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Toronto / GTA Get Together (GTG)


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That's right...send the watch next time...you can stay Stateside if you have to. :p

Great time. If anyone's had doubts...but how could you...Red and Andreww are top rate guys. Hack's bar tab contribution made for a wobbly ride home though. HAH!

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The thing that amazed me was that both Toad and I brouht SMP chronos, an Avenger, a rare Pam, and a vintage Rolex. All of us had a Rollie that had been touched by multiple RWG greats as well (yeah we're talkin about you Ubi). Again, great night!

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Hey guys. Back from my trip now. Had a great time chatting with you guys and thanks again R for the pints! I felt kind of bad I didn't bring any other watches with me other than the Tudor. I did get a little bit of slack for that, but that's ok. I didn't know if it was a good idea to travel across the border with a bunch of reps in my bags. :D

Next time I will try and bring more!

+1 Toad on the Naviitmer of Andrews! It's just stunning! I never thought I would like that style of watch, but it is really quite captivating! I may have to search one out (if I can find one that has a slide rule that lines up as nicely!)

I'll definitely make sure to let you guys know the next time I'm in town. Of course, if guys you ever make your way down to LA, look me up!

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