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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. ...And this girl used to play the role of a candid, uneducated noob!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Trust you to notice, thanks Sssurfer!

    Now if only I had been paying attention to the dial... :mellow:

    I checked, and it's not like DSN can send me another dial. All of his 113s have the same width numbers -- check out my cheapo $160 Andrew PAM 113e (with brushed CG).

    WTF, the 12 is closer to gen...


  2. Victoria, perhaps one more shot, backed away a bit to reveal more of the strap. From what I can see, yes, I like it a lot.


    As for wrists, mine is likely not much larger than yours, a miniscule 6.5",

    5.7" here, but with sturdy Celtic bone-structure. ;)

    Another photo or two, please.

    All in good time, mon ami Doug. Midweek Wristchecks will have 6 photos, at least! :)

    The only thing which worries me, is that the hour markers look VERY thin. Why didn't I notice that before??

    Compare the gen to mine above:


    That 3 and 12 are KILLING ME.

    Overall, the DSN 113 just screams quality. The heft, the polish, the finishing. I'm sorry -- I'm a sucker for his watches. I won't have as good a model, until I get a gen.

  3. It never was before, I only lost 4 days last year.

    Davidsen didn't answer my PM last night, and I heard Ruby went to her relatives for 10 days. They must already be celebrating. :p

    (The only thing I can liken it to, is in America they don't do anything in the Mon-Tues-Wed leading up to Thanksgiving, on a Thurs! It's one long office party)

  4. Superb watch, Victoria. It's always nice to see a white dial PAM, particularly this one set off by the polished CG. Are you going to hook this baby up to a dark British tan strap w/contrast stitching? I imagine this baby will cover a substantial part of your wrist. And lower forearm.

    Thanks, Doug! I am blessed with being slight, but having medium bones so I BELIEVE it sits well on my wrist. Others may disagree though. :)

    The DSN 113h arrived. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Here is a preview. Your thoughts are MOST appreciated, guys!


  5. But I should add that I saw it, twice, with female friends and neither enjoyed the movie or got the humor at all.

    Yes, but we've established that a lot of your female friends are the opposite of the mean -- they don't like Rolexes, and women adore them. So I feel comfortable that I shall like/enjoy/appreciate/wet my pants over The Big Lebowski.

    Oh, BTW, chick flicks, whilst a quaint and handy term, tends to narrow tastes unduly. One only has to utter "chick flick" these days, to see men flee in horror from a cinema.

    Me, I hated Borat and loved The Devil Wears Prada. But I love John Ford Westerns and you can throw all the Dirty Dozen type films at me that you can carry.

    Something About Mary was literally filmed in my backyard. LOVED IT.

  6. Does this count?

    "The Naked Archaeologist", on History International. Excerpt:

    "Fast, funny and irreverent (think the Ali G. of archaeology), Jacobovici asks the questions we all want to know the answers to: Why is it so bad to be called a Philistine? Was Jezebel really that sexy? What do you do when you find a 2,000-year-old palace under your house? And where do you stop for a good falafel when you're on your way to find the real Mount Sinai?"


    I don't watch regular television; even in the UK I didn't.

    It's bad, because whenever a British or American person says, hey didn't you see that episode in Seinfeld/Neighbours, I have to say, no clue. My father restricted my telly viewing to one hour per day, and we didn't have TV privileges at boarding school until one reached the 5th form -- so it was weaned out of me very early.

    The last British regular series I watched was "Dr. Finlay". The last American series I watched was "Sex and the City". :)

  7. when you choose a Daytona, look for:

    1. The size and placement of the "ROLEX" (and following) text. The "ROLEX" text should be aligned with the bottom end of the 11Hr and 1Hr marks, not below.

    2. The size and placement of the subdials.

    3. The aligment of the central pin with the E & W pins (the E & W should be placed a little upper).

    4. The size and shape of the crown and crown guards.

    5. The crispness of the logo and all engravings.

    6. The bezel's width.

    7. Anything else that may come to your mind. :)

    THANK YOU. This is such a help to ANY NEWBIE here, even if I won't act on it right away. I'm too cheap. ;)

    And I've yet to see the Big Lebowski. Why I only just saw Ron Burgundy, so I'm behind the cult film times.

  8. dsc04010pn0.jpg

    Magnificent closeup!

    I got my DSN 113, and I must say, a criss-cross strap would give it some oomph. Unfortunately, it's a lot of work for any strapmaker...

