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Watch Sales threads - wanna sell your watch, read this !


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Dare I say it................we've had very little problems in the Sales Threads of late from possible scammers and assholes :inverted:  I for one am thankful for it !


What we keep getting however are threads posted without following the forums sales rules that we are all supposed to heed. I know myself It can be quite a time consuming affair to make your sales thread so I can see why members can try to shave a little here and there so they can 'just sell the watch' and not waste time making sure they follow all the rules they are supposed too.


These are the Forums Trading zone rules (as of 1st May 2013)



  • This forum is for the sale of personal pre-owned Watches
  • You cannot sell Watches that have been purchased for the sole purpose of modding/upgrading then re-sold for profit
  • Your Sale should have a complete description of the Item
  • Condition of the Item should be clearly stated
  • Shipping and Payment instructions clearly stated
  • Pictures & Prices are mandatory
  • Rule of Thumb: honest sellers post good, clear pics to reveal details; dishonest sellers post dark, blurry or distant pics to hide them. Please beware of sellers who fall into the latter category
  • Any & all special terms must be clearly posted in the sale (payment methods, post count, membership length or status, etc...)
  • Your listing cannot be edited after it's posted - ALL pictures and description must not be deleted or changed
  • Any questions about these rules should be addressed prior to the listing
  • Violation of these rules will result in your privilege to sell on this forum being suspended
  • Thanks - The RWG Team~
  • You must be a contributing member to post a sales thread



Not sure if anyone could use a step by step guide or a sales thread template, if you would please comment and I will do my best to put one up that's easy for everyone to use :)


Don't forget it's in both the buyer's and seller's interests to follow the Sales Rules, less room for any problems down the track ;)  





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After the Tudor Snowflake debacle a few days back, I believe that all members who sell watches, parts , etc need to be more specific as to what their sales rules are. If you are willing to wait A few hours with a OHPF, state it. If you are adamant that the first Paypal that hits your account will get the watch then please state that.

I also believe that it's the buyer's responsibility to be prompt, and also communicate your intentions. If I'm at work I don't have easy access to my Paypal account. I always email or PM the seller and ask if it's OK to send the payment in a few hours when I get home. Another thing, if you are a potential buyer, please make certain that you are actually prepared to buy. It really creates problems and hard feelings when you PM a seller and ask to hold pending funds and then you disappear. Like most sellers, I have lost sales while waiting for a buyer who had no intentions of buying, but was a time waster. Maybe sellers should compile a list of those folks who load the gun, cock the trigger but never fire. Those are the folks who create lots of problems on the sales forum.

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After the Tudor Snowflake debacle


That was an interesting read, thanks for the heads up on it. It's one of those situations that I think we may all have been in at one point, and yet there is no real rule about how long to wait before opening up non-paying 'I'll take it' PM to the next in line. Some people wait two days, others two hours, others an hour?. My personal thoughts on this are, if a buyer says 'I'll take it' then they should be prepared to pay immediately on receipt of payment details. Immediately being within the next 1 to 15 mins etc. If they are planning on popping out to the pub for an hour or are travelling home or about to take the dog for a walk then surely send a PM to specify this reason why payment is going to be delayed and ask if this is ok. At least a seller knows where he stands then. Wondering what are other peoples thoughts on this?


Of course, lots of variations can arise, say seller has to go for a few hours and then misses a potential instant sale, buyer is offline when he returns. Lots of different scenarios.

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Hmmm the Tudor thread make me think

I have sold watches in the past and had lots of pms even to the point when i inform people it was sold that they have offered me more money than it sold for to sell it to them

Being an mad of my word I have always followed the original agreed deal and never rescinded

On the other side of the coin if you buy then you need to pay up ASAP or I inform the seller when you can pay and see if the seller is in agreement

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That's not a requirement here ;) , but still, it doesn't hurt the seller to do it and can actually help the sale.


Oh right, I thought it was.  Maybe it should be introduced?

