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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Hi Vicky. Only Ontario has Family Day this Monday

    Hey Sailingjack! Saskawatchan too. Guess they'll be watching Little Mosque on the Prairie. :p

    It's estimated that only 40% will be off to enjoy the Family Day. As usual Mc has stated we need to rethink/rework this better for next year! :lol:

    Typical. :lol:

    My boyfriend told me about this Family Day last night (he's in TO, as you know). I was teasing him how Canadians copy all the days off that Americans have (not true, of course), so they coincide.

    After I posted this, I looked up Family Day on Wiki. This is Ontarians first year celebrating it??? Weird. I could've sworn there was another holiday in Canada around mid-February before. My favourite is still Victoria Day, though. ;)

    @Sailinjack below: There's only one problem with teasing him about his favourite hockey team. The Laffs are also my favourites. :1::shutup2:

  2. Well, at least you called them fag ends and not fag butts.

    Now that would really have drawn snickers from an immature American like me!! :p


    Actually, MJ, at my university American Rhodes' scholars sometimes put on an "English" accent, which they would inevitably have at end of first term. No one would criticise them openly, but you know, it was a little ridiculous.

    I remember one gathering when one such guy (a virulent non-smoker) in a very loud voice, yelled across the room -- "Hey, whose fag butts are these?!!".

    Reply, "Yours ducky" in a very mincey tone. :lol:

    Guess you had to be there.

  3. Great Advice as always Victoria.

    Thank you both, so much. :good:

    I'd like to say something now, not out of false modesty, but because it's the truth.

    My speciality on this forum is helpfulness. It comes easily to me, because I truly like to help people out. But please do not mistake my eagerness with anything approaching true knowledge about watches. I'm almost as much a newbie as you are, Lifter. :)

    Sure, I know a little, and I've bought tonnes of rep watches, but it pales in comparison to the true experts here, like Sssurfer, Kruzer00, PamMan, and so many others.

    So I'll always be active in these types of threads -- but knowing my limitations. There, wanted to get that off my chest since last night. :p

    Good luck, though! Great choice, and spot on about the straps, Stormy.

  4. Laz,

    works perfectly keep those pictures coming up.

    Ditto, Laz. I think I saw you briefly too. Handsome!

    One of my idiosyncracies is that I don't want to know how people look like online. I have a mental pic of them and that is fine. Weird I know. So I'll bow out of these threads "porsia", as Spaniards say. :p

    May this GTG be the best yet, good luck all!

  5. Lifter, if I could go back in time, and speak to my newbie rep-buying self, I'd say this:

    Girl, save your money. Go for the best PAM you can find, even if you think it's RIDICULOUS to pay 390 USD for a Panerai rep. Once you buy the best version, that first watch you bought will never be put on again, after the second.

    I beg you on my knees, Lifter, to consider buying the best version first. Be it Davidsen, be it TWP, be it Angus, be it whomever. And above all, READ READ READ the Panerai section, at least 6 months-worth. And the abbreviations list.

    EDIT: Okay, I just read your reply about being glued. Yay! :)

    Your baby steps have been taken by others, me included. If I had listened to the membership when I was asking the same question, I would've bought a Davidsen 112 straight off the bat.


    But noooooo, I had to buy a fantasy Mini-Fiddy from Paul first just because it was $99. Ugh. I never wear it.

    Others have told you the second set of Silix Fiddy photos are best. Agreed. Please know that Jay is one of my favourite merchants but speedy replies are not his fort

  6. Do I seem to be the only member who travelled into the future to take these wristshots???

    Because they're so Old School, they're almost coming back in style? :p

    I can deduce three things about your Wristcheck, but time-travel isn't one of them, Anton.

    1- You've got a cat (or a feisty missus)

    2- You like to work out (or is that not a treadmill but a pen in the background?)

    3- You have great taste in watches

    Anton Followup: Sorry, can't reveal that. You'll have to buy my forthcoming book, Secrets of the Wristie Code.

  7. I start driving in 9 hours

    It's about 3-4 hours from Cologne to Amsterdam, right? How about Hannover to Brussels?

    BTW, if I were going, I'd do it British-style -- make everything into a big joke.

    I'd have had some seamstress do up ENORMOUS cloth Gold Stars, "Zings", and Disagrees, etc, and pinned them unto each guest as they arrived.



    @FxrAndy below: Too right. Best foot forward. Knock 'em dead in your Armani -- good luck! :)


    Llsteve and Shundi only just mentioned "Where did all the Movados go?". Well, they're with me! :p

    A "vintage" Movado Esperanza, bought when I was a teenie!, next my Fendi tribal clutch.


    Movados aren't a fave anymore, but hey. :)


    Bergies, take note. Tribal clutches are the HOTTEST summer item in '08!



    UB7, you saved yourself a bundle. Here is that Manifatture Firenze Naturale Suede strap, similar to your PawMarker's. It's on the PAM 177h. ^_^


    We have Slai Shots, but sideways Wristchecks are now "Scoobs Shots"!



    I had to put on my new Greg Stevens' Silver Scoopster IMMEDIATELY, so even though I was at lunch, I used a toothpick to change straps. :lol: :lol:




    It looks divine on the rarely used PAM 199. :yu:


    ...have a safe weekend everyone. Especially those at the GTG!

  9. I was thinking about this one from pam111 for my first rep.


    Batten down the hatches! Damn the torpedos, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes!!

    Just no. :wounded1:


    First few threads:

    - Paul's Shipping Seized at Customs

    Why Doesn't He Listen...

    - Paul

    chronology Part II

    - Wrong Band / Bracelet

    - Paul delivered a different watch

    - Paul

    chronology Part I

    - Big problems with Paul @ wo-mart PAM111

    Try Andrew, Josh, Silix, heck even Tony at Cquout whom I never used. Anyone, but not Paul for your FIRST rep. Or any rep (IMHO)...

  10. That is the english showing through, you should have seen the looks i got in New york and asked where i could get a pack of fags!

    And was the answer "Near Washington Sq"? :lol:

    Yeah, sorry about that guys. I am USUALLY very good about using North Americanisms alongside. I brainfarted. :)

  11. Thanks to River's spring bars, though, I wear it often. It remains one of my favorites

    Wrong thread to ask, but that other one is poisonous...not returning:

    Anyone know if River will continue selling his springbars, now that he intimates he's "retiring" from dealing in rep watches?

    @Robi: Thanks so much! :wub: ...but I am receiving a package from DSN next week. I'll just ask him to send some more. Thanks though. :)

  12. Busy as a one-armed paper hanger?

    You've been conquering Poland???

    (Only history buffs will get this. :p)

    Seriously, though, that last side shot of the "bubble" -- if you ever make that into wallpaper size, please post it. I'm so there. :wub:

    FOLLOWUP: Thanks! My desktop looks gorgeous.


  13. Obviously the (gen) Monaco now is pretty desirable and whilst not huge money still more than your average joe would pay for a watch so would this be the same in the 60's or is it likely that this sort of character would own a Monaco ?

    Hey H-n-P. You don't post often, but when you do, it's always interesting. :p

    I think we have to get rid of this idea in our minds, that characters in films will be able to afford the watches they do. Clearly, even in period pieces, actors wear watches their characters could never have afforded.

    I am thinking of the vintage Vulcain in Atonement worn by (the largely working class) James McAvoy.

    And I kept yelling during Gridiron Gang that how can a high school football coach at a juvie facility be able to afford a Panerai!

    They can do that because most people who are not into watches don't notice. It's just a watch. I'm guessing that's the case with the Monaco, though I haven't seen The Bank Job.

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