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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. I have VERY punctual parents, so I think I rebelled inside myself, and I confess I'm often late.

    If it's someone I know, that is. If it's a business meeting, or a formal event, no way.

    Also, my tardiness has limits -- 10-30 minutes late, fine. 1-3 hours late is just plain rude.

  2. You might be surprised after reading that to hear that I AM.

    Finally, we have a "yes"!

    Don't get me wrong, I still don't care for IDs, to put it mildly; but I think it's crucial to have all sides of the argument represented. :)

    However, I think that they should only be issued to people who are form outside the state, and not as a tester to implement them to every national in the future. Then again, it is not the people that enter legally into our country that is the problem. It is the ones that enter and then disappear. I fear that even if the cards are issued, people will still find a way to enter into this country and effectively disappear. ID cards will be useless against this kind of entry.

    Normally, b16a2, I have an allergy to immigration talk. I find either the nationalist crazies come out, or those who would open their country to all and sundry, do. Both are extremely antipathic to me.

    But I am very against IDs for the express use of controlling immigration.

    However, the issue of ILLEGAL immigration gets confused with being anti-immigrant, per se.

    Recently, when Jeb Bush was governor of Florida, he spearheaded a law which made it impossible to get a driving license without showing proof of residency and a Social Security card. Before that, believe or not, anyone coming from an airplane could present themselves at the DMV, and get a Florida driver's license.

    If you could drive a car, you got a license. The license itself is a springboard to getting a Social Security card, opening a bank account, getting a voter's registration card (!), etc. etc. A Catch-22 if ever there was one.

    The week before this was to take into effect, you couldn't get NEAR a DMV site. All the illegals were making sure they got a license. I queried my then boyfriend (a lawyer) asking why didn't INS just station themselves in those DMVs, asking for Green Cards (which we legal immigrants are supposed to carry), and cart away those who were illegal.

    No, because that's entrapment and racial profiling, I was told.

    These are the kinds of things that were LONG overdue about being tightened up, post 9/11.

    There is no need for national IDs if you pass the same law as was passed by Governor Bush. A STATE law, I hasten to add. It should be a State by State basis, not a federal one.

  3. Thanks for the compliments, fellas. :)

    Update: Davidsen unfortunately has no more E-series movements with swan necks. His supplier can no longer source them. He asked for me to take the last H-series, and said changing the CG to brushed is no problem.

    I can live with that.

    @Sattop: Lovely 113! Yes, not sure why you got that caseback, but perhaps you can email DSN to send you a replacement? Or have you already?

  4. The UK doesn't have ID cards yet. The law in England and Scotland is the same.

    No, I realise that.

    But I meant that one has to present something now stating you are registered with the National Health, in England, before being seen each time. But that's still not the case in Scotland. True or false?

    In my day, you went to the local clinic/surgery* and got a ticket. When your number was called, you were seen by the GP. End of. :p

    *For the benefit of North Americans, who think a surgery stands only for an operation.

  5. Basically the religion part was quite interesting, whether completely made up or not.

    Well, sure. For example, I am interested in the history of Opus Dei too, but that doesn't mean I like the entity AT ALL. I say this as a fervent Roman Catholic.

    -- I hate Dan Brown for outting them, since loathing the Opus Dei was my secret since adolescence. :o --

    Conspiracy theories are nothing new in the world, and their explanations can be "fun", in the way cow-tipping can be fun (I guess).



    They really took off after the French Revolution, which was attributed to: Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, and of course, everyone's favourite whipping boys, the Joos (mostly in the form of the Rothschilds).

    Today, it's Halliburton (the Freemasons), the World Bank (the Illuminati), the UN (the Jesuits), but yep, still the Joos (Neo-Conservatives like Paul Wolfowitz, also the head of the World Bank and a Bilderberger, conspiracy theory JACKPOT!).

    Once you step on this mud of logic, you come out very dirty indeed.

