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I don't even want to think about it, but what if... both sites went down and stayed down for a period? or forever???

HOW are we going to SURVIVE?

I'm so ADDICTED to this forum and my communication with the community...


"We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

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I don't even want to think about it, but what if... both sites went down and stayed down for a period? or forever???

HOW are we going to SURVIVE?

I'm so ADDICTED to this forum and my communication with the community...

Life would go on....I for one have planned for this day. I would go out and buy a genuine Pam and convert it into a fake.


Then the Fantastic 4 would have to track down Dr. Doom ;)


Forums come and go... people and friends remain.

I've never understood people's attraction to a forum. If a forum goes down you can always create a new one. Who really cares what it's called and what color the layout is made of... as long as you can talk watches with your friends? :)


Things would get very busy at RWI and RWG1.1. Thats what!

May it never come to pass. Both would be a huge loss to our hobby.

/me makes note to ask greg_r about a biger server, just in case . . .



hahahah... then we'd be all over RWI!! OH NO... that site gives me a headache... I can barely read the posts because of the way it's laid out...

hahahah... then we'd be all over RWI!! OH NO... that site gives me a headache... I can barely read the posts because of the way it's laid out...

Agreed, i hardly go over there as I can't be bothered to learn how to navigate it!

There's more than enough over there :tu:

hahahah... then we'd be all over RWI!! OH NO... that site gives me a headache... I can barely read the posts because of the way it's laid out...

Try a different skin. The defult/guest one sucks.



All of the new traffic suddenly at RWI would surely melt it's servers down...


...and then there would be nothing.

A perfect doomdsday scenario for reps (engineered, perhaps, by a consortium of Gen companies...)...


it could lead to suicide watch for the following ...

