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Some of us may be aware of this but others are not.

We all like to receive payment from paypal as a Gift so we do not get charged a fee.

If you are the buyer and are using the Gift option make sure you are using Cash from you PP account or confirmed linked bank account to transfer the funds.

If you are going to use the Gift option but using a Credit Card you as the buyer will be charged a Paypal fee.


Be very careful with this option.. I advise members to use the "Personal", to only those you know and "trust"

when buying genuine high priced items I would advise you to use the standard PP feature .. to insure proper delivery of your item.. you could be in jeopardy of loosing considerable amount of money by using the personal option.. I don't think it automatically gives your shipping addy .. I was advised of this by a Doctor in EU .. it protected him as well..as he had lost $$ in a transaction with someone using the Personal option..

the personal option however is not open to all Countries..fyi





You are ABSOLUTELY Correct.

Thanks for the reminder.

Be very careful with this option.. I advise members to use the "Personal", to only those you know and "trust"

when buying genuine high priced items I would advise you to use the standard PP feature .. to insure proper delivery of your item.. you could be in jeopardy of loosing considerable amount of money by using the personal option.. I don't think it automatically gives your shipping addy .. I was advised of this by a Doctor in EU .. it protected him as well..as he had lost $$ in a transaction with someone using the Personal option..

the personal option however is not open to all Countries..fyi




This is a great option among trusted peers. I do find it funny, and wonder if PP finds it suspicious that so called "gifts" come in ODD amounts. $85, $490, $320.

I think if going this route it might help stay under the radar to keep sales amount in nice round, or common values. $50, 100, 150, 200, 500, etc...

  • 1 month later...

i just received a payment from a member as a gift. the buyer left a note on the transaction stating that he was buying a watch (not a rep, just a watch). this obviously alerted paypal that it was not a gift and that goods were in fact being purchased. they have now flagged this payment and put it under review. this could be a potential issue for me and future payments. this is the message i received from paypal ...

Transaction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX under PayPal Payment Review‏

Hello Xxxxx Xxxxxxx,

XXXXX XXXXXX just sent you money with PayPal. To help protect you, we're reviewing this payment.

The Payment Review may take up to 24 hours. When we've completed the review, we'll either clear or cancel the payment. If the payment clears: You may proceed to process the order. To know if your item is covered, check the 'Seller Protection' section of the 'Transaction Details' page and ensure that it states 'Eligible'.

You shouldn't provide the item or service purchased until we let you know that the payment has cleared. We'll send you an email when we complete the review or you can check the Transaction History tab of your PayPal account.

XXXXX XXXXXX is Unverified

now my question is ... should i let this run it's course, or refund the money and have the buyer resend as a normal payment with fees? my thoughts are the latter so it appears everything is on the up and up. any advice would be appreciated as it looks as though i have less than 24 hours to decide this. i just don't want every future payment i receive as a gift, to go under review. if anyone has dealt with this before, please advise! in closing, this is a good learning lesson for us all not to include any notes with this payment option. thanks and i look forward to hearing back from some of you soon.



I would definitely cancel the transaction .. explanation .. erroneous send.. but you and the sender need to be on the same page.. must be a Noob not versed with PP and our doings. just refund the money with a very short none elaborate explanation.




I would definitely cancel the transaction .. explanation .. erroneous send.. but you and the sender need to be on the same page.. must be a Noob not versed with PP and our doings. just refund the money with a very short none elaborate explanation.


thanks for the reply and advice lani. before i could do so, i received an update from paypal saying this ...

Payment Review Outcome: Cleared, OK to Ship.

Dear Xxxxx Xxxxxxx,

We have completed our payment review and have cleared the transaction below. You may proceed to process the order. To know if your item is covered, check the 'Seller Protection' section of the 'Transactions Details' page and ensure that it states 'Eligible'.

You can now provide the item or service purchased.

i wasn't expecting this outcome but it seems ok now. either way, we definitely need to be more specific when asking for payments as a gift. and you were right lani ... it was from a new member who just didn't know any better. anyway, just a lesson to us all to be carefull when sending and receiving payments this way. all the best.


When using the "GIFT" option, I usually instruct the buyer to actually put something in like:

"Happy Birthday", "Merry Christmas", or some other Greeting Card Esq words. That way it at least gives the appearance and plausible denyability.

When using the regular payment options, I usually instruct the buyer TO LEAVE EVERYTHING blank/default.

  • 1 month later...

for members that do not know how to use this feature ... here is a pic i just made up showing where the actual paypal gift option is (see red arrow below). again, everything should be left blank except for the receivers e-mail address and the actual payment amount. you can include "happy birthday" or something in the subject line like ronin mentioned above, which isn't a bad idea actually. just do not make any mention of the goods you are purchasing. please note that this method does not show your shipping address so simply pm it to the member after payment is made. anyway, hopefully this will come in handy for some. all the best.



There was a similar thread to this recently and as a consequence I tried it out without actually sending money I got as far as the confirm payment option. In every case I was charged a fee but the size of that fee varied.

I tried a CC charge on $500 this brought a fee of $21, I tried direct from my account this brought a $6 fee, I tried from my PP balance this had a charge of $1 odd. Plus the exchange rate was abysmal. I must admit a few times I havent been charged but thinking back I am sure these were much smaller transactions.

Thats PP UK anyway

Even though we trade in dollars generally it should always be worth considering using other forms of currency when sending money, its always worth a discussion between the seller and buyer as it can save a few quid in what you pay on fees which ever way you do the payment ie personal goods etc

  • 4 months later...

On my paypal there is no gift option...WHY?

only Shared Exp, Payment owned, Rental charges and Others...

I have seen the gift option on my pp earlier but seem to not be there anymore...I am in Norway

Payment owned option seem to fuunction as gift option with charges :g:


As far as I know, there has never been a gift/personal option in the German PP version.

Even if someone from another country sends money as gift, the fees are still deducted here...

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