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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Victoria,

    That must be THE UGLIEST avatar you have selected, ever. And I'm possibly counting the future. Heaven forbid you look like that. Then you need to stay in the house. Lights off and blinds shut.

    I'll thank you not to talk about my boyfriend in this fashion, Anton!


    Hey, T liked it. And we all know his comedic sense is infallible.

    I think it just creates media frenzy and puts a slightly positive tone to the government(s) participating in the raids. Look at how concerned we are getting about the canal st. raids when maybe but a few of us buy our reps there.

    I'm not sure what is going to happen in the immediate future. I think it might be avarice, and not government crackdown, which might bring down the rep trade -- albeit temporarily.

    Already I can imagine certain high-end collectors, I don't need to mention names, who are obviously savvier than most, that are thinking of the day when they'll get out of this racket.

    How many bribes would such a person, be willing to dole out? Can you imagine the amount of protection, both security and of the official kind, they must not have? Who is going to raise a family in such a way -- for REPLICA WATCHES?

    What I'm saying here, is that we might be living through a rep watch bubble. A Golden Age of Reps. Sure there will be others who will step in to take over, but the kind of watches we see, the kind of watches WE HERE EXPECT...

    Well, who knows how long that will last.

    The Canal St. Hoolops and Loleks will always be around. But I'm not sure about the Super Reps, how ever misnamed they are.

    I'm sure by now most people here know there is a very rich guy who has a hobby. And that hobby finances our rep addiction. When he moves on...? *shrug*

    @Hike: Speaking of avatars, LOL! at yours.

  2. Damn, there goes my back up plan...... :(

    Face it. We're all living on borrowed time with this hobby.

    It all depends on variables.

    Variable 1: That collectors will not be imprisoned from one day to the next.

    Variable 2: That collectors don't sell up and the next person who takes over their domain isn't greedier, or less honest.

    Variable 3: That governments do not get REALLY serious about cracking down on counterfeiting.

    Variable 4: That factories keep producing quality goods, and don't go the OPEC route, holding everyone ransom for their precious commodities.

    Variable 5: That RWG and other forums are not shut down (see Variable 3).

    Because now that I know what this forum means to me, and to others, I would stop collecting reps INSTANTLY, if I didn't have you guys here.

  3. Oh well not that I do NOT download :D


    Constantly seeding @45kbyte/s...and I have downloaded so much in the last 6 years of broadband :)

    When I got my new Dell HD two weeks ago, I reinstalled that pesky uTorrent. I was always a leech, and I think my previous stats were a horrific, .100.

    Now, I'm at 2.140, which is a 2:1 ratio. It's great to receive, but it makes you feel so great to give. :)

  4. Best to pull the window shades down & lock the doors when dancing naked.

    Says the guy who posts photos of his face rubbing his chin, with his Daytona? :p

    Actually, Pugwash and I do have something in common, other than our dislike of conspiracy theories. We don't allow others to hang us with our own ropes. Or is that reps?

    "No, but admitting to a crime on the internet counts.

    Would you sell a watch here using your real name?

    I'm not paranoid, but I'm not reckless, either."


  5. just got my new 112, opened the box wound the watch and must have wound it too far...felt a pop....now watch will not run at all....any hints on what might have happened....I am so upset!

    Keithc, darling, it's going to be okay. :)

    Very same thing happened to me, two months after I got my own DSN 112. It runs perfectly today, after I took it to my watchsmith. It's a relatively easy fix. I know you're upset and all, I was too!

    But check out a few very similar threads by hitting Search. Here is one by my now good friend, Inmotion:


    An extract:


    "When I opened the caseback and moved the swan neck side, it sprung to life momentarily (I followed other people's advice in that thread, but it didn't work). Ultimately, I took it to my local watchsmith and in less than 30 minutes, he was able to fix it.

    I paid U$50 but that included some other watches too. (I wouldn't hesitate to tell Davidsen about your situation, BTW)"

    The standing offer to PM me in case of ANY NEED, including just to chat to someone who had your problem, stands. Good luck! :)

  6. Did you happen to try contacting Strap Culture and seeing if they could do anything for you?

    Can you believe it, Brent? This was the replacement strap. The first strap arrived with other, less stinkier, issues. Like the backing was coming off, and looked as if it were chewed by a dog...I didn't phrase it this way when complaining about it, obviously.