Admin, By-Tor, cornerstone, dluddy, jjajh, KB, kruzer00, offshore, Stephane, Nanuq, TwoTone, lanikai, 19star81, a german in denmark, addingwatch, adrenalin, alligoat, AMK000, AmStaFF, asim, Bazz, beano2004, BigCrown, BobM, brucesreps, bwhitesox, capice, Cats, chad, Chicken Manny, ChipSlap, chris5264, chronology1066, chubbchubb, concepta, coolfire, dachshund, Dani, Dave123, deltatahoe, docblackrock, DuDro, dvn, Fidestro, freddy333, greg_r, hank7502, Hongkytonkman, iceberg1459, im2, inferno, ismaelmv, Jimster, JohnCraig, Justasgood, knemeth, kokedose, Mickey Padge, mikellem, mpp, namor, nejad, Nex_necO, omni, P4GTR, paneraifreak, pizzanooo, pollux1, Pooh Monster, prof, rckh, redwatch, reelamore, rek001, RICHARD LAWTON, rmcsherry, robertk, rocket754, rocketman, Rolexfinder, RoninQ, rower, Rxus, Samurai, sander, scotty, seadweller3, siesta181, Slartibartfast, southcoast68, specialvat, spookycord, Sql_pl, sssurfer, steppen, stevethebest, tanya, tech, TeeJay, The Zigmeister, TK471, Toadtorrent, tokei, torresp, trailboss, trex650, ubiquitous, vikkyrob, Virgil Hilts, watcher, Ylfig, Z3k0, -M-, 100, alant, alanytical, ammandel, Andei3000, anics, arniezac, arsewindsniffer, ASCIWhite, asimplefarmer, asiparks, athan, avitt, azerbyjam, betenoir, bfb, big0spin, BILL44, bkwbkw, blackbard, BlackBison, bluebite, bluerex, Boutchou69, breukelen, Bricciola, Brodie, brokerzach, BROM, buffalox, Capt, caruwe, catboy, chefcook, chinkiechunkie, ChronoKing, cib0rgman, Corgi, Cosmo, cskent69, Cubeistan, daan, dalayclass, Dannyboy, davgaz, db1, db2, denisegold, Dileoni, donerix, donpedro, drhydro, Drulee, ducatista, DVS, el niche, epspi, erwinner, etto09, evergreen, explorer II, fcaap_dan, fijikid, frogfalls, FROGMAN, Fuzzy, Gadgeguy2009, gavidoc, grilly, Hackr, HaloArchive, henrik_6, houndoggie, Hung Well, its_urabus, iwan67, Jaco, jamesg, Jawo, jibuti, jmarin.72, jockl1978, JohnDorian, JoJo35, jot9011, kbiz, kent2, kgbAgent, Kiterpete, Kollektor, kronos twin, krsmorkinlabbit, l3x, lazarini, leitztozeiss, leograye, letter, LoganX3, Lonami, mad dawg, MAHLER, Marble, Mardo, marnico, marsupilami, Martyd3, mastergod, MasterOfPuppets, mastmampf, mat944, Maxfly, maxman, maxmilian, McRae, messenius, mick92627, mike park, mil_sub, MP5, mspeed, mzimand, nakortheblue, neckyzips, Niclas, nikos1978, NiLo, nite, nmov, nnomad, Noel Fleischer, NoobyPanFan, numptyj, OhMegaman, oncyte, P8B, pam1950, PAM1A, Pane, paulw, pearly, pecty, peterw2, Pix, pollux.cc, Pre V, projectologist, Prsist, raffo333, raimondo68, repwatch, rgf, Richard Tracy, RichBlack, right_on_time, rnewbie, Rocketman248, rogerthat, rolli, rosnik, rupejain, ScottishJackal, Seadweller4000, seroberts, shafto, ShawnBeever, shura110, silvergecko, silverspeed, slask111, slay, Snowball, Snrubb, soulfood2go, SpinMaster, stolikat, stormtooper4, suitusir, Sweattdogg, tavros, tazzman, Tedbearz888, tgchrono2, tonryart, tonton2000, Tribal, triplehd, tutima, unfertiger, V, valerian, Velasco, Wantareplica, watchgal, watchlover1, watchlover69, Wayward, wheaton26, whitestripes, wombat247, wwarren, Zackb911, Birdman, bklm1234, Homer, narikaa, old skool, Precious Time aka PT, $tingray, <OFFICINEPANERAI>, -Pegasus-, 1976, 217, 2a5t2f7, 3112John, 328, 5150XF, 5th_group, 911white1, 9305david, a28987, aardian, adamr, add46.88, Aeronautical, Aidan, al4743, alan_sony, aldom, alexsedlex, alfredo, aling_1, AllAboutMe, andreww, aneki, angrymofo, anmorath, anthonyj, apitas, apollo22, archangelz, Archimede, argus, ari, armylog, arnold, arr, arrowax, arty909, ash77, ashley, AstroAvia, astrograph, atentix, audrinkingteam, avijiggybear, ayrtontre, baglc1, bagworm, ballinonabudget, banker580, barsa4ever, basler30, bbrenner, bdavis02, beaker-king, beancounter, Beards, beck1, Ben C, benew0, biffa, bigbaddds, biggarmodels, BigJohnJr04, BigNickD, billy_bunter, bing-o, bkay001, BLIK, Bll, Blobzor, bluebird200145, bluejay6868, blueradish, bng123, BOB, bob bean, Boba77, bobsurjob, boffman, bolo33, boosoo, borz, bovrilburger, boyin, Brandeego, Breitling&omega, brian7836, brianlin87, Brightight, brittt1, bsstone737, buddydog, Bulldog, burnz, BusterBigDog, bx2vio, bzilla, C Dubya, Cache, cajunjay, caledonia, camarillo85, camche, camiel, Camris, cannonball155, caracarnj, Carbonless, carlos, castlemountain, cca7083, cdk847, cdubs, centaur, cesc69, Chaotik, charmquark, chefchenko, cheswick, chh, chiefwiggum, chompawompa, chompers66, Chrissej, chronoluvvv, Chronus, chrpns, Chuan, CiberAcaro, ciego, CJSdftFLAT, Cliffordico, Clint Eastwood, Clockpilot, clockwerkgoblin, clos, cmetalprog, cntrl, COLDI, colin46, collector26, colonel flagg, colonelticktock, colorao, Cortebert, cpd c63, Crackberry, cujo, cyber, cyborg, czammett, D1BallCoach, daby, dadog13, daftladdie, dangerous9, DaniM4, danny30001, Danny888, dante98, dardevil, davesco, davethecat, david-aussie, davidsenjpn, dayion, dcam207, dcap04, dec, denox, deOnn, derwinddreht, Desuetude, dez82, dht2371, Diablo99, diddyhead, diegojack, Digital, digitalvinyl, dimoza, DirtDiver, dlkoiter, DocBotanus, docdoc, dooyooo, dorgenss, Dr.TuB, dropbear2008, dsn, Duca, Duffy333333, eaabos, earlgrey-erfurt, EastCoastguy101, easytowin, ebgta, ecsm, Edwin25, ehfour, ehmyu, elepaolo, elephantface, elisiX, emer222, epetku, equalizer2008, ESLinder, et-roni, evanl, evom, ewing, ezod, farquar, fathom, FedeROLEX, Fibo, finlover59, fitipaldi2, flamagic, Flashman, flatline8260, flauzer, flex, flosty, flyback, foggyhome, fool2, forcefeed, fourayes, franck660, Frank