Medieval Times in Kissimmee. :)


    "The Kissimmee Castle is the flagship of the Medieval Times family. Opened in December 1983, it was the company’s first North American dinner attraction. The attraction has doubled in size with an extensive renovation that took place in spring of 2007. This includes an extended Hall of Arms, new entrance with moat and drawbridge, enclosed ticketing area, and a state of the art kitchen.

    2008 introduces an electrifying new show to the castle. In addition to a new script, the production includes new lighting, choreography and battle scenes, new horse dressage elements – executed by Medieval Times’ famed Andalusian stallions – and a new soundtrack composed in the USA and performed by the Czech Republic-based Czech Film Orchestra. A new theatrical element, Medieval Times’ first use of a high-output snow machine, also adds an unexpected magical element to the guest experience.

    Unique only to the Florida castle is the Medieval Life Village. This authentic village is the only permanent medieval village existing in the United States.The Grand Ceremonial Arena seats 1,100 guests and offers performances each evening plus matinee shows during certain times of the year.

    The Kissimmee castle is located only eight miles from Walt Disney World, 10 miles from Sea World and 12 miles from Universal Orlando."



    Photo from Orlandofloridasucks.com. :lol:

    Here's a list of dinner shows.


    Didn't go there, but the Murder Mystery Dinner show looks fun and more importantly, adult. Orlando/Kissimmee is FULL of these. In fact, they have discount coupons on eBay. Too late for you, Anton, but maybe not for Hyster, et. al.



    Anton, don't know your watches, so I can't butt in there. You're on your own! :p Good luck, babe.

    @Anton below: Sounds like you have that covered! And 2005Sub's idea is fantastic. Might do that myself.

  12. Not many Aussie companies are going to hand out PO's for 45 years service........regardless of how hard you work. :(

    Used to be, no matter how lowly you were, if you had 45 years of service in any company you got a solid gold watch. Times have changed. :(

    Vienna, wow, what a tremendous story, and many congrats to your dad! He deserves that, although and this is not to take away ANYTHING from his service -- when I think Saudi, I think bling pink gold $$$ Rolex.

    In fact, I'm impressed the boss chose the PO. Very elegant. :)

    (And very human, sweet admission by you about not wearing your UPO)

  13. Personally I wouldn't say that Miami isn't worth the drive for a family trip, it might be great to live there and all but it's not especially interesting for the kids as a holiday spot, and the highway driving tends to bore the kids. What I mean is, when you've already got a million things to do on your doorstep, flogging off hundreds of miles may not thrill all that much IMHO.

    I agree with that. If it's the first time, that is.

    Miami and its sister city, Miami Beach, are two places which 16-and-overs appreciate SO MUCH more. We have SeaWorld, Vizcaya, Parrot Jungle, MetroZoo, you can go on the Miami Duck tour (an amphibious boat, which takes you from land to ocean!), and a host of other kiddie-related sites.

    (You couldn't get me to go back to the Everglades if you paid me in Panerais. Marjory Stoneman Douglas, the lady who "saved" the Glades, must've been on crack)

    But really, Miami is a place to go if you like clubbing, living large, fine dining, good entertainment, etc.

    Orlando, more specifically Disney World, gives you EVERYTHING you could possible want for kids. One can go there 10x and you'd still wouldn't fill your boots. The amount of Brits there is actually embarrassing -- all wearing their Man Ure or Chelscum shirts. My father calls it Orlandoshire...

    BTW, Kissimmee is dismal.

    It's one long stretch of highway full of strip malls, tourist-chain restaurants like Shoney's, Applebee's & the Pancake House, and amazing shops like Albertson's. :yuk:

    PLEASE do not judge Florida based on Kissimmee. It's like judging England based on Wythenshawe...

    Lastly, you cannot IMAGINE how much I love NASA, and the space programme. I'm a certified fanatic for them. But you know what? Cape Canaveral is rather boring. What can I say? Didn't care for it.


    I'm going with my wife and my daughter (10& 17)

    Wait, what? Your wife is 10 and your daughter is 17?? That doesn't make sense even if it's the other way around. :o:lol:

  14. Cheers for that Hike. :D

    You know I would be all over this thread, Hyster, because I've been an embarrassing amount of times to Disney World (double digits...).

    Sadly, haven't been since the year 2000! Things have changed. Orlando used to be a DUMP. They had all of one club when I was growing up (I used to be big into clubbing). I've been told it's pretty decent now.

    But if it's Miami tips you want, pull up a chair. Me, Rxus, Jkpadget, Jfreeman and others will regale you with them. :tu:

    "Home Sweet Home"


    Look how many members are in the Florida part of the RWG map! http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?autocom=gmap

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