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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. I know its a 5001 , was wondering if anyone had a shot the dials yet
  2. Found this a few weeks back , wonder what the front will look like Hopefully no sunken date wheel and the Gen Has anyone got any more info?
  3. Got myself some Vintage envy now!!! Very impressive collection
  4. I for one couldn't give a stuff about some over cooked military history. Sly brought this brand to the world and I doubt he gave a stuff about a couple of Italian fascists sitting on some Fiat powered underwater penis looking sub. If anything Panerai these days seems to want to associate itself with the sailing world which is really where its heritage actually stems from, which is Nautical instruments. The military slant is lame
  5. That was some hiatus you had yourself
  6. I think you forgot 7 foot massage 8 happy ending
  7. Sure is one spectacular replication. Unreal that they got it out so quickly. Alas too big for my wrists. Thanks for the prompt sharing
  8. Chieftang I just don't think people, myself included put as much effort into their post these days. There are 2 factors that contribute to this in my opinion. Firstly the quality of the PAM reps these days is outstanding compared to say 5 years back. Why post a watch when it's all up on dealers site and its the same as another post on the same watch. Secondly and this sort of contradicts my first point but of all the forums RWG's PAM section is the most anal and possibly intimidating. People might be intimidated to post their watches because it' not a highly modded version and inaccuracies become the focus rather than the shear enjoyment of owning and wearing watch. The aspect is very sad and I think has led to the lack of activity. Today the posts that seem to have the most effort put into them are the PreSale post, where members show off their wears to solicit the sycophantic OOHH and AAHHHs to build desire to flog their stuff for mucho $$$ In the sales section a few weeks later. I realise I sound rather disparaging and cynical but I wanted to address your question.
  9. Nice photoshoot . Looks a impressive watch. Sadly too big for me. Wear it well
  10. I think that's just this watch in general. OP be a bit more adventurous in your next choice rather than get a watch from the 80's that every man and his dog got for his 30th or 40th birthday.
  11. I reckon I can live with that. I am more worried about the crown tube thread not staying fit for purpose
  12. We only do outside shots So did you purchase
  13. I think the back black writing is engraved so should be aright for a bit
  14. I got mine last week. Pretty impressed despite not having the correct bezel insert on mine. The construction doesn't appear as sturdy as my UPO. The bezel seems a little tinny in comparison but the dial and AR are very good. It's a little more blingy than what I'm used to but really nice and I love the movement
  15. I thought it was interesting & much more professional than I expected. What's the last logo here
  16. Interesting pictures inside a Chinese watch factory http://www.ctime.com/watch/price/378-1.html Use google chrome browser to translate.
  17. Nice . I'm wanting one of these but can't seem to bite the bullet. Are you liking the watch ?
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