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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Italiano, this is now the third thread we've had on this topic in 2 weeks. I guess we'll have a few more, as March 15th approaches, the day this is supposed to be screened in universities and colleges around the world...



    Now, there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with any of us pointing fellow members to a good find.

    But conspiracy theory "documentaries" (I can barely mention the word for trash like this) are my SPECIAL b

  2. Damm! Are you a cop?

    No, he's just an American. :lol:

    Seriously, many many thanks to TimePiece. What a day of amazing posts. Days like this, it's great to be on RWG.

    (I dress 50% of the time in black and white. Strangely, I don't have a lot of all-black watches, which are more unusual for ladies. They remind me of Movados -- but I do have a vintage Cartier Tank with black face: I'll post later!)

  3. Yeah, whatever is "light".

    True, it's too vague.

    More like a "Slavic type".

    You're a Chinese white guy?


    My ancestors come from Germany and Russia... yeah, what a combination, eh? :D

    Nice! Strong genes there. It takes you forever to surrender (your Vodka). :lol:

  4. If the argument were true, this forum would not exist. Sure, we'd buy the reps and then be done with it. But no, we fix, fix, and fix just to make it faithful to the original. So I'll say that we don't fool, but we are faithful.

    Hey Anton. :)

    The moment I read that, I realised yet another reason why you guys who mod watches, love it so much.

    The problem is that gen watch owners look at mods not as tinkering, but as trying to get a watch closest to the original, so you can go around saying it's a gen. Or not even that: just the fact one wears a rep watch is inherent in trying to pass something off as a gen.

    One doesn't have to say a word. The "Rolex" or "Panerai", say these purists, says it for us.

    They could be right, but secretly, I think that's an excuse to be snobby about something. Never underestimate the happiness people have to SHUN.

  5. RWG is a diverse place. There are many folks who came here out of purist forums and with a history of buying gens.

    Here's something to ponder:

    Just like there are kids out there who never saw a home without a computer, and never held a 78" record, there are some youngsters whose very first watch ever was a rep. And probably they will never own the gen version...

    ...because they grew up in the Golden Age of Replica Watches.

    Doubt I would've been one, had I been born in say, 1990. I think you need to own a gen watch first, to appreciate the variety of reps. This seems the opposite of what V is saying, but actually, if you think about it, not really.

  6. And the actress in the leading role is amazingly beautiful... exactly my type of woman. :)

    Naomi Watts? The good thing about her is that you can find millions of women just like her in Norway. Or the South of Brazil. :p

    (BTW, I am fair, so I prefer dark men -- the darker the better. I rather thought you were light, By-Tor, and thus, the same applied!)

    Last film I watched in cinemas was "Rambo": decent effort for a guy pushing AARP membership. In fact, it was a great action movie, despite stereotypical characters, and miniscule storyline. It can be summed up by:

    "Folks get FARKED up"

    On pirated DVD, I saw Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution".

    For those who don't know, this film was HUGELY controversial in the Far East, because of the numerous explicit sex scenes. I think there were 4 full-out, jiggly jubblies, testicle thumping scenes. I cannot imagine this was released even in NC-17 form in the USA.

    The reviews were mixed. Critics thought it was a flakey 1930s pastiche -- a Chinese Merchant-Ivory effort.

    I disagree. I thought it was AWESOME, and I didn't think the explicitness was out of place at all. It gave character-development depth.

    This is the film Merchant and Ivory SHOULD'VE made, instead of the ridiculous "White Countess", based on similar time and place.

    Definitely recommend. :)

  7. Well basically that we are not here because we cannot afford the genuine watches. We are not 'cheapies' or pretenders... and that's probably what bothers most the 'purists', the elitist snobs of every brand.

    Because the people who are passionate about the brand do not care about oem and reps.. They love Panerai (or any other brand) ;)

    Ohh, I see your motivation now. Good one.

    As you can see from the Finepics/Risti saga, it's not easy to sit astride both gen and rep worlds. The gen owners think you're a low-life, if they find out you once owned a rep of a PAM, etc.

    Whilst rep owners sometimes have a reverse snobbism, thinking they're so much more intelligent because they bought practically the same watch for peanuts.

    Both attitudes leave me with a very bad taste in my mouth. :yuk:

    The only thing I can say with 100% conviction is that I would NEVER have known of and fallen in love with Panerai, if not for the rep forum. I'm sure that's true of SO MANY OF US here. That I shall become "legitimate" soon when I buy the 111/005, is inconsequential.

    What matters is that rep or gen, we love and treasure the marque -- Panerai. E basta!

  8. If you can get one for 'next to nothing', I can pay you 'something' and get it off your hands :D

    I'm guessing George means his ex got to keep his PAM in the settlement. Sorry, George. -_-

    Sad question:

    Has anyone "lost" a gen watch here due to divorce proceedings? I.e., had to sell it off, was ordered to by the judge and so on.

    @Kruzer00: Conversely, a lot of Risti members who own reps or rep "parts" are MUCH higher than they would ever admit.

  9. Agreed 100%, V.

    I adore simple, clean PAM dials -- the 232 is a big turn-on precisely because of that. Yes, even if I am interested in a busy 192 or 228 GMT dial, I still agree that plain is best.

    But you see, I suffer from PAM Repitis: I want to get a gen Panerai of which a perfect rep doesn't exist.

    (Frankly, the DSN 112 isn't perfect, but for ME it is. At nearly 5k, I can't justify the double-dip)

  10. Did all of you guys just pass over this post from georgegrasser???-

    Not at all. George has said that before, Star, many times.

    I guess some (most) of us read his woes and we feel utterly powerless; it's hard to know how to reply. How can life be so unfair to him? And to POTR, Cats, and to so many right now, who are struggling with a series of problems.

    George, you know you have my prayers, and moreover, my compassion when I read your cri de coeur posts. That's why I don't take many of the things you say against women, etc. to heart. Because you're in pain. That said, there is no pity in my prayers -- just love.

    I'm sure that's true of everyone here. :)

    @George: LOL! Well, let's say, not that woman. ;)

  11. mdsc05748ph7.jpg

    Corgi, my mum is next to me as I type this and wants you to know this is her favourite Wristcheck.

    And also, where did you buy yours -- we're in for one. TIA! :)

    @Tech: Coming from you, that makes me feel great! And don't worry, DSN kindly included the brushed CG. I asked him to keep the polished CG on, so I can see the diff. :)


    My DSN 113 is here! :wub: :wub: I am not taking this off for two days, AT LEAST.


    White-dial PAMs are sublime.


    This is an OEM Tantalium Butterscotch strap on a polished Davidsen deployant. :yu:


    OEM straps are runty little things, which aren't worth $300. But I tell you, they still rock.


    Panerai in Paradise...


    Hope you liked my latest PAM. :sweatdrop:


    (Come on, Golfman. Show off that beauty again!)

  13. Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on the Travel channel.

    Oh, if we can mention that kind of series, I'm in!

    I watch:


    Dirty Jobs

    No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain

    Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

    Man V. Wild (he still drank cow dung and slept inside camels' entrails, okay)

    And though I don't watch the Food Network regularly, I love Giada de Laurentiis. :wub:

    I have never watched one seconds' worth of Survivor, Big Brother and any of that tosh.

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