Has anyone tried the touch pad. One of the things I like about the IPAD is that you can blow up images with your fingers so easily. It is great for RWG pics. The Airbook claims you can do the same with the touch pad. Is that true for Macbooks?
So I have a different question. Is the power and memory sufficient for typical traveling working folks - email, MS Office type apps and playing movies? I see folks who need extra for games, massive video editing, etc. saying it doesn't do the trick. I know little about Apple products but have been enjoying an IPAD for reading newspapers and books, watching movies and staying away from longer emails and Office work. So everyone put on your old man hat and let me know whether this is a good answer. At a minimum I love the fact that it starts up quickly, has decent battery life and can do Office. I have been lugging around one of the IBM x's and although it has been a great workhorse for me I end up taking along an IPAD. I would like to get this down to one device. Or put differently my interest comes as a traveler - not as a sophisticated technocrat or couch potato.