    I bought one more strap from them, for my Radiomir, but that's it. Each was tougher than the other. I'm happy Rolli, Slai and others like SC, but I am not plumping down one more cent for theirs.

    The guy who helped me couldn't have been more apologetic. In hindsight, I wonder if he wasn't making fun of me by sending me the strap, but I doubt it. That's just my disappointment talkin', perhaps.

    TeeJay, I would've sent you on this strap LIKE THAT, if not for the smell. It's just up your alley -- brown, and thick. Comes with the case, but not the card.

  7. You really need to switch to handbags forum vict! or if you have more watches than handbags, I thing it's better to stay here, you will find more masculin post than on handbags forum ;)

    Have you ever been to those handbag forums? Okay, stupid question to a man. ;)

    But seriously, I hate places where women congregate and talk "shop". Funny they may be, but also inane -- like being stuck in a beauty salon for eternity.

    Magagne, I am a born collector. I don't do anything by halves, and never will. I also have DOZENS of perfumes, yes maybe one hundred.

    I was hoping my strap collection, which I post on the Wristchecks, and my over 100 rep watches by now would have given the forum an inkling about this, but sometimes, I guess not.

    Having said that, we all have our manias. Home theatres, BMWs, sound systems. You guys are NUTS. :p

  8. do not do the rubbing alcohol method.

    Ahem, I'm not a fool, Tootall, I know. :p

    I know a lot of the things said here were said with a kind heart, or just to take the mickey. I'm grateful for the first, and disregard the others with a wink and a nod.

    Having said that, you have ALWAYS helped me in these strap threads. Thank you so much!

    If you MUST wear this strap, the only thing I can recommend at this point would be to mask it with perfumes or lotions. Not on the leather itself, but around your wrists areas. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid you have to chalk this one up to experience.

    That's sound advice. There is NO way to mask this with perfumes -- it's a nauseating smell, which permeated my leather watch case, and other straps. I put it there for a day, and realised my deep mistake the next.

    It's like some agent was put on the strap in the leathermaking process, and the Strap Culture people sent it to me thinking I wouldn't notice --or-- to simply offload stock.

    We see this time and time again from our Far East Asian collectors, with watches. It must be a cultural quirk to think the customer can be had this way, so blatantly. There can be no other reason.

  9. Quincy looks like he's wearing an AP to me.

    Look how the bezel juts out at the sides, in black "ceramic" on gold overlay. The hour hand is as white and prominent, just like my HBB. It's uncanny.

    Is there an AP which looks like this?

    Oh, and today, I spotted a cow-orker wearing a 14060. I said "Is that a 14060 you're wearing?" He

    He? I thought you were making a pun about a female colleague. :p

    looked at his t-shirt, perplexed. I said "No, a Rolex. A Rolex Sub. A Rolex No-date Sub, a 14060." He smiled and said "Yes, it's a Rolex." The guy I was helping said "Damn, that was impressive! How could you tell from here?"

    NICE. +1 for the WIS in the shirt with green hoops (as I imagine you are today).

  10. Unsure about which kind of smell you mean, Vicky. Would you post a sample, so we can help better?

    Of the smell? Does RWG-Smell-O-Post.cc exist? :p

    Just kidding, Sss! Thank you, I will take a photo of the offensive article so you can get a visual.

    The strap itself smells closest to turpentine.

    So I would try heat at first, especially in combination with some solvents that you already tried at room temperature.

    Naturally, better 2 hours at 60 (centigrade) degrees that 2 minutes at 1000. ;)

    You are guaranteed that the sooner or later you will find a temperature+solvent combination that will get you rid of the smell.

    Probably of the strap too.

    This sounds very intricate, and not a little dangerous, :sss:!

    I think I'll stick to the rubbing alcohol and then using your suggestion, of baking it in the sun. At least I hope that's what you suggested. ;)

    Thank you!

  11. A good reminder -keep your guard up at all times and wallet in your front pocket.

    Laz, I'm so sorry. May your luck and happiness improve immediately. :)

    There are thieves even in Ikea, ugh. Ah well.

    This is closing the barn door when the horses have all fled, but a tip -- keep your most precious IDs and CCs in your socks. I know it may look dorky, but that's the safest way.

    Please do not get what Americans call (with amazingly funny implications in the UK), a fa.nny pack.



    Good luck!

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