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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Much better choice Vic thank the Silix version.

    It's beautiful. I don't have the tinkering gene so many of you have, and don't care if a rep is SO accurate. They're reps, and I am not trying to make them look like gens.

    But I do firmly believe that with vintage watches, reps included, one should honour their beauty and heritage.

    Let's see if my wallet allows me this sentiment...

  2. Have you check these already? I think these are both A7750 with secs@9. So after servicing/oiling you'll be fine.

    Mmm, this is lovely and very accurate-looking.


    Thanks, Scoobs! I have something to ponder. :)

    ...my mother is the type who can get away with the gold Daytona, even if I find it tatty.

    EDIT: Another freebie shot for the lads.


    Tara Reid.

  3. Go for the silver subdial model, Vicky. No doubt.

    Given that you, By-Tor and others all plump down for the silver/champagne, yep. :)

    I am delighted again that you chose a watch I like, Sssurfer!

    Btw 2, you showed a Silix pic (thanks again for letting me see your pics!), but it's looks not on Silix' list anymore.

    Maybe they can still source it anyway...

    No, no. I am not like you guys -- have never bought from the pricier, better silix-prime. I only buy from Jay's cheapo watchsilix.com.


  4. I think I'm falling in love -- with the Rolex Daytona in white. :wub:

    One of the very first two rep watches I ever bought was a black Rolex Daytona for my father, since he always wanted to have the gen. He came very close twice to owning one, but never pulled the trigger. It's one of Jay's cheaper Watchsilix versions, and I have to say, it's gorgeous (featured in this Monday's Wristchecks).

    But you know, it's a little masculine-looking for me.

    As soon as CNY is over, I'll buy a white version, but which? Your opinions/suggestions are very welcome.



    By-Tor's review on the Rolex Daytona (seconds @ 6) is a must-read. Link provided below for those who missed it.


    Extra Shots:


    Danielle Lloyd.


    Matthias Sammer.


    Francesco Totti.


    And, of course, Diego Armando Maradona.

  5. It sounds to me like somebody's jealous.

    That's funny. Chieftang, let me put you wise, since you missed it in almost 5000 of my posts, which brim over with this sentiment.

    There is a reason my friends call me Captainess America. I LOVE America, with the delirious, requited love of a convert. America can do no wrong in my eyes, and Americans and American culture, less.

    Hopefully we're on the same page. I will now sing a Yankee Doodle Dandy medley on my kazoo.

  6. Hi dear all, I would like to know if there are issues of shipping exotic straps out from the United States to lets say Asian countries? The reason is that croc & alligator seems to fall under the endangered protection Act, so not sure if there any issues of getting through the United States customs? Please advice, thanks in advance. ;)

    Hi Alant! It's been a hectic weekend, but don't worry, I will get back to your PM. :)

    As for the exotic hides, SO FAR, I haven't had any probs. I've ordered an ostrich leg from ABP (France), two ostriches from Mac/Waccex from Germany, kangaroo from Hong Kong, crocs and gators from the Far East, and other exotics which I can't think of at the moment. They all arrived in good time, without problems in my corner of the USA.

    I wish you good luck either way!

  7. My wife and I pay off our cards every month, but get within a breath of the due date and they will do their utmost to sock you with finance charges. I despise their business practices.

    True. I don't care for the 21% APR that I used to pay when I started.

    But credit made America. It's why Americans can afford the crap they have, including watches. :p

    Pity the poor Brazilians, who have to use cheques pre-datados (predated cheques) to buy their tschokes. And sometimes the businesses cash them before the date, screwing them up financially forever...

  8. an U-BOAT and a PAM193

    LOL! They gave him stats -- John Rambo killed 83 people with his shirt on in the first series of Rambo movies. ;)

    Good idea about putting an earpiece with direct translation to Spanish. In Germany, the interviewer himself usually translates when a famous English-speaking celeb shows up. And sometimes they just don't, and conduct the interview in English.

    Thanks for the Youtube link, Ptolomeo!

  9. You haven't. What would become problematic is if you receiving free watches in return for fairly uninformative, uncritical reviews were to become a pattern.

    (My third reply in one hour -- I'll bow out until later because it's too much)

    That's it in a nutshell! If it would become a pattern. To the best of our collective knowledge, this is the first time this has happened.

    So far, it's been handled in a transparent way by Pugwash, who indeed, should be separated from the topic itself. The topic is:

    "Does RWG as a forum condone reviews of rep watches which are gifted to the reviewer for an IMPARTIAL review?" Yae or nay.

  10. What part of my having said this in my original response wasn't clear?

    No, it's not that. You were clear, Pugwash. Since I've been "on your corner" so far, let me take a somewhat oppositional stance now.

    Why does it surprise you that certain people wouldn't pay attention to your estimate of a watch? Because that sounded pompous, you see. And if there is one thing I AM an expert on, is being pompous. :lol:

    Anyway! AMK000 said it best. You've been nothing but truthful throughout. Haven't read the Repgeeks thread, but even more kudos for publishing it.

  11. Ok, this has to be the most surprising post I've read in the thread. ;)

    I haven't gotten to the other replies, yet, so I don't know how this pans out but...

    I agree with Emmzy. I take only the technical from a "professional" review. Then I hunt around for other "lay" opinions -- people closer to me, in terms of knowledge and expertise.

    The reason is that a lot of the things rep watch experts find bad in a watch, I could overlook.

    I'm pretty sure that's what he meant. :)

    Followup: Ahh, I see it garnered a bit of controversy. The inverted commas ("official") were not some kind of slap, IMHO. I used them in much the same way above! :) And Pix' reply below that, is almost exactly what I think on the topic!

