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Everything posted by jake48

  1. And what Rep were were you basing your speculation on? -Oh, yeah, that's right you don't own one... AR infused into the cyclops? I guess you got that one form one of the Official rOLeX memos didn't ya.... HA, HA HA, HA. HA. HA. HA HA. HA .HA. HA.... Don't you have a 996 to go "hammer" Oh man... Look at me I am Boobie Geee, did I tell you I have Gen? Did I?....
  2. Really Mr. "Geee - look at me" - Get a life. You are much more at home in the Looney bin where you belong. This thread is not about you or your Gens. We are trying to figure out the AR cyclops issue. The only thing you are contributing to this thread is speculation. Haven't you noticed I ignore your babbling? For Christ's sake....
  3. Your spot on Lani - I have always liked your real world approach. There is never a shortage of people who claim they "know" someone and as soon as thier statements are proven unreliable, well, it is amazing how fast the story changes...
  4. Freddy - You observations seem to be spot on for me as well. I recently had The Zigmeister install my Chief AR'd Cyclops. Needless to say, I have a pretty extensive collection of Rep Subs to compare the AR's CII Cyclops against. Excited to see the results I compared the Ar'd Cyclops in ALL lighting conditions. Natural sunlight, fluorescent light, Halogen light, indirect light, a regular light bulb - you name it, I compared it. The end result.... ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE! The AR'd Cyclops looked exactly the same to me in every single one of the lighting conditions I had it in when compared to the non AR'd Cyclops. I am going with Chief on this one. There has to be a component missing and there is no way the Gen Cyclops is AR'd on one side only to get the anti reflective quality of the Gen. (I also have a Gen for comparison against the Rep and trust me,. the Gen AR'd Cyclops is amazing) Anyway, it was a nice try, but my experience is that the AR did not make any difference...
  5. emuozz - I appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into your post and you make some good points. You are correct in assuming we were talking about the "sub" (more specifically the TT) as it is clearly listed as the topic of this thread. With this in mind, you have used my quote regarding no statement about solid 18k gold out of context, but I do see that I could have been more specific to the fact my statement was strictly about the TT. As far as the jubillee and it's gold content goes I have no first hand knowledge about whether it does or doesn't have solid gold, so I think it best to leave that subject to people who actually have owned the watch and have had the gold tested. With regards to George's liberal use of words when describing gold as it relates in general to his watches, I think if you re-read this very thread you will see I said I don't like it, even though we know ALL of the dealers here have been known to be a little "loose" shall we say, in describing the quantity and quality of their gold. I again find myself agreeing with you in what I believe is a correct assumption that George is not a scammer - but certainly he could be be a little more thorough with regards to his description of the gold in his watches. Additionally, I appreciate that you point out if you don't like what you get George will reimburse you as this has been my experience too. I think the gold issue has been beat to death here. As far as the TT goes, there seem to be a clear understanding that George plates his gold. As far as his other watches and claims, given that George has been honest with me in the past and as you have pointed out, he will reimburse you if you don't like the watch you receive, I tend to lean towards giving George the benefit of the doubt - at least until proven otherwise. One thing I do know is that George reads these threads and tries to take the good from them and make his watches better. Hopefully he will take note of the problems that have been created by using vague or misleading descriptions regarding the gold in his watches and make the appropriate corrections on his web site. My bet is that he will and once again he will demonstrate that he is not a "scammer" The sad thing, however, is that in the past when he has done these things (make good on promises, make corrections to flaws on his watches, clarify misstatements) a large percentage of the flame throwers here remained silent and gave him no credit.
  6. Involt - trust me, you deserve the compliments. In answer to your questions above, several years ago George was being flamed here by quite a few people who had never even done business with the guy. In large part it was over his yet to be released TT. Anyway, I was one of the few who publicly withheld my judgment of George's character until I actually did business with the guy. And for the record, I made it real clear on the open forum that if George WAS a scammer (as people were insinuating ) I would be the first to get on the board and say so. Well, several years later and it has been pretty obvious George is not a scammer and most (of course there will always be a few that don't) people agree that he is a stand up guy. The issues with the gold sounds like it has been resolved. Like I said, PM me and I will be more than happy to give you details about my experience in determining the authenticity of George's claims. My experience with George leads me to believe he will ultimately take care of every single one of your concerns as he genuinely cares about the product he sells and the people who buy from him. It appears you have a sense of this about George as well, as you have said you still "trust" him. Sorry, I just don't believe styler had any intention helping or warning anyone. If he did, he made it real clear from the beginning that he had already judged George's character even though he admittedly had not even bought a watch from George and that is a close minded person in my book. I look to the content of a persons words and deeds to make value judgments. Coming on a board with two posts, attacking someone's character and then hurling insults like "Can you chew gum and walk at the same time???" is not my idea of demonstrating any type of redeemable character...
