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First time been called out


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Before I tell the story I just want to clarify a few things:

1. When I'm asked politely by a friend/co-worker, I'll always tell it's a fake (a great conversation starter).

2. I only answered the way I did because the guy was rude, and I had the feeling that he doesn't really know how to spot a fake.

So, I was at a business meeting with a few guys, wearing my 42mm PO. One of them wore a gen Seamaster bond, and I could see that he can't stop looking at my watch. We had a very friendly chat, and on the way to the car he grabs my wrist, giggle the bracelet and shout out to the world: "It's fake". Now, on some models there is a gap between the case and bracelet which is a fake tell. My watch doesn't have it. I was pretty confident that you can't tell it's a fake by shaking the braclet, so I took the watch off my wrist, gave it to him and said: "No it's not, check out for yourself". Now, this might have been a very foolish move, my watch is a POrikaa which has it's flaws, and if you know your way around replicas you could spot them pretty easily. But, as I mentioned, I was so shocked by his rudness, and really thought that he has no quality fake experience. He checked out the dial, the case back, the bracelet and said: "I'm sorry, it is a gen" and gave it back to me with a red face....

I'm not saying my move was the smart thing to do, and I could've managed the situation much better even without addmiting that it's a fake, but I'm so glad that things turned out this way...

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Your business colleague must have the mentality of a 10 year old, or he simply doesn't have any manners or sense of professionalism. His actions are what I would expect of a child... Or his life is so pathetic and sad that his only means of satisfaction is to announce to the world how superior and great he is for owning a gen (to which the rest of the world probably wouldn't give a rat's ass about anyways).

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Your business colleague must have the mentality of a 10 year old, or he simply doesn't have any manners or sense of professionalism. His actions are what I would expect of a child... Or his life is so pathetic and sad that his only means of satisfaction are to announce to the world how superior and great he is for owning a gen (to which the rest of the world probably wouldn't give a rat's ass about anyways).

I guess you have a point, but I'm not in the position of choosing business partners...

Anyway, In situations like that, I always try to look at things from the other point of view. In this case, I can somewhat understand the guy's frustration, here he goes and spend 1.5K$ on a nice watch, and I come and steal his thunder with a 100$ watch. That's not an excuse to behave the way he did, but it is frustrating... BTW, only after wearing some nice reps I came to the conclusion that 99% of the people doesn't notice nor care about the watch you wear. It's the feeling you get, and not the way people look at you that matters.

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Bet you are glad you fixed up that bracelet. :lol: How does everyone run into these rude people? I have never had anyone do anything other than give a second glance to a watch. And that includes a humorous situation when I first found reps. Picture this: I show up wearing the kitschy Muller Vegas and I show up to a lunch with a client/friend wearing the gen larger size in gold. And yes he had bought it in Vegas when he had walked out of a casino way ahead one day. We spent half the lunch discussing the rep world. He found it more interesting than his own business. :lol:

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Crazy situation... Just to play Devil's Advocate, and to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, (given that he then apologized and called it a gen) Might he have thought that he was being funny? Might he have thought he was 'calling out' something which he really thought of as being gen? I don't know... The guy sounds like an ass, so proving his ignorance wasn't exactly a moral crime, after all, why let someone with the mentality of a highschool bully actually think they've 'got one up', by admitting their assumption/joke/hunch was correct... Shrug it off :)

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I think I would have been quite peeved if someone grabbed my wrist like that. It's definitely rude and un-called for. If some one wants to see one of my watches, I will gladly show them if they ask. And I always tell them its a fake (if it is).

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That's the rudest thing I've ever heard of, in a business setting.

That said, my wife's boss was invited over to the Big boss' house for dinner. When she got there, the Big Boss' wife took one look at her custom Gen jeweled necklace and said "Its amazing what they do with costume jewelry now"

SO you get your jealous elitist bitches in both men and women ;)

Edited by Jkay
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I think I would have been quite peeved if someone grabbed my wrist like that. It's definitely rude and un-called for. If some one wants to see one of my watches, I will gladly show them if they ask. And I always tell them its a fake (if it is).

I agree, I'll always be honest with someone about a watch if they're being polite and genuinely interested, but if someone's acting like a jackass, then they don't deserve the courtesy of honesty :D

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That's the rudest thing I've ever heard of, in a business setting.

That said, my wife's boss was invited over to the Big boss' house for dinner. When she got there, the Big Boss' wife took one look at her custom Gen jeweled necklace and said "Its amazing what they do with costume jewelry now"

SO you get your jealous elitist bitches in both men and women ;)

WTF!!! [censored]!

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If someone grabbed my wrist/arm, they would on the ground faster than a 28,800 second.

I think what you did was fine. Sometimes the bigger the lie, the more believable. If that makes sense. By standing your ground and thrusting the watch upon him like you did-- probably took him by surprise. This guy was clearly a douchebag, so your fib is cool with me.

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Your bluff re-raise worked perfectly. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Don't think of it as 'lying'... Given the behavior you experienced (grabbing at someone's arm is not cool) look at it in poker terms... The guy with the weakest hand can still win if he bluffs the guy with the strongest hand into folding ;)

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there a fair chance you know more about his watch and the p/o than he does.

claiming its a fake is easy, pointing out why is much harder if you dont know what your looking for.

I've a collegue who could only say my p/o was fake due to him knowing rolex reps have sharp bracelets and asumed the p/o would have the same giveaway.

he said this while wearing a gen p/o himself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the rudest thing I've ever heard of, in a business setting.

That said, my wife's boss was invited over to the Big boss' house for dinner. When she got there, the Big Boss' wife took one look at her custom Gen jeweled necklace and said "Its amazing what they do with costume jewelry now"

SO you get your jealous elitist bitches in both men and women ;)

Big boss's wives are typically complete morons.

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