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Posts posted by Dani

  1. Again Dani with your lies. Why now is it you think you spent 550??? It keeps going up. You are the problem. Every other customer has been treated like gold because they didn't lie to try and het a free strap. Stop causing trouble.

    You are the liar by far..And to treat a customer like me as you did is realy bad..

    You coud just give a simpel statment like this "sorry about your strap but we can not find a solution to what happend"i use 20sec to write that insted you call me a liar and dishonest in your first respons to me after i whaited for a replacment.

    Not good at all.

    Yes 550$ is not correct i think 390+shipping+customs fees is more correct. :rolleyes: easy to be a liar in your eyes.

    Also yes i agree i em a problem for you becasue i don't let people like you step over me..I never let people do that and i never give up..

    You can end this whit a "sorry we treated you wrong and coud have handled this in diffrent way" and you can keep your 100$ strap i don't need it..


  2. I do understand what you mean....when I choose my dealer for a special watch I do a research and if the dealer I want to buy from has got bad reputation or bad feedbacks I will stay away from him (never bought from TTK due to that).

    But this was different....I had deals with APbands starting in May 2007 ... 1 year ago....since than I was/am a happy customer. And thats the reason I will buy again!

    If I was in your situation with the very 1st deal went bad.....I would consider NOT to buy again, but I would allways try to work something out ... in private and silence and if that does not work I might shout (I assume you did it like that)!

    We can only judge the book by the cover when it comes to internet deals....we have to see both sides...and speaking of this I will and cannot judge what/how/why your deal went bad.

    You concluded to stay away from them.....I concluded to stick to them....

  3. Who are you Dani to judge for others???

    How can you disagree with a good transcation I had with APbands straps????

    I thought we can all share our experience here .... well yours was bad (sorry to hear), mine was allways very good and I heared of others with very good expiriences as well.

    I will stress this again: I had very good and honest deals with APbands and I will deffo buy again!!!

    I woud never buy from a company like ap bands if i read about a member having same experince as me i a point out never.

    Why you think we call this a community?

    When they show their true colors like they did i woud stay way clear from them but maybe you just whant your straps and don't cear if they are a.holes to other members.

    They where good to me when i buy for 550++$$ but when i comment on their lack of quality strap on their webpage and gave bad rating from that day i shoud have now they woud do what they did to me..

  4. When you say "we" who else are you refering too exactly? :p

    Also taking that sentence you posted into consideration, there is a hidden irony there....... :lol:

    Anyway this LV sub I heard mention of, is it the best sub? If not who has the best one? ^_^

    are you trying to get spiked or something?

    this tread was made in the sale forum then moved here if it was posted here to begin whit i coud easly see the funny side of it but not when it was posted in sale forum ans you now why..

    Don't start anything.

  5. your not seriously asking if he can guarontee that a fake watch is legal :)

    cmon - this is china, they shoot prisoners and sell the bodies to embalmers to make money by putting them on display all chopped up - A very interesting exhibit actually -

    cmon :) they would make them out of bald eagle if they could make an extra 3 bucks :)

    haven't you watched the fake trade movie ? were all supporting slavery, beatings, gun runners :)

    Yeah so becasue of that i shoud not ask or try to be a good person and try avoid such products?

    Not all of China is bad and this straps may be from some other country for all we now.

  6. @Dani:

    Do you somehow visualize that you're calling the shots around here? Do you think there's one set of rules for everyone else, and one set specifically for you?

    Just a few days ago you were the center of another drama, threatening to leave the forum... and now you're constantly stirring up trouble again... running around and calling people "crybabies", etc.

    And you made your point clear in this thread. About 12 times already. We have been cutting you some extra slack, because you're a longtime member and a respected trader. But enough is enough, this forum is not an AOL warez/flame chatroom or kindergarten.

    I suggest you drop the personal attacks and confrontational posts, or you'll receive a timeout.

    Maybe you as mod shoud stop treating me diffrent then others as their political treads are ok but mine is not strange way of keeping the rules, i have learn and no more posting from me on such subjects i recpect what admins and mods say.

    I have no int. in getting this subject over to me, i open this tread for helping out does that get blasted by some cry babies in their sale post.

    I also now a great big % of members agree whit me on this that is why it shoud be talked openly about.

    Nothing more..

    edit :

    I have done all what mods told me after some threads in OT section and i don't ask for problems most mods here joined the forums when i did so we go way back no hostilty amung us..And i follow what they decied is right in the end of the day, even if it does not same like that :p

  7. Thats why you have GLOBAL moderators. So that someone will be around every hour or so to properly monitor posts. When this thread was spiraling out of control I saw not one, not two, but three co-admins reading the thread. From the top of page two, down to when it was locked. Not set invisible, nor deleted by the posters request-locked.

    I read By-tors argument of 'censorship' or conspiracy theories, but by the posters request he asked for deletion. It was his SALES thread.

    Luckily we get about 3 threads a day at TRC :D ...fairly easy for a few guys to open all the threads and check for spam or infractions. RWG features more mods and by in large a great job has been done for a very long period of time.

    I feel truly sorry for the mods at Repgeeks who deal with 15 -20 pages a day to wade through. It's like TRC was 2 -3 years ago. You just can't keep up with it.

    We all make mistakes-Chino and Magnus have made a few as well at TRC (kidding) but we all learn from it and move on.

    I also see this mods in this tread when it was just couple of pages.


    Follow me around?

    Get of your high horse man.

    I maybe break one or two rules(religion/ polictial but again you let other people discus this subject here) but never anything damaging to this forum i just say and speak about many things other people don't dear to.

    Easy does it.

  8. Dani seems to be of the opinion that name calling, insulting and being generally rude is acceptable. But even questioning someone about something is unacceptable.

    I dont see the logic there, but maybe it was lost in translation...

    Yeah you did in Chads tread shoud have just keept out or notice your thoughts on pm to him or mods if you feel something is wrong.

    You from what i remeber have crapped more then this thread that Chad had.

    This is becoming very repetitive. I've never crapped on a thread before...........but I'd like to crap on this one. How do I do it? :p

    You just did :p


  9. Again.. it IS an Open Market,.. and the people have spoken... Censorship of opinion leaves the forum open to dishonest practices, which is a worse alternative...

    What you call 'Crapping', others call 'Informing' or questioning,..

    Not to say that there have not been some silly or wrong posts at times.. but it's all a part of an open trading forum..

    Those that cannot accept it,.. simply don't have to post there...

    This members have crapped the post and other post in sale section.

    What you are saying is if you dont like people killing your sale post then dont post at all, this is a joke to say.

  10. What you do with your personal sales speaks louder than your protest on behalf of those who are seeking to sneak in and score from a uneducated buyer then, call for 'delete this post'...

    You can't have it both ways, Dani,.. what happened in the trading forum with Chad IS the 'Market' Speaking.

    So What you are saying is that we should keep our mouths shut unless it conforms to your notions, which again you don't support with your actions demonstrated in how you sell your pieces....

    I find this conflicted arguing for the sake of arguing..

    I don't like that people crap down other peoples sale post some members here do it to often even when its nothing to do whit price.

    I em sorry but your English in this post quoted first line is not easy to understand for me.

    Even if i sell for heavy reduced price and give great bargins i don't ask for all to do that, its a free and open marked.

    If i see i watch i like and i now its great in terms of functions i woud rather buy froma well now'n member then get hustled by "our" dealers.


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