  7. First, Involt - I have to compliment you on your English. You express yourself articulately and are well spoken, especially considering Italian is your native language. I appreciate your honesty and find it in direct contrast with the person who started this thread. The question of whether or not George uses Solid 18k gold has clearly been answered and I see that you said you "Currently hold George in esteem" and that you "still trust in George somehow." So I guess we can conclude you don't consider George a scammer. Why George ever told you he does not plate his gold parts is in direct opposition to my experience. Before I pulled the trigger on one of his TT's I emailed him very specific questions regarding "Solid 18k gold" and plated gold and he answered them all truthfully ( maybe something got lost in translation for you from George? I don't know) As I consider PM's and emails ALWAYS private I will not post George's replies on the open board, but would not hesitate to speak to you via PM or email as I see you have put a lot of time and effort into this. You seem like an honest man. The OP. however. - well now that is a different story.... Second - Spere & Shundi - You guys make good points and as you know me, I may be a little rough around the edges and passionate about what I say, but I do know what I am talking about... As far as the OP - It's all about character- Read his first thread, even he makes a claim that he came on here to "Let everyone on here be the judge of George
  8. "Hostility" "Our Job" You have got be kidd'n me. Did you even bother to read the type of language the disgruntled OP was using? The best thing you said is that anyone reading this thread should use the search button, read and figure it out themselves. Like I said, this whole WM9 is a scammer thing is really getting old. If you were really doing your "job" you would be asking questions of the OP. A few here have noticed, as well as I, that this guy has zero credibility. When he posted his complaint (and that is all it really is) over at RG and didn't get what he wanted he came over here to stir the pot and you guys took the bait. What this guy is saying is nothing new and I guess I don't have much patience for a two poster who came over here to "warn" people about a mythical boogie man. Notice the guy doesn't have anyone to vouch for him? If you don't smell a rat then you really aren't that good at your "job" of protecting the members here... Not that anyone here needs it anyway. Collectively, everyone here seems to do a pretty good job of figuring it out themselves...
  9. Robert, I am sure our paths will cross soon. I have heard about you from the "Boys" I look forward to meeting you at the next GTG. Yes the Gen is limited and no, the Rep is not. There was a chance to request a specific serial number if you wanted and you still may be able to do so, but even at that, I don't belive that once they produce the Rep they kill that specific number. I do know, for a fact, that they are coming with random numbers as a few of my buds have them as well and we all got different numbers. As far as the price drop. I am sure it will drop some, but probably not a whole lot. It really is a great watch. Good Luck...
  10. Going nuts? You should see the world from my side of the computer screen LOL I think I am 100% certifiably koo koo (at least that is what the wife tells me). Anyway, you are right. I was wondering about the two different colours of the straps. The top one is greenish the bottom one is black. I guess I could have been clearer. I am partial to the top one myself, but not sure...
