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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Today wasn't just a bad day for poor jsmith11; for me too. I'm not getting a DSN 005 after all. :(

    The new dials won't be ready until very late February due to Chinese New Year. I've been offered a substitute instead, but the problem is, that's the only watch without exposition caseback I want, save for the 228/229. The 201a is not to my taste, nor is the 000.

    Possibly I'll exchange it for the Ultimate 113. :wounded1:

    FOLLOWUP: It's official. I just bought his 113. Sigh. It's not that the 113 is not beautiful -- but it's like going for a Mercedes, and coming out with a Lexus. Sure, it's nice, but it's not what you wanted.

    EDIT: Well...I was just informed I got the last Swiss ETA movement with swan neck! He has about 5-6 Chinese H-series with swan neck left. I knew that from RWI, where he announced it, but for a watch with exposition casebacks, what will people do??

  2. This reminds me, and I'm not going to scrounge up the link since I'm at work, but there is a video commercial (I think it's German) out there for a bottle of vajayjay-scent. Not a cologne, but something for dudes to carry around sniff when they want to be super gross. Maybe you put it on your finger?

    GASP. Only on RWG. :p

    (This sounds like only something a nerdy man with a chemistry degree could dream up...)

    Well, I've taken my mother's advice and stored these leather straps in between some freshly-laundered cotton sheets. She says they work for shoes, soaking up the odours. That's another gross-out.

  3. (Fellow men's you DON'T want to see the original M7 advertisment :o Victoria may like it :p )



    NTTAWWT. ;)

    Well, to make this thread practical, what are some suggestions as to taking out the fragrance from a PAM strap? I've tried rubbing it with Lord Sheraton. Nothing.

    @The Mentalist: Thanks! Will do the cotton handkerchief bit and let you know. My bright idea was to take one of these straps (a pricey Dirk!), and put it inside an old Italian leather duffle bag I have -- Italian leather just REEKS of leather. Delicious.

    But it just stunk up the duffle bag. :(

  4. I can understand your feelings.... I happened to me once with a used car I bought. The leather steering wheel had this persistent smell of Old Spice.... - I bought my first aftermarket steering wheel shortly thereafter... :D


    And Old Spice too. Not exactly a dandy's cologne. More like great-grandpa's scent.

    Poor chubbchubb...

    This thread was prompted by having received two such straps in a week. I have received these before, without mentioning it to a person, even to the seller.

    @CC: Tsk. LOL. ;)

  5. Dear All:

    Has it ever happened to you, that having bought an used PAM strap, the moment you take it out of the package...A LOT, but a lot of cologne odour is lingering on it.

    And when I say lingering, I mean loitering. :bangin:

    Here is a plea to you Paneristi out there, on these or other forums, to go easy on the Fahrenheits and Cool Waters. PLEASE. That handsome strap you are wearing now may find itself on the wrist of another man, or more probably given my collection, on my wrist.

    It makes a strap unwearable...

  6. Wait a minute is there supposed to be an "L SWISS L" below the six on this watch?????

    Whoa, yes, there is...NOW DON'T GET UPSET, JSMITH. I know what with the previous Breit problem, you must be, "this is just not my hobby!", but it happened to me too. First 6 reps, all with probs.

    Angus will fix it. :(

    Straps: hxxp://www.network54.com/Forum/353393/


    And of course, you can get a custom-made one by any of the forum strapmakers: V, FxrAndy, xlr8tn, Savage, Tootall. :D

  7. Don't roll up in your Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra, or Kia Sephia wearing a sub.

    If your watch is worth more than your car, you've lost the game...

    Point very well taken. But note, that is mostly true IN AMERICA, Poopypants.

    In Europe, Hondas are regarded as great cars, even amongst the elite.

    And obviously, they cost twice as much as in the US:

    (USED) "Honda CIVIC

  8. Awww, thats like seeing an ex girlfriend that your still really good friends with.

    Hey b16a2! :)

    LOL@ the ex-girlfriend reference. That is exactly what seeing a watch you no longer have, must be like for guys.

    That was my first ever Pam, sadly it's not with me anymore.

    Indeed. I almost bought yours when I saw it for sale. But you were in the EU, and the dollar was not favourable...

    Looking forward to seeing the new dial!

    Well, we all might have to wait a bit. Nothing in the rep watch hobby is easy or fast. <_<

    @CBR: Nice words for Davidsen. May I have your permission to quote that in the reply-email? I won't use your name if you wish. :)

    @PaulW: LOL. You know, the 104 was never big on my list.