Williams, frankpower88, fraser, frenzalrhomb, friSAT, ft0472, fullex, g-group, gaemino, gatorbob, gazumi, gbsbond, geezer741uk, genspec, geo1nah2a, george1, georgegrasser, gettindabug, GHBG35, giomeister, GJR, gk404, Glockz, gnuse@comcast.net, goin6633, GOLFred, GOVOLS, gplracer, gr81, gravy1, greenmoon, gregorybissett, Greystash, gridlock 1983, grinbo, grumpyg4, grw1, GSmaniac, gt00, hambone, HAMMA, hamukun, hankthrust, hansa, Harley357, hartl, hava, heavyarms, HEWLIO, Hifive, highlander, highoeyazmuhudee, hilbre, HiStandard, hjusthjust, hoffy5, hon30, hotbody77, hrtrb19, htjhard, Hublot, i5475p, If you see Kay, Intrigued, iSILENT, ivanpxxx, jags29, jameson, Jammo, JAMZ, jandevries, jayslinx, jaytaylor, JBond, jcmiro, jcsbomber, JCYL, jd6753, jdev, jerkulot, jfreeman420, Jimbo3600, jimjen178, jimyu, Jit, jitai, jj69, jjrodr, jkpadget2, jlowdo, jlum, jmd33, joebagodonuts, JoeyC, john168, john61, JohnG, johnlee, johnnywoozer, JohnSmith909, johzar, joint05, Jorge, josevancouver, jp0013, judderman193, Jurgenk, jus10said, Justboughtfake, justintm999, jya1229, jynl, kaankaant, kadakn01, Kamen, Kamhong, Katerchen, kazjim, kbh, keeter, kendos, Kerbus, kerimt, kevinkkyip, khunwatch, kidge007, Kieran, kikaman, kikeleo, kiki_hr, Kilometerman, KinCaidk, kingkaiser, kitersoze, klocklind1, kobe988, konfoo, kramerica2, KrEEpY, Kris1, kye_lin, labanlieu, laffy, lance18, LandM42006, LASwede, Lazzaro44, lecatt, LeGambleur, lemaniac, lemonvr6, Leo, lesley, LGT, like2watch, lim888, linedw, lio126, lionsandtigers, lockum, lodoubts, Logan, Londonboy, Longair, longshot, longskate88, Loosecog, lotech, LouisCypher, louisruby, ltr, luckyman, luda46, lufcmattylad, Luthier, lyndon124, maas, macjulivert, Mack, madeleine, mag, maggieq, major1961, makubex05, mallam001, malphaz, Mapotuna, Marco130, marcoxxx1984, marinamm20, Mark Eleven, marvin376, mas6002mi, maser5, Master Chief, MasterJere, matt2302, Matte, mattias73se, matty74, Matt_24, max33, maxgohan, Maximus159, mb1, mbjoer, mbr1983, mbz97, mcdj, mclovin, meatwad, medphreak, meinessex, mellobudd, Meridius, Merlin, metaljesus, metronman, MEYER, MiguelCadiz, mikolee, mik_t, milesd, mimilala, mingray, mir36, mistral, Mitton Mar, miziq, mjames, mking, MLDK, mLuMaN83, mojako, moleng1, Mondo, monkeypie, monsker, monte, moridim, morris, mp3_aholic, mr.benett, mr.big, Mr.ZoSo, mrbigandwonderful, mrbrown1, Mrkampa, mrs-h-, mr_sneed, mstate, mtwo, Mudcat, muffle, munk, narkotic, nathanchorley, natval, NcW, neatness88, nembo, nemesis, Neutralman, neverworn, newton, newton78, newyork, nhspike, nicewatches, Nicky, nicmoz81, NIL8, niss4u2nv, nix, norituck, normanduke, northernmunkeh, noslen, Notloc08, Novesh, no_one, nred1, nubreed71, nucastle, nuclearboy, nyfan789, oadbyfox, oberblender, OCGene25, odigger, ohmycocker, oinkmeister, omega429, omegaguy, Omega_Man, onehotjj, onetwotree, onezero, online lion, onzenuub, opawlows, Opportunity Cost, orel, Orion, orionz, osaro, owdeguy, Oyster, palani21, pam112, PAM249, Pana, Paneraibob, paneristi, Pangeek, pangustav, parryl, patrick01, pebble, peterpoppek, peyups, pfff, phaedo, phillycheez, PhilVT, pierre22, pietia, pinkdolphin, piratedzeus, pivaro, PlastiqueOne, potus65, pr0digy30, prado123, praetor, prb, ProjectWatch, pterminator, Pupifale, puredreamz, PW.Polo, pybu15, P_50M, P_Diddy, P_K, P_puppetmaster, racer1668, Raijor, Raivotauti, rangers158, ranisavage, ratchpot, ravishingrick, razorphish, rbass314, rblippy, red71veloce, redeldog1, RedSoxMan, repfreak, replin, reprep, repsampler, RG100, ricardo, RickHiC, ridnwind, rincewind21, rk6631, rob3640, Robaer, robj, Roc, rogfp, rolexconfuse, RolexSigEp, ronac, ronchin88, rossie250, rps, RPSROLEX, rusmintjan, rustyrussel, ryaku, sadh40, safeway, Salamas, Sam66, samgher, samir43, samura, Sander30, sandeshm, sarzi, sattop, saviboy, sc2178, scififan, scropper, sead1999, seal63, sebastianbf, Sebzbox, seikome, SEleven, senator, serge, sfa437, sfjuve, sgm6s, Shadow_, shingles, Shogun, shtslr, signumboy, Silverbullet, silvercat, SilverSurfer, Simon Templar, sixbennetts, Sjako, SJTrance, skool, skx172, slats555, slickdick, slicky, slied013, Slytech, smalldogfrenzy, smilyize, smohr33, soft, softfiz, solkryssare, southwest, soylentgreen, spa, spamh8r, Spartan05, speedbird_niner, sport ice, sportecaudi, srkim, sss, steen, stepV11, Stevenseagal527, stj007, stockey, stook, straight_six, stratcat, strattakan, Stukov, sub123, sub16610, sub1965, Suchecracks, sul, SuperDanX, superfliguer, Surpur, susu42, svlwolf, swan-neck, swdivad, sweb, szumi, szvwj, t, t0t0_b0y, t200, takashi, teiki75, Termanutor, texas117, The Swedish Moose, thecrow, theflyingdutchman, thehungryeyye, theinside48, thewatchman, thl, THXuk, tick123, tinkle60, TitoSosa, tjoad, tkmloh, tokeimaster, tom c, tomas415, tomhorn, tommychung, tonio_fr, Tony Vitale, Tony7777, Toobs, Top Gun aka Maverick, topwatchs, torenog, Toy-Gun, toygar, trans_lux, treads, Trevor52, tridad, Trojan, trojanmike, trombone, trueimage, tsexports, tshoot, ttuwatch, tupac, turboGUATE, TWadeJ, txan, Typemono, uhrigella79, unkul, uomo1001, username here, ussr, vantage600, vaporxl, vealchop, veja74, Vester71, veteran, veyron, Viktor, visionary, visitor, Vlad1980, voilodion, vumer, w0lf, wallo1976, warbird, Watch Wife, watchturbo, watdafuq327, wazza3000, Webby, werflga, whatsthetime, wildapachie, william1670, willjous, wizurd, wonderboyph, wothrottle, wraithride, wunder2, xanthos, xelorrolex, xeneize, XiaoGwuay, xqatanx, yacht_master, Yannou, Yasser, yekkey, YesBoyIceCream, yisuspoul, yodaddynukka, yodap, yogi2, Yonas, zaazaa, zandive, Zed, Zervos, zeus, Zhukovskii, zia, Ztech, zupa_burschi, zwijn, zzipy