  11. Good points - if they were true - but there in lies (pun intended) the problem... I will try and share my experience with WM9 - maybe you can add yours (if you have one) Black Helicopters, Mystreries IP addresses, Drop Shipping. AKA's, Triple A ratings and "REAL GOLD"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's get right to the point - Does WM9 use real gold? Just email him and ask him. I did. In short, the answer is YES! It always cracks me when I see people get their panties all up in a wad because they didn't get their $9,000.00 ROLEX Two Tone for $250.00 (In Georges case I think it is closer to $500.00) and can you believe it - the gold isn't even SOLID! Give me a frigg'n break, solid gold? What kind of person pays $250.00 for a REPLICA and expects solid 18k? Are you nuts? Now the real question is - What does George claim? Ask him - he will tell you. He claims real gold just like all the other guys out there selling Reps. I don't really like the word game these guys play (and yes, they ALL play it) so I asked George specific questions and he gave me specific answers. The gold he uses is REAL The gold is 18K The gold is PLATED! Come on, you really didn't think it was solid did you? George will tell you if you ask him... No were on his site does it say "SOLID" 18k. He describes his parts as "18k yellow gold" I emailed him and he told me - the parts (Bracelet center links, bezel & crown) are plated with 18k in Taiwan. Taiwan because you can get the heaviest plating (some refer to it as wrapping) than in any other country due to Taiwan's lax environmental restrictions (Without getting into specifics, the process used in Taiwan is an older method of plating that produces toxic fumes outlawed/deeply regulated in most countries). This brought me to the real question - Who has the best plating? Hands down it is George. Trust me, I have bought every Rep TT ever made and George is the ONLY one who gets the genuine look of solid 18k gold right. Did you look at the pictures of the watch I posted? The crown is genuine and the bezel is not. Side by side you can not see the difference... As far as the bracelet goes - I don't trust anyone - so I took a link of my WM9 to my trusted jeweler and he tested it. Yep - just what George told me it was -SOLID 18k PLATING and my jeweler commented on what a nice plating job it was. No scamming here... All this "drama" about George and his gold claims has been gone over before, It really is silly. Just using a little common sense will enable you to figure it out. As far the other "Evidence" of George being a scammer - mysterious IP address, hidden identities, drop shipping etc -They're Replicas for Christs sake! You have got to be kidd'n... Hell. Joshua changes domains and web addresses like most people change underwear. Does that make him a "Scammer"? It's frigg'n illegal activity! What moron would make it easy to find him if he were a dealer. Use some common sense man! And the drop shipping. Oh MY GOD! THE HORROR OF IT ALL! This makes George a scammer? By this criteria most of the "Trusted" dealers here are "scammers". Kind of a stupid claim for "scammer" if you ask me. Trust me, i don't like drop shipping any more than any one else, but in the Rep world it is a reality. The real question is when you get that buggered up rep with the misaligned dial or flaky plating, will the dealer make it right? On every concern I have ever had with George he has made it right. What 'scammer" does this? Grade 1, Triple A ratings Yeah, I call bullsh!t on this one. Lots of scam sites use these "ratings" to lure people into thinking they are getting the best and you are foolish if you believe the stuff. Why George uses that stupid stuff I don't know. What I can tell you, however, is that he is the real dealeo. He has produced watches that people said wouldn't be done and he has produced them with the quality he claimed - that is a FACT. His high end stuff really has no equal and his other stuff, well, let's just say you better spend some time using the search button. I assure you that it can be found for a better price. Does that make George a "Scammer" not in my book. Oh yes - the black helicopters... Almost forgot. I heard from someone, who heard from someone, who once bought a Rep from George that a Black Helicopter followed this person around for days. The good news is that the helicopter went away when this person started to wear his aluminum foil helmet. You see, if you cover your head in aluminum it makes you invisible and the helicopters can't see you - at least that's what I heard...
  12. OK - Which one do you think looks better? Thanks for your input.
  13. Doc -RG's issues aside, your statement regarding "scammers" is exactly how internet legends and myths are started. By making that statement in this thread you seem to be implying that WM9 is a scammer. Maybe you meant to, maybe you did not, but think about the context of your statement in this thread and then think about the guy who started this thread. Some guy, with absolutely no established reputation, thinks he is "on" to something, posts his "evidence" (Of what, I am not really sure) and the next thing you know, people are saying I heard from someone, who heard from someone, who heard from someone, so and so is a "scammer"... The whole WM9 is a scammer, WM9 doesn't use real gold, WM9 sells the same Rep you can get for cheaper at a way higher price etc etc etc has seen plenty of double digit page threads here at RWG. Any one of the people around here with a long standing history will tell you that all though many don't agree with WM9 and his prices - a scammer he is not. Clearly someone here is trying to start some sh!t and a simple search of WM9 can and will reveal the truth. There is nothing new here to "watch" (hey that was a pretty good pun he he he he) as it has all been gone over before. Ask someone like BK who knows WM9 or better yet, if you are someone who wants to know - email George yourself, don't take my word or anyone else's for that matter. I think you will find George will try and answer your questions honestly and thoroughly. I really can't see how anyone can take this clown seriously...