  12. Hmm, people are gossiping about this, but does anyone really have any evidence at all to back up this claim?

    You know the only bad outcome about this topic? That a newbie would get cold feet about doing a watch review, after having read this thread. I hope not, though.

    I have never, ever received a DIME, nor a free watch from ANY dealer.

    Qui s'excuse, s'accuse, By-Tor! Don't give in to the cynics, please. :victory:

    (Honestly, though, I think there are few on RWG. We're talking of potential rather than something which happened)

  13. wow a movie is faster out in cinema in Norway then the UK :o

    I just checked IMDB. Quite so!

    Maybe they took pity on your snowbound selves.

    Country Date

    Croatia 24 January 2008

    Greece 24 January 2008

    Israel 24 January 2008

    Kuwait 24 January 2008

    Russia 24 January 2008

    Singapore 24 January 2008

    Indonesia 25 January 2008

    Norway 25 January 2008

    Philippines 25 January 2008

    USA 25 January 2008

    Oman 30 January 2008

    Estonia 1 February 2008

    Iceland 1 February 2008

    Spain 1 February 2008

    Turkey 1 February 2008

    Belgium 6 February 2008

    France 6 February 2008

    Argentina 7 February 2008

    Hungary 7 February 2008

    Portugal 7 February 2008

    Germany 14 February 2008

    Australia 21 February 2008

    Netherlands 21 February 2008

    Switzerland 21 February 2008 (German speaking region)

    Brazil 22 February 2008

    Finland 22 February 2008

    Italy 22 February 2008

    UK 22 February 2008

    New Zealand 28 February 2008

    South Korea 28 February 2008

    Denmark 29 February 2008

    Poland 7 March 2008

    Sweden 7 March 2008

    Venezuela 25 April 2008

    Japan May 2008

    i loved the movie i whent to see a rambo flick and i got the full bloody dose :gun2:

    people that give this movie bad rating dont understand what they are going to see,its a rambo movie not forest gump or titanic.

    Titanic? :p

    There will always be movie snobs, but I must say, critics have been kinder than usual, and it has a very impressive 8.1 rating on IMDB. I still liked Die Hard 4 and Transformers as action flicks, better, but this is 'no' 'alf bad', as they say in East London.

  14. - The free watch (after the review) should immediately go up for sale (bargain price) and the funds should go to RWG. :D


    Dibs on By-Tor's Explorers!

    Kidding aside, let me just say that if this is in some way acted on, that I would not like to see Pugwash's Top Gun watch be its first victim.

    I think it's commendable that he took the bull by the horns, and started this thread -- his motives are transparent. Having him fall on his sword, as I suspect he's already considering..., would be MUCH TOO HARSH.

  15. what else do we expect from limited edition panerai....? just look at the rolex prices in last 10 years. im sure in 20 years 127 will be pushing 60-70K easily... time to start retirement fund :)

    Recently, on Risti, I read that the 232 owners are completely baffled by why the 249 has taken off, but the 232 (despite predictions that it'll soar "any minute") remains stuck at list price. Apparently, it's quite easy to get one, and no queue needed.

    I remember mentioning this myself in that thread, about the Fidestro vis-

  16. Hi,

    I remeber only 8-9 months ago i see this 2 watches for sale at 11k$ wtf has happend now they are going for 23k$ :o


    On 8 November, I posted that a Fiddy was going for $20k on Risti. 3 months and change later, and it's 23k! That's almost a thou per month gain...

    Unreal. -_-

  17. Thanks for the stills and the time spent putiing them together. Not sure if the film is out yet here in the UK but im so excited about seeing it.

    I was on the phone with my soldier-cousin today (huge Sly fan) and he said it comes out late February in the UK. We seem to get certain films one month later, but pity the Japanese who get it in May!

    Might have to get myself a Slytech Pam in honour of Stallone!

    Never been interested in one -- a bit too butch perhaps. :)

    @Doc: The rice field landmine scene was a bit much, granted, but for its genre, not a bad film!

  18. Well I'm sorry, but it really isn't my cup of tea! And oh, the aftertaste!

    At the end of the day, we're at the behest of the Mod Team, and their say-so.

    I just think it might encourage true dishonesty (double IDs, though I realise you guys are on top of that), if the rules were strengthened.

    Not Pugwash obviously. :)

    OTOH, you can see the difference instantly between this and other rep watch forums. Just the fact that there is dissension even in the Mod ranks, is good. It creates a feeling of accountability and fair play.

    Whatever happens, I for one will be comfortable with the final decision.

  19. Please excuse the quality, but I thought WISes here might enjoy screengrabs. I went to see it but left it downloading for closeups. :)



    Continuity glitch: he was seen on the boat ferrying the mercenaries, sans watch...


    But when he got off the boat, he was wearing this now famous watch -- the supposed PVD Fiddy.


    Nothing of the sort.


    Too thin to be a PAM.


    Action shot.


    I love "synchronise your watches" scenes in movies, don't you? Very Guns of Navarone.


    He looks great considering he's freaking 60-something, but his face is unrecognisably Stallone -- like the love child of Cher if impregnated by Sean Penn and Tom Hanks from The Da Vinci Code. :p


    Here he is, uh, "emoting".


    ...crackingly violent film -- loved it. B)


    TeeJay's Rambo's Panerai (thanks to Cool-Arrow for the reminder)

    Fitmic's Watches in Movies

    894tom's Prop Watches in Movies

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