    EDIT: :lol: @ the Prince B comment!!

    Poor Prince Bernhard, so hated by the Dutch. Okay he was corrupt, but not without courage in WWII. I say, give the German a break. ;)

  6. Last time I went to hospital, I didn't take any ID. In fact, since I returned from France, I've not needed to use any ID to get free health or dental care.

    Ah, I had been told that had changed in England. Oh wait, you live in Scotland -- no IDs are needed there, still, I believe?

    That's why a recent story in the local paper had mentioned a Haitian taking the first flight to Prestwick, deplaning, and getting a kidney transplant for free in Glasgow.

    There would be charter medical flights to the US if we had socialised health care with no IDs. Nightmare.

    EDIT: Hmm, I inadvertently answered your followup below, by this Haitian lady anecdote.

    "The point about Socialised Medicine is you don't need 300,000,000 people registered. We don't have it in the UK and if you turn up at hospital, you don't need ID because everyone gets free service. You're assumed to be eligible, by default, if you turn up."

  7. Do they have to carry this information and present it to the police when asked?

    Like most biometric information used presently by governments, it is stored for record-keeping purposes only.

    I wish I still frequented a forum where I had made a lot of Finnish friends. I could ask them about this LIKE THAT. Unfortunately, I can only Wiki the info now:


    In Finland, any citizen can get an identification card (henkil

  8. I orderd the `rolex booklet` on the 23.. Today 26 i got my booklet.. i was stunnished !!!

    Good show. B)

    OTOH, a Rolex booklet is not proof-positive that they are not a scam site, since the real test is an actual rep watch.

    Just to note though: Watchcartel (heh) are not listed in Dax' comprehensive scam site list, here.

    @Edwin: Ah no. I'll stick to the real cartel thanks. ;)

  9. www.zeitgeistmovie.com

    Oh God, Dutchy please not Zeitgeist. That's like recommending all the other tinfoil conspiracy theory "documentaries" out there, of which I have watched almost all. Loose Change, The Assassination of JFK, Jr., and anything to do with the Bilderberg Conference.

    Didn't you hear? Prince Bernhard was the anti-Christ!! :p

  10. Hugely against, mainly because the biometric data will be stored by the IT company with the lowest tender, and with the amount of recent data loss screw-ups in the UK, there is no way they can be trusted.

    In fact, this is one of the main obstacles of having anything approaching socialised health care in the US: because over 300 million people would have to be registered in this massive bureaucracy, with IDs being issued. Biometric info would surely have to be included.

    Conspiracy theorists ABOUND in this topic, and they are both of the Left and Right.

    FWIW, Finland has culled biometric information of their citizens since the mid-1970s (they started by collecting footprints of newborns, and have since gotten the DNA of every Finnish citizen born there).

    I don't see them having a hissy fit about it, nor distrusting their government and corporations like Nokia.

    But much of this has to do trusting your own.

    Social scientists point to the fact that they are a homogenous society (coincidentally like Britain was in the 1940s...), and homogeneous peoples are more likely to be a trusting society than "multi-cultural" societies.

  11. Maybe DSN can make this change if you wish ??

    I don't know. I am getting the last H-series Swiss ETA movement with swan neck that he has.

    I'm glad you caught the polished CG, FGD, thanks! This is why RWG is so important to me. Many eyes and brains thinking with me, better than me.

  12. Just discovered this hxxp://stores.ebay.com/Straps-Monster over at another forum. Seems to have some straps for Pam watches, take a look at those Nato ones. Does anyone bought any straps from him before and how's the quality? And Victoria any comments?

    The first intimation this StrapMonster existed, was when I was posting the Wristchecks over at RWI -- I saw a post about them listed in the Top 10 active threads.

    I'll check it out, but it's always interesting to get new leads, thanks!

