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Posts posted by DemonSlayer

  1. Before turning the crown clockwise, turn it towards you (anti clock-wise) until you hear a click, this means the threads have aligned, and then proceed to screw in. This will definitely help with the longevity of the threads and help prevent thread splitting.

  2. It is definitely a good watch for the money. You can definitely improve the feeling of the bracelet by oiling, waxing etc. The gen bracelet is nicely rounded and curved, whereas this one is too 'square'.

    I still find it amazing that even a 'budget' rep like this fools many. It just goes to show that many of us unnecessarily obsess and fuss over small details that 99.9% of people wouldn't know about and therefore wouldn't be able to call you out. Its also been pointed out that even many gen owners don't know much at all about the watch they have on their wrist. It's only the hardcore watch enthusiasts.. such as ourselves (well not me :p) who can pick out these flaws.

  3. Doubt and probability are two different things.

    I bought my Breit. superocean heritage, Swiss ETA 2824 for $240 ................3 months ago.

    I have opened the case and it is just that.

    Please do not doubt , that there are other dealers willing to drop their prices for a sale.

    Hey Rod, yes I agree some sellers are willing to drop their prices for a sale. However I'm not sure if you read the post by EuroTimez, but many clone movements look almost exactly the same as a genuine ETA movement. I don't know much about movements but these good clones have the stamp etc. He said that most people simply wouldn't be able to tell by opening the caseback and looking at it.

  4. Yeah it can get confusing when you have several versions each with their own positives and negatives. However it seems that the Noob version is probably the best one to go for, not only in terms of replication accuracy, but the quality is also supposed to be better. However as By-Tor mentions in his guide, the Noob version unmodified while not bad, has several flaws, however when its modified its the most accurate GMTII...

    I'm looking for a noob GMTII which has a asian 21J movement. I don't buy ETA reps as firstly I can't afford to, and secondly I don't see the point in paying $100 extra for a smoother sweep <_<

  5. Amazing, after all this GMT talk, for the first time I looked into the model. I can definitely see it being part of my permanent collection and I've decided I want to get one. The GMT hand will also be a bonus as I actually want to put it to use to track time in India :)

  6. Chris thanks for revealing to us how it is. I know there may be some members here who will STILL defend the 'recommended' dealers despite their blatant lying and scamming. I personally believe that these dealers should be made to state that the movements are copy ETA's if they wish to continue advertizing here. Even if they don't reduce their prices, at least with the 'ETA' removed from the movement description, us buyers would have a better idea what type of watch we are purchasing.

    It didn't really suprise me that Chris said the dealers know EXACTLY what movement is inside their watches. They could easily be able to tell from their buy-in prices, even more so because they have close contact with the factory. As Chris pointed out even he knows exactly what movements are inside his watches and he's a much smaller dealer than Josh or Andrew.

    I don't know about the rest of you guys, but if a dealer INTENTIONALLY misrepresents his product by stating it has an ETA movement, when infact it does not, that is a scam in my books...

  7. Some good suggestions here. I can see the irony in that this forum needs traffic to stay alive but increased traffic means increased bills.

    Additionally, its not fair as others have pointed out, for a handful of members here making donations to keep the forum alive while others get a 'free ride'.

  8. After having owned about 25 reps overall, I get my first one with a dodgy movement, and it happened to be in one of my favourite reps ever, the Nautilus 21J version.

    I know more or less how to regulate it (move the arm with 2 pins towards the one with one pin) however I have one question, must the crown be pulled all the way out to hack the movement first before attemprting to regulate?

  9. This just arrived about 30 minutes ago. I don't know too much about HBB's so I'm not sure about the inaccuracies.

    However I must say I am pleased with the quality of the quartz version, the knurled bezel is fantastic, and the strap is really comfortable. The rose gold color is also lovely and seems to be on par with the 7750 version.

    Overall a nice watch :)





  10. It may not be practical for dealers to inspect every watch and therefore opening every caseback and check the movement, but its also not 'practical' for them to start charging ETA prices when they know that these movements are not ETA.

    Are we to believe they're not aware, well they certainly are reading these forums so they can figure it from the topics. If they are aware that the movements are not eta, but nevertheless advertize them as such and then charge prices which suit ETA movement watches, thats sucking every dollar out of us they can.

    If they are not aware, then this means that they are getting scammed from the factories because the dealers should know from their buy in price.

    EuroTimez is a dealer who knows exactly what movement is in his watches and he also said that dealers probably know from their buy in prices as well.

    Dealers need to stop charging high prices for watches which contain cheap asian 'eta clones'!

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