RWG and RG both have their place and cater to different personalities. Both are fun and worthy of perusal. I stay ignorant to the politics - for the most part - and therefore see, or at least like to think, that both have more in common than not - people with a passion. TRC was the original, though. And I still remember fondly when it was the only game in town. It was a simpler time back then. Frankens were few and far between, for example. Oh how things have progressed. And they've progressed because of the knowledge base that has accumulated with the increased breadth of membership; not because of any vast quantity of posts here or there made by individuals with perhaps excessively high regard for their impact. No, reflecting back over the last decade+ since having originally joined TRC, to me, it was The Zigmeister coming on to the scene that changed everything about the hobby and really opened up the door to the types of watches and modding services that are so common place now. There was the old Tommy before him, but The Zigmeister absolutely brought a whole new dimension to the hobby, and changed it for good. And so the eventual transition to RWGforum was a natural matter of progression for folks such as myself. This is where us old timers landed. This is where that tradition and nostalgia resides, and along with it, the old school knowledge base. So while I suppose I find it interesting that some consider post rate and membership totals a revealing metric, a victory of sorts, or whatever, I'm not much interested in either. They're just not what's important.