    FOLLOWUP: Just saw their selection at Fleabay. Hmm, no, it looks like Pornthrip and Philip (or CharlyJakob) straps. They sell them over at Risti. Very inferior quality leather, even for their cheapish prices. V was right. They use leather for shoes.

  13. FRIDAY

    See the Andrew PAM 113 here? Take a good look at it, because you'll rarely see it again. I just bought A DAVIDSEN 113, woo! :)


    I'll keep the lovely black Jurgen strap I just got though.



    Raijor is DA MAN! Check out the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak I got from him. It'll be for my boyfriend.


    A wristie next to my new Zojirushi coffemaker (as suggested by members Xyphis, Ajoesmith and Watchdude). Coffee, tea or APRO?



    My dirty little secret -- before I got into reps, I bought this Philip Persio Pepsi on Fleabay. :o


    Remember when pressing a button was all the lume you wanted? :lol:



  14. CIMG2611.jpg

    Mmm, great shot, SD4k! That AR shows up beautifully on this exceptional watch. :)

    @Scoobs: So you're not getting the Fiddy after all??

    @Emmzy: Nice to see you back! And I like all these dads saying they are doing stuff with their kids this weekend. :tu:

    @Swen: Great intro to the Wristchecks! You can't go wrong with a Navi.

    @ChinkieChuckie: So far, you and Raymond have the best Wristies. Gold Star!

    @Rolli: Oh, I didn't see your embedded pic. LOVELY 192. Lovely flower in the background too. ;)

  15. What don't you like about his 201A? You just don't like Pre-V PAMs?

    Sad, but true.

    I prefer exposition casebacks, and wearing a Panerai worth 20k which will be brand-new looking just looks ridiculous. And since I keep my watches in MINT condition, it's not like I'll be vintaging them.

    (Ahem, not to imply the 201a is all that vintage, but you know what I mean)

    People like Nanuq and Rolli have a knack for wearing vintage watches. But not I. Having said that, if Davidsen had offered a more realistic tone for the 201a dial, I MIGHT'VE taken it. The markers are just 'aged' too darkly.

    I saw Mr. Fishgodeep, a Panerista extraordinaire, raving about his 201a in the DSN area on RWI, so perhaps I'm wrong.

    I also wish he'd spend a week and clean up his photobucket. Check out his 005 bucket:

    Oh yes, I noticed that too. :(

    I'll have a word, in passing, next time.

    His 104 looks pretty good. I emailed about his 229 dial and, true, he doesn't have a pic yet. I've always been luke warm to the GMT models but I might buy his 228 if he gets it mostly right.

    I'm concerned about this lack of Swiss ETA with swan neck, but then, we've known this was coming for a long time.

    Despite not liking closed casebacks, my next two Davidsens are the 005 (God willing...), and the 228.

    Sorry for the rambling post that only slightly has to do with the original topic. :)

    No, not at all. I'll take a look at that 055 now. As with b16a2, I take my inspiration from others on forums. :)

  16. FWIW, ZainoDetail, I also was going to suggest the one with classic baton markers.

    The Arab numerals just don't do anything for me, but your wife may like them since they're not common. It depends how sure of herself she is.

    This is me wearing a similar Day-Date:


    The baton markers just have an undefinable touch of class.

  17. Isn't he going to asian only now? I'd hope he gets more than 5 asian H movts. as that is kinda core to his business :)

    Indeed! It's the end of an era, if he can't get more.

    It puts me to mind when TWP was cannabilising his 036 to make the last 177h.

    I can't find his 229 and 228 photos. I guess those aren't up yet.

    No, those are coming later in the year.

    It's funny you were looking at this Photobucket page, as I was combing over it just now, trying to come up with an 005 alternative. Too bad I don't like the 201a...

    He's on fire lately. I really want to see his 229 dial to see if it's better than the one I have. I'll add that to my ever growing list of DSN parts to order if it is.

    I think the lack of swan necks may be why he is turning to the closed casebacks/Automatics.

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