There's atleast 3 other Rep forums that I know of that would pick up the slack (RWI, R-W-G, and Replicat), but just having another forum to go to does not make up for the years of compiled knowledge that would be lost if there were no backs and/or no migration of important posts.

Posted (edited)

If everyone migrates to RWI after the doomsday scenario and melt the servers, come on over to my house. I'll put the barbeque on and we can hang out at the pool. The only condition is that the girl with the tagged ass needs to be there :)

Or we can resurrect replicat. JohnG can clone everybody so we don't even need to register :D :D :D

Edited by gazumi
Forums come and go... people and friends remain.

I've never understood people's attraction to a forum. If a forum goes down you can always create a new one. Who really cares what it's called and what color the layout is made of... as long as you can talk watches with your friends? :)

I concur with your assertion. Long time, no see By-Tor. ^_^

I concur with your assertion. Long time, no see By-Tor. ^_^

Long time no see, welcome back!


Maybe -- it just maybe -- I would go back to working.

Horribile dictu.

Masturbation. ;)


I concur with your assertion. Long time, no see By-Tor. ^_^

Hi Issy. Indeed. Where have you been? :)

interesting thoughts except for a few

leads me to wonder if RWG's owners are taking the necessary precautions to avoid such an accident ?

We're in good hands ;)

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