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Posts posted by Dani

  1. I can understand your sentiments, as I was curious as to the origins of the hides. I can assure you, these were not black or even gray market hides and were purchased from properly licensed importers. Elephant hide boots, belts and gun holsters are offered by big name corporations, as well as the little guy...

    If no one buy it or use it the leather has no value in a black,white or grey marked hens my bad stomac felling on this.

    Nuff said.

  2. Kruzer, you wanna PM me the story, here? I've got a gen 002D I'd like to order another crown and CG for. ;)

    i em almost 100% sure you can not order watch parts if your watch crown or cg is not faulty atleast from panerai,iwc and such brands.

  3. It is turning out that the internal customs issue in the EU and Schengen area countries is more complex than I thought.

    Schengen is just a stupid thing on paper that makes it more easy for criminals to come to our countrys and do crime all over.

    Just look at poor Sweden they have their hands full..

    If up to me Norway,Sweden,Denmark and Finland woud form a union and say [censored] the rest we are the best and also kick out all the dirt bags from our country's. :D:boat:

    Island and such woud also be included ofcaurse.

  4. I think shipping wise Norway is treated as another EU country. I think there's no customs between Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway (although Norway doesn't belong to EU). I suspect other (non-scandinavian) EU countries treat Norway the same way.

    Hey, what dangeous could potentially come from Norway? Rotten fish maybe... :D

    Rotten fish and rotten tax'es :lol:

    Norway customs checks all parcels from Sweden,Denmark,Finland who arrives in Norway they get treated same way as a parcel from any none EU country in Europe..

    I now. :p

    Norway is one of the 15 signatories to the Schengen Accord. I thought there were no longer any internal customs controls between Schengen countries but Onzenuub (from NL) said that coming from Spain my luggage could be searched by customs upon arrival there. I didn't believe it so I did some research and he is right. Though greatly reduced in practice, Schengen countries may still control what crosses their internal (from within Schengen area) borders:

    Schengen area 25 March 2001

    As from 25 March 2001, the Schengen area will be made up of thirteen Member States and Norway and Iceland, which are not [EU] members. Under the Schengen Convention, internal borders of the Schengen countries may be crossed at any point without any checks on persons being carried out. Those persons crossing external borders of the Schengen area will be subject to entry and departure checks as before. In Finland, entry and departure checks are carried out by the Frontier Guard. Applying the Schengen acquis will not change import and export rights. Regular customs checks were abolished at the internal borders of the EU countries when Finland became a member of the EU in 1995.

  5. I was thinking about that, you could probably just paint over it with some slightly opaque black/grey paint, no? So that the white becomes the dark grey it should be.....

    Just a thought ^_^

    I agree on that shoud be easy for a person whit a steady hand.

    Maybe its posibel to get a ekstra dw from seller when buying :p

    I love the senna ver but at over 1k, its of my list as is this one.


  6. Customs and Border Control does not inspect outgoing shipments. Only the TSA does that and only then for security purposes on commercial carriers.

    Ohh the loss of freedom in the US by means of security issues :lol:



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