    @Richyman: I love your 005. A true bargain!

    Sorry about all the @ replies...I really miss the ratings. They were so convenient to reply with. :(

  9. Hmmmm, nope.

    Numbers and indices are too thin, font is too thin and the logo is still too big, IMO.

    Okay, I didn't want to skew the answers, but this is the deal -- his new 005 didn't pass his first inspection. So he suggested the older dial for me.


    He needs to use his 111E dial (which appears to be the same as his 040 dial, just with C1 lume and "L Swiss L" instead of "T-Swiss-T") as that has thicker numbers/indices and just add a logo to that dial.

    PERFECT. I will ask him for that, and see if he can add the logo.

    On the up side, DSN appears to be using the "long arrow" logo, which is more collectible in the gen world than the more current logo. ;)

    Excellent. Thank you for your reply, Peepshow! :)

    REPLY TO EDIT: Oh yes, I know that gen photo well. I also notice a slight over-greeniness, which was always the knock on the Davidsen 005s. I would trade greeniness, for a more accurate-sized logo...

  10. DSN has been busy making new dials and watches it seems. 005, 202A, 201A, 218A, 203A, new 104 ...

    And a new 229 AND 228!

    Yes, both. :)

    Can't wait for the 228, as I already have the 229 on order with Andrew (I can't go back on my word).

    I'd love to see pics of that 005 dial when you get it.

    Unfortunately, there's a hiccup. I need your (pl.) expertise. How would you rate this dial?


    (I am going to ask for a new crown. It looks wonky)

  11. Ironically, as an American the new border restrictions make me feel less rather than more safe -- and I consider myself more wordly and cosmopolitan than most of my neighbors.

    That's just because it's a new state-of-affairs, Jack. :)

    The feeling will dissipate in time, at least with reasonable people.

    It was HIGH TIME the US tightened its borders, and abolished the INS -- a den of thieves if ever I saw one. Why, only last night I was telling my boyfriend that twice I paid for my green card to arrive, and it never did. It was supposed to come from Arlington, Texas. Nada.

    Long after I had become a naturalised citizen, I was told that the Arlington site which sends you the green cards is rife with corruption. Potentially there is an illegal Mexican woman going around with my frikkin' green card, calling herself by my name! She better not be wearing a Casio!

    I am laughing as I typed that, but it's not funny...

    But that there should be SOME control, of course.

    In the election thread, I admitted that I used to be a Clerk of a polling station here in South Florida (no longer, I "retired"). Do you know that because there is no national ID, we Florida pollworkers could accept ANYTHING as a form of ID?

    This included a Costco card. A COSTCO CARD. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I ask you.

  12. Can they really be used to combat terrorism? Well considering that 3 of the bombers of 07/2005 were born and bred in Yorkshire, this wouldn't seem to be the case all the time.

    As you've read, I am VERY strongly against national ID cards.

    But I am also very leery of people who are against them because of conspiracy theories, such as "The UN will take over the world!!", "It's the New World Order!!", "It's McChimpyHalliburton/Gordon Brownose trying to take away our tinfoil hats!!", etc.

    These people are beyond Luddites. They are permanently brain fried.

    If such countries as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile and others can have national ID cards going on 70 years now, without messing it up, then I daresay First World countries like the UK and the US can too.

    It's just that Anglo-Saxon cultures don't have that tradition.

    Whenever I mention my concerns to my German relatives, they smile somewhat piteously at me, and tut-tut my fears -- they've had IDs since Bismarck. You can't let a flat, open a bank account, or register with the Po-Po (if you're a foreigner) if you don't have your papers in order in Germany.

    And they have the most efficient bureaucracy in the EU (which isn't saying much, but still). So no, at least with me, it's not fears someone EVIL, ooh scary music, will use my info to my detriment now or in the future.

    They can do that right well enough with my US driving license or Social Security card.

    I just don't like nationalised anything.

  13. Finally got out of my home to pay for the PAM 005, my Holy Grail watch since I started collecting reps.

    To my joy, Davidsen announced that his 005's all have a new dial. You may recall his OP logo slants correctly, but it's very big. The markers were also too green.

    On Thursday, he'll email me photos of the incoming watch. Then I'll post them here so you can see the "improvements".

    I AM SO EXCITED! :group:

    P.S.: Credit where credit is due. I saw the 005 on another forum, but mostly it was this photo from member b16a2 which made me fall in love with the 005. :wub:


    THANK YOU! ...already have the Bob Vanilla strap waiting. 2 in fact.

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