  14. WOW! You don't want drama, but you come on here with two posts, accusing someone who has developed a solid reputation here of things that have been hashed out in the past and then spout of with cr@p like the stuff above - interesting to say the least... Clearly you don't have a clue. For starters, just about about every "gold" Rep has real gold, there are few exceptions... The question is not is it "real" gold - the question is whether or not the parts are "plated" (some like to call it "wrapped") or is the gold "Solid". Anyway, given that anyone with half a brain, and I assume you have half a brain, who wanted to do a search would find that the whole "Is it real gold or is it fake gold drama has been rehashed here ad nauseum - you are one of two things: 1. Someone who is lazy and does not want to use the search button. 2. Someone who intentionally came on here to stir up some "drama" Why don't you start by introducing yourself, use the search button and get to know a few people here before you start spouting more cr@p that you clearly have no clue what you are talking about...
  15. About to? Yeah, I was about to buy an island in the South Paciifc... Do you mean a WM9 TT like this one? I did... Hands down the best TT (aside from Gen) you can get.
  16. BINGO! I would easily have as much concern, if not more, for the person who posted this thread. Two posts? Something smells fishy here... We have all been down the "George is a scammer" route before. George may not always get it exactly right, but to imply he is purposely misleading people flies in the face of the NUMEROUS people who have been dealing with him over the past SEVERAL years. My experience with George, as well as many others here, is that a when you email him stating your questions/concerns, he makes every attempt to answer in a honest and forthright way. Over the last few years George has developed a solid reputation of making honest efforts to correct or better the development of his watches, often as a result of the suggestion or recommendation from members here on this board. You probably won't get much of an argument if you were whining about George's high prices (yes they can be high), but one thing for sure - George delivers (although sometime it can take a while) Why don't you tell us about yourself styler? Do you own any Reps? How did you find RG & RWG? Who do you know here that would vouch for you? By any chance do you sell Reps or are you affiliated with a dealer.... :D :D :D :D :D
  17. Somebody should tell Brenda she is on thin ice over at TZ if they figure this one out... hXXp://forums.timezone.com/index.php?t=msg&th=1188750&start=0&rid=7596 (I wasn't sure if the re-router hides the RWG IP Addy so you will have to cut and paste - change the X's to T's) Watch look familar? Do you think she knows? She says it is a customer's watch....
  18. Very nice indeed! Now about that left over 063 crystal with the Watchman cyclops - Wouldn't that look perfect on my project 063?
  19. I like your style Lani - REAL WORLD BABY!!!!
  20. QUOTE (RobbieG @ Nov 28 2008, 12:50 PM) Not sure what that means, but moving right along... The thread is over now dude. You all got messed with. It isn't real. This is the internet. Get it? Yep - Funny stuff right there. The guy who can't walk away from this thread, rambling on for six pages of psychotic drivel is claiming "You all got messed with and it is over" Let's see - I posted a total of about three posts and a few paragraphs and this crazy guy is still posting to this thread and "You all got messed with" To frig'n funny - Who is mess'n with who?
  21. Well - you have to admit - seeing someone melt down has it's entertainment value! This thread is a classic internet melt down. Narcissistic poster, combined with long winded manic depressive rants, sprinkled with schizophrenic topic changes. Good example of why mentally ill (or tweakers) shouldn't post to the internet... Don't say you weren't warned Admin! Who wants to start the "Look at me Boobie Gee melt down clock"? 5 4 3 2 1 0
  22. Nice watch and excellent cooberated effort. Reps sure have come along way - now if we can just get a Valjoux in that thing ... Seems like it was worth the wait!
  23. Well, I am glad to see that most people here are wise to Mr. Gee's ego maniacal rants that only serve one purpose - to talk about himself. His narcasism got him booted over at RWI & RG and I can see he is well on his way to wearing out his welcome here. For the most part I just ignore his pathetic self centered posts and truthfully, as others have mentioned, I hope he seeks some form of pyschological help. I am, however, beginning to wonder if this guy is just posting from a mental clinic where he has been comitted.... It kinda of makes sense. After all, could one person really be that insanely out of touch with reality that he would believe the whole of RWG actually read his rambling posts about himself or really care? I have been on RWG since the beginning and I have yet to see someone who is as self centered as this guy, where just about every post he makes, his favorite topic is himself, his money, his cars or his Gens. The guy doesn't even own a Rep for Christ's sake! The sooner we all start ignoring this guy the sooner he will move on and take his ego with him...
  24. Well - I was busy out "hammering" my Enzo F40 trying to get to the airport on time so that the co-pilot of my Gulfstream III wouldn't be mad at me for holding up our flight to Monaco. Of course, if I hadn't of dropped my Ulysse Nardin Freak early when I was trying on that Tour de l
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