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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. With restaurant reviews, most reviewers try to maintain anonymity to ensure that they do not receive preferential service. With car reviews, the reviewer generally does the same, or borrows the car for a day or a period of days and then returns it. This is to ensure that reviews are impartial.

    Maybe it's because I'm British, and trusting -- but I am used to Jeremy Clarkson being bloody-minded no matter if he owns a car or not.

    It may just be down to integrity. Do we trust a reviewer, or not?

    And I know who I trust. They've earned it.

  2. Well, there is a small tendency that biasness may occur.

    The fact that there are so many potential reviewers out there, also keeps Pugwash and others honest.

    These are not $20,000 plasmas which CNET get as freebies to review. We can all own a $250 watch.

    For example, Bazonkers reviewed his PAM 229 first, but another member followed suit closely. If there is a big discrepancy in their opinions, people might justifily wonder. But there was none.

    Moreover, watch pics are crucial. We can judge for ourselves that way.

  3. I have no problems with it, since I judge the reviewer first, and how trustworthy he or she is normally.

    I trust you, By-Tor, Pix, and others to give me a fair and balanced review. You've never disappointed me yet.

    EDIT: Full disclosure, of course, is a reason why you and others are trustworthy. There would only be a problem if provenance were hidden (which it's not).

  4. Vic you knwo that you are wearing the tongue part the wrong side? Look at the finish on the left side of the stitching. THis should be the back of it of course .. :)

    Don't worry, V! I caught that earlier, and corrected it. Check out the Scoobs Wristie, and you'll see it.

    @Pugwash: That snow pic is WONDERFUL.

  5. Very very nice, Vic. Thnx!!! But don't tell me you forgot to take a wrist shot :p

    Woman's work is never done!


    (It hadn't come out too well, so not wanting ruin the elegance of the 3 photos, I didn't post it) :p

    Wearing this combo tonight, as I watch the first days of the Brazilian carnival on Globo Int'l. Who wants to samba with me?

    @Hike: CDs of samba-enredos? Sure, have loads!

    @Abt Samba replies: I actually have two left feet, so not sure anyone should dance anything with me. :p

  6. Who the Hell will get offended by that picture!!!

    Prudes, feminists and men a little light in their loafers?

    I beat they're all drooling right now! :bleh::1a::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Neither drooling nor offended! :p

    I saw this on Bo'R last night, and he called Tom Brady a super-Patriot for graciously dealing with this lady (who by her strident tone of voice, I thought was an old Mexican woman, not a young babe).

    I'm guessing Long Island boy that he is, he's going for the Giants, but it was great to see him compliment the always classy Mr. Brady. :)

    Abt. Watch: I thought it looked like a Paul Newman Daytona on an spandex bracelet...

  7. Pardon me for asking, been out of touch.

    How are the quality of replica panerai gator deployment straps for ladies? I mean the coloured ones i.e. blue, green, etc.

    Comfort wise?

    In a thread entitled "Should Women Wear Panerai Watches?", I posted these pics:



    I came out very strongly against perverting the history and tradition of Panerai, by these "colourful" straps, especially the pink deployant strap on the hommage 217. Just seeing that makes me ill. Maybe on a 111 or similar, but never on the other historics...

    However, I realise a lot of us ladies like pastel straps. -_-

    Quarks, this distates of mine doesn't answer your question though:

    Go to Don, who is a super strapmaker from Canada. He's got coloured crocs/gators for ladies, in the size you want, IIRC. :)

    http://rlx.homestead.com/don6.html (to the bottom)


  8. The Shoutbox has yielded unexpected comedy, ever since newer members confuse it for a "Searchbox". I saw that someone had written "Patrouille de France". It's the acrobatic wing of the French Air Force.

    Like searching for the Blue Angels or Red Arrows. :plane:

    But then I Googled "Patrouille de France montre" and would you believe it, yes, there is a Breitling edition honouring the PdF! I'm sure you Breit fans knew that already.


    Freaking sweet.

    Is there a rep?

    This is the only one I could find:


    Identical. :animal_rooster:

  9. That Vintage V-strap :wub: Would love to see it on a 111....

    Thanks, Scoobs! I take straps requests, so I'll shoot a photo now. :)

    Meanwhile, here is another PAM 112 shot on V's Vintage strap (with white stitching). V made this for Vlydog, and and Vlydog sold this to Victoria. Vs wild! :lol:


    This is my 177h with the V strap shown today -- with chocolate stitching. SEXY.


  10. Victoria love you new avatar babe! I have about 20 watches in stock that i need to post to get us through these depressing times. I am still waiting for

    your 8 day so i can lume the gold hands for you unless you are ready for me to ship the other one with silver hands.

    Thanks TWP! I am totally ready for you to send on the 2 watches at your convenience.

    I tried to PM you just now here, but Inbox full as ever (I've tried in the past!). You are a very popular guy. :p

    P.S.: Also making inquiries about another watch, so come get some money from me. :)

  11. Just saw Raymond's timely post on CNY. Just to remind you: these dealers have posted on their sales during Chinese New Year already.

    Kenberg: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...mp;#entry395390

    He also said on the Shoutbox:

    "For shipping purposes CNY runs from the 2nd to the 17th of Feb"

    TWP: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=394551

    PAM111: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=394079

    (Just added)

    PRECIOUS TIME: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=66977&hl=

    PURE TIME: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=67059&hl=

    Some trivia about CNY:

    Good luck

    * Sweets are eaten to ensure the consumer a "sweet" year.

    * Wearing a new pair of slippers that is bought before the new year, because it means to step on the people who gossip about you.

    Bad luck

    * Buying a pair of shoes is considered bad luck amongst some Chinese. The word "shoes" is a homophone for the word for "rough" in Cantonese, or "evil" in Mandarin.

    * Buying a pair of pants is considered bad luck. The word "pants"(k


    Bought this DSN 232 with chocolate dial and shorter hands from, Deltatahoe. When I opened the package, I tell you, I fell in love. :wub: :wub:

    Instead of three days worth of different watches, please enjoy this plethora of 232 on PAV 91 strap photos!




    That's the Vintage V-strap next to the Orlando Bloom OEM Bordeaux, just to torture TeeJay. :p


    Fussy, nasty little screws -- these Radiomirs. The only drawback. Won't be changing the straps much. :bangin:



    Decent but not spectacular DSN lume. :g:


    ...oh yeah. The wristcheck! ;)


    (Some of my favourite shots I've ever taken are here. The love really shows)

  13. "What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books."

    Admin Carlyle

    When you open a book, by Cicero, by Aristotle, by Freud, by Marie Curie, by anyone -- those who have been dead for thousands of years, live again. Their words, their thoughts, their prejudices. All come alive.

    Similarly writing, even on the internet, allows future generations to know you forever.

  14. Thanks, I'll check it out at my local library!

    I've been wanting to read "Into Thin Air" for a while, and certainly before the film comes out. Thanks for the reminder. :)

    May I suggest, in case you haven't read it:

    Lance Armstrong's War: One Man's Battle Against Fate, Fame, Love, Death, Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals on the Road to the Tour de France

    By Daniel Coyle


    I didn't know anything about him, other than he was raised by his single mother in Texas. This gives you not only insight about him, but about the masochistic sport of Tour bicycling. It is not a hagiography, either.

    @Hike below: Oops, I meant "Into the Wild" has been made into a film! Not "Into Thin Air".

    Check it out. ;)


    ...whoa. The DVD comes out 4 March 2008. I didn't even see it playing in the cinemas!

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