    @Madasboot: :winkiss:

    @Scoobs: That is not Dutch per se, but Flemish (I know, it's the same thing!). I got it in a Brussels art museum, near a commemorative 250 year old monument. It was the only Dutch book in the joint, and about my favourite Secession painter, Gustav Klimt. :victory:

    @Sharpie: The Crazy Horse is legendary, isn't it? And up to $200 in the Risti Acc. Corner, because it's sold out! It's not worth that much, but neither is a 24k Fiddy. Panerai specialises in being overpriced in EVERYTHING.

  9. Wow, Vic!!!!!!!!

    Yay! Glad you liked them, Scoobs!

    Maxmilian and Erwinner asked in the past for these types of comparison shots, and I was most happy to oblige. I'm only too eager to do this for anyone here -- I can use my huge strap collection for something practical. :)

    And the winner is................. the Fiero :wub: , although it was a close match with the Senape. I really love the texture of the Senape, but the Fiero seems somehow more versatile to me. That last wristshot really convinced me.

    Thnx for the very helpful comparison!!


    I didn't want to influence you in any way, but given what I know about you, from the Wristchecks, I think the Fiero and you are a perfect fit.

    The Senape is indeed, a work of art (this is why I chose the Klimt & Schiele motifs). No question that it should be in a PAM owner's strap arsenal at some point.

    But it's a formal strap.

    The Fiero has a sensual texture that changes colours from dark mustard to rich reds when you move your wrist. Mostly an informal strap, which looks amazing with jeans, it also is a dashingly fashionable one with a suit.

    The Crazy Horse is fun. :)

    So you chose well, Scoobs!

  10. compare2js3.jpg

    How DO you do this? I need to get Photoshop, Sssurfer, but even so I wouldn't have your skill.

    This is an excellent compare/contrast.

    I will look at them in detail in the "morning". I am watching the last two Samba Schools in Rio, on television. Yes, at 3:50 AM. :p

    Mille grazie, :sss:!

  11. Scoobs1971 is about to plunk down major money for his Holy Grail strap -- either a Greg Stevens Crazy Horse, a Toscana Fiero, or a Mario Paci Senape.

    Naturally, I'd like to help him.

    So, as requested, here are some snaps of the DSN 112, and Andrew PAM 111h. :)


    (T to B: Crazy Horse w/ antique stitching on PAM 111h, Fiero on PAM 112, Senape)


    (DSN 112/CH)




    (PAM 111h/CH)


    (DSN 112/Senape)



    (PAM 111h/Senape)


    (PAM 111h/Fiero)


    (DSN 112/Fiero)


    ...hope it helps, Scoobs! :tu:

  12. One of the single best catches I have ever seen in a SuperBowl. Not to mention Eli getting out of that scrum to pass it :huh:

    I wouldn't know how to get hold of a bookie, like a Repgeeks member did (bet $500, won $5000!!), but this is the game one should've bet on. I KNEW the Giants were going to win...

    $5000 buys a gen used PAM and a HECK of a lot of reps. :(

  13. Please insert some thing suiting your taste instead of "Debbie does Dallas" I personaly like "Stormtroopers in Suspenders"

    I suggest "Canadian Beaver" or my personal favourite, "Dr. Penetration".

    You might have a job fitting the watch over the lobster claws though.

    @FxrAndy: Of course! Dr. Penetration was the first pr0no I ever saw. I think I was 14 or so. I still harbour a secret yen for naked Twister in Wesson Oil, dressed as a Lobster Woman.

  14. Obviously, Marty, you're looking for male replies. You know I love jewelry, and have bought/inherited TONNES.

    But IMHO, men don't look good with much jewelry on them. I'm sure Jfreeman just lobbed rotten tomatoes at the screen. :p

    There are exceptions:

    North American males like to wear hommage rings -- "school" rings, like High School, University, Annapolis/West Point, etc. type rings. There are also Super Bowl/World Series rings which mean so much, such as Raijor wears.

    Many British males wear family crest rings on their pinky. Prince Charles does, and so do all my uncles...I'm not a fan of this habit. This goes double for oval signet rings in onyx.

    But look at all the metal a man can wear on his person:

    1- Watch

    2- Wedding band

    3- Cufflinks

    4- Neck chain

    5- Tie clip

    6- Note clip

    7- Crucifix/Star of David

    8- Earring(s)

    7- Piercing(s)

    9- Bracelet/bangle

    10- Prince Albert Ring :p

    I tried going to Garrard's, my preferred jewelers, but their rings are all for ladies. Tiffany's have a paltry selection for men, too.



    The first is avant-garde, but very fashionable. The second, if you need to go the onyx route, discreet. I include them because perhaps Bergies can source them for you.

    Men and jewelry? Why not. Just don't look like this:



    P.S.: My boyfriend doesn't even like to wear watches. Well, I've cured him of that habit, but deep down, I'm glad he doesn't like to wear jewelry.

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