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Sometimes there are bargains on the 'bay!

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I had been watching a Vibrograf timer on ebay, and whilst I didn't really need it,(as I already have a B200a), I thought I would place a snipe on it for interest.

It's an older model 390, but supposedly working.

Just see I won it for $20.50 :clapping:

As it happens, it is in Sydney, (1000kms from here) and it is pickup only.

Just rang a mate who is down there, who is coming home on Monday. He tells me he is 5 minutes drive from the seller, and will collect tomorrow.

So not only a cheap tester, but personal courier service as well. :lol:

Hope it is a goer!

Ya win some......sometimes!



So the Vibrograf arrived this morning.

It has a couple of small issues- the ink ribbon has long since dried up, but I have sourced a new one. Also the cable connection to the microphone was intermittent, nothing a quick soldering job didn't overcome.

Hopefully by tomorrow it is operating 100%.

I had contacted Vibrograf, and got a copy of the operating instructions for a model similar.

Can work thru quite Ok with that info.(it was too old a model for them still to have any information, except I did find a circuit diagram on the net for it)

An interesting thing is that it is a 1956 model.

The scale for beats, doesn't include 28800, however there is a formula to work out where the scale should be placed. So it would appear that 28800 is newer than 1956!

Didn't know that.

Also in the box was a magnificent old cast caseback/crystal press. No dies unfortunately, and they are different size fitting than my existing die sets.

Something else to search for whilst I am in GZ next month!

The press was seized solid, but a couple of hours in Penetrene had it as good as new!

Looking good, for not a lot of $$$.



What a score! Congratulations on the great find! Those things are what really float my boat... I'd SO much rather get a good deal on a snarky old used-up piece of yuck, and then coax it back to life, than to just buy new.

To rephrase the famous quote by Marcel Proust, "Let us leave the NOS goods to men with no imagination."

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