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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Several members have posted how the Tourneau in Las Vegas is not as good as they expected, certainly for Panerai watches.

    What are some of the good or recommended Authorised Dealers out there? Any ones we should avoid?


    (That's The Hour Glass, in Bangkok, Thailand -- a Glassh

  2. That was an image... An example... Kind of parable ^_^

    Don't focus on that, it's not that important IMO.

    That's right. I'm guessing your average RWGer thinks this is being taken way too seriously. Bad ratings will eventually be superceded by good ratings, unless you're a troll. It's a matter of time.

    This issue is getting bogged down around past personality conflict issues. I'm sure most people can see that. Let's move on, shall we?

  3. The search begins again, anyone recommend a dealer for a sweet modded 111h?

    It's a shame. I had been this close to getting an e-series 111 from Angus too, but I can't afford this type of customer service lapse. -_-

    I'd say, stick to Davidsen, Jsmith, but hurry -- his Swiss ETA with swan neck movements are running out.

    Best of luck.

    EDIT: Here is Davidsen's new blog. It has updates on what movements and stock in general, he has. :)


  4. Is it just me, or isn't this one of the best photo threads on RWG ever?

    With almost 3000 views, and over 50 replies so far, you better believe it, By-Tor! Thanks for reminding me about this.

    The Tag Link I bought circa 1997 on an Italian beachtown.




    Compared to the Narikaa Tag Link, it's crappy. But I tell you, I like it all the same -- it's got charm. :)

  5. The rating system puts several different kind of "loads" on the server. Instead of giving you a very technical explanation (unfortunately, this is very complicated :() I'll just say that the older version of the rating system was not so tightly integrated into the forums built-in caching system, while this version is supposed to be better. But a fast board is more important than ratings, so if there are no improvements or if the system start using lots of system resources, it will be removed again.

    Thanks for the explanation, Admin. Since I publicly cried out for the ratings' return so many times, I felt it only proper to give RWG a donation on its return!

    That done, and having PMed a couple of newbies who inquired what they were, I said the ratings system doesn't take the place of a nice post of appreciation. Nothing can trump that. But the ratings system created a very convivial atmosphere previously -- it's wonderful to get feedback on a post which took forever to upload, and compose where others might've been tempted to say nothing.

    Anything that ADDS to the RWG Experience can only be good. None of the other forums have it, and you have to give a little something extra to receive, IMHO. :)

  6. I'll have to pay extra attention during the Super Bowl episode. ;)

    Usually I notice these things. Hmph.

    Being that Hugh is a Brit, and Brits seem to be fans of the marque (right Victoria?), it wouldn't surprise me.

    I don't know actually. :g:

    Seems Hollywood more than Britain is the thread that binds Brits and Panerai.

    Hugh would just join the club of other British actors like Jason Statham, Orlando Bloom, Hugh Grant, etc. who like the watches.

    Ewan McGregor too. :)

    Laurie surprises me, if he does wear a Panerai. He doesn't seem the pretty or hard boy or fop type. It's not because he's an OE, or anything. He's just very discreet.

    @Peepshow below: Agreed. He and Hamilton were MADE for each other.


    TWP PAM 217 on a Giovanni e Figlio chocolate Incursore strap. :tu:


    DuDro is selling the same strap! Waterproof, too. :fishing:



    Found this Tag Link recently. Bought it in the Costa d'Amalfi maybe A DECADE ago. Yipes. Time flies...


    "Swiss Rabid None"? "Swiss Robed Miss"? Oh, I don't know.


    @Slai: Nice shot!

    @All: You're all getting Wristie gold stars, to celebrate their return. :p

    @Max: Your new Senape looks GREAT.

  8. (Decided to make this into a separate post. The @ replies sometimes seem rude)

    In Greece we have ID cards from looooong time ago... nothing positive or negative happened. THey just exist and it is a pain in the ass to get a new one.

    BTW I issued a new one this year(I am now 31). My previous one had my details from when I was 14 (when I issued my first one). Photo of me 14 y.o. and height 1.65 (I am now 1.90) :p

    See? I told you people must be scratching their heads...when I got my first Green Card, when I was a little girl (I lost it at one point), I think I had to get a new one when I turned 13. The previous one had no photo. I still have that Green Card, with a very youthful-looking me. Feels weird to see that.

    The Germans didn't allow me to keep the Personalausweis -- had to turn that in on turning 18 on renouncing my citizenship. :)

  9. It was actually the pube hair stuck in the flux capacitor made in China :p


    Damn this "no ratings" having situation. That would've been a "funny".

    @Sy: Thanks. Geeks is great. :2a:

    @Rower: LOL. Still funny even if I heard that when I was in elementary school.

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