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Update Doxa 300 no-T


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Got a call today..

regarding the Doxa 300 no-t




the click wire will be fabricated.. and one of the bezels is a fit.. :D

the bezel will be in full working condition, and I pick up the treasure on Thursday :Jumpy:

I thought I would post this .. Authur.. Thank you .. I'll be sending the other bezel back with some other shtuff..

@Nanuq.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:



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Oh man, what great news! Do you know how lucky you are? Conservatively, perhaps one in 30, or worse, gets a working bezel out of his efforts, and those are the more current models where they sold many more of each. A 300T bezel is much more likely to fit another 300T, but a 300 no-T? It takes a brave man to tackle this, one willing to settle for something that's "almost right" and to be happy with that.

But to come out the other side with a working bezel? Pardon me while I clutch my chest and collapse. :shock:

Well done, mate! And to Arthur ... you da MAN. You made this possible! :tu:

Now let's pull the skirts off this beauty and show us what she's made of!

EDIT: Aw heck, I can't leave it at that. What a wussy reply. Do you know how screwed you would have been "over there" to try and pull this off? Or at any other of the stuffy and decrepit Doxa watch fora? Good luck with that, they'd be looking down their long noses at you and grinning at the newb that fell into the same trap that captured them.

This place is something else. This place we call RWG jr. is, in my not-so-humble opinion, head and shoulders better than any other forum. Of course, they all say that as they congratulate each other.

Sure, go over to VRF and watch them stroke each other for another (yawn) ultra-rare acquisition. Yawn. Well played, mate... another DRSD for your collection! Yawn.

Or the WUS Doxa forum... sure we'll act like we want you to succeed, but forget any sacrifice on our part. We'll chalk it up to a lack of readily available parts, while we eye our cache of rare bits in back of the work bench.

This place? We're another breed entirely. A gentleman from Hawaii politely posts a need for an uber-rare part, and does he get laughter and derision? NO, he gets the damned part he needs to finish his project. That part COST somebody something, and no thanks are asked for, or expected. It's just the way we are "over here".

And for that, I wouldn't trade a pile of gold. Lani, Arthur... you ROCK. Hard. I'm honored to think that I walk the same halls as you.

Well done, mates. Well done.

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So well put B. :thumbsupsmileyanim: .. I'm busting out some special items for Arthur fo sure,..

It caught me totally by surprise and to be told they are going to make it a "working" bezel.. the collector would not be satisfied with anything less.. so they are taking a bit extra time.. I was speechless..all I could say is "Wow".. :lol:

This place rocks BIG TIME not only because you all made this happen.. regardless of this piece... RWG has "Proven" time and again .. that we are the best "Supporting" forum in the known Universe.

To be in the company of such Honourable gents like you all ... I am blessed..

Yes Alan.. pics are forth coming .. Thursday..and of course I gotta post some pics and acknowledge the members here.. there..

Now if the 300 NT... could get a relative to share some time with that would be Christmas in November.. although my birthday was this month, this is the best November ever !!



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C'mon man, I was awake all night waiting for this. Let's see PICS!!!!!!!

It's still early mornin in Hawaii.. :lol: only markets are open this early.. the anticipation must be savored :lol: ...

so I'll hurry up and wait.. 8)

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Guys, thanks for the accolades, but after all that's what this forum is all about. i can't tell you how many times guys like Ubi,By-Tor and lots of others, helped me in my quest for parts, watches, and lots of answers to questions that they had answered a thousand times before. My hats off to all of those guys, they have been the ones who unselfishly shared their knowledge about watches, movements, parts sources, etc. They are the ones who wrote the articles with all the great detailed photos, sharing valuable information that has benefited every one of us who frequent RWG.

When I saw Lani's first post with photos of the Doxa, I remembered I had a couple of Doxa bezels that didn't fit any of my Doxas. As we said before, Doxa parts are a crap shoot at best, I think I had at one time 5 bezels and only one of them fit one of my Doxas. As luck would have it, the one that it fit actually had a better bezel on it than the replacement one! So essentially, I was 0 for 5. I PM'ed Lani and told him I thought I had a couple of Bezels that MAY fit. After our conversation, I was afraid I might not be able to find the bezels,but they were found and here we are today. Much better to have that bezel making a really outstanding 300 whole again that gathering dust in my watch parts box.

Now what adds credibility to the Doxa mystery, the two bezels I sent Lani are identical, at least to the naked eye. I mean put them side by side, one on top of the other, they are the same. But his watchmaker said ONE of the bezels fit. So the other is off just a few thousands bigger, smaller who knows. I don't have the foggiest idea why the Gnomes of Chateau de Fonds couldn't resist forever tinkering with and changing the Doxa watches. It almost makes you wonder if they were trying to make one off custom pieces!! ALL I know is today their tinkering with sizes and dimensions makes it a very frustrating search for parts.


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