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Yes that Tudor sale was one hell of a Pita for all concerned I think   :bangin:   life is all about communication and when you add the different time zones to the mix anything can happen !  


I agree tagged pics should be mandatory, there is no reason to not have a tagged pic in the sale as it takes no more time to write your details and date on a piece of paper does it, reassures buyers that you have the piece in your possession too! 


I know we have a more relaxed atmosphere here than other forums but we still have a fairly busy M2M Sales section, do we have any Mods checking the sales listings here as they do on other boards? I'm sure we do, I'm just not sure who to contact as and when any issues arise?

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As you are aware after reading Tudor Snowflake thread I tried to help out before it really got ugly. That being said clusterf**k anyway.

Now on to other comments.

Tagged pics: needs to be in there.

Communication:  Is Key

Buyers be ready to pay or go away. (put that on the bottom of all your sale!)

Sellers see communication

Now to Sgtguk's question, yes just who is delegated to handle sales thread? If there is not a specific person then there should be one or two considering time zones and such.I do not want to hear it is to much work (we all have jobs ,kids etc) then do not be a Mod you accept the title with it comes responsibility. I personally read each new sale just to see who it is always looking for problems or scammers. Content ,tenor, syntax in sales postings have lead me to prior banned members and they were exposed, I search other boards for info also. I will leave it at that as they are reading also do not doubt it. :pimp:


PS  I can just about change a link but know my way around the boards, dealers and pricing so this is my way of being a contributing member, others know movements crowns you name it my skill set is somewhat different.  Not to proud to say could use some help. :notworthy:

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Yes that Tudor sale was one hell of a Pita for all concerned I think  



Only because the buyer threw a huge crybaby hissy fit. Money talks, [censored] walks. I would have tried to handle that differently, but in the end the guy who paid got what he paid for.




   I agree tagged pics should be mandatory


But they're not, and it gets old seeing people in sales threads tell noobs (incorrectly) that they are.



I know we have a more relaxed atmosphere here than other forums but we still have a fairly busy M2M Sales section, do we have any Mods checking the sales listings here as they do on other boards? I'm sure we do, I'm just not sure who to contact as and when any issues arise?


Uhh...TwoTone? He's an admin, and he wrote the sales rules posts... why wouldn't you start there?

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Only because the buyer threw a huge crybaby hissy fit. Money talks, bullshit walks. I would have tried to handle that differently, but in the end the guy who paid got what he paid for.


But they're not, and it gets old seeing people in sales threads tell noobs (incorrectly) that they are.


Uhh...TwoTone? He's an admin, and he wrote the sales rules posts... why wouldn't you start there?


Yep agreed mate and yes he did get what he paid for, I for one don't think seller was up to anything just miss-communication thats all..


Do you think it is a good idea to have tagged pics though? And yes I do too  ;)


I think we can gather some sellers don't know where the sales rules are posted never mind who Twotone is, and yes mate I know who Twotone is  :)  Thanks for clarifying too ! 

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 Andy I guess it is a matter of mind set you say filter I say police.  I prefer an aggressive proactive policing so do the best I can to protect us in that manor. It would be safe to say I would not be kindly disposed to a less active position. When we were wide open with no PP I was on other boards checking guys content to see who they bought it from & original sales thread then checking out feedback on sales even where they lived had two guys same small town doing feedback circle jerk raised an eyebrow. Set PMs asked questions got hold of guys I knew there asked them about person/s of interest. I am not the smartest guy in the world but I am relentless once I smell a rat. To be clear I was not in the running to buy just looked to good to be true so off on the hunt I went. To me that is policing a sales thread just thought more of you guys could send me leads or misgivings (Nanuq already has) on things to investigate and most importantly as very time consuming help bounce around other boards collecting data to share if we feel someone not on the up and up. Either way I will remain vigilant can not stop them all but ain't going to make it easy for them, bad guys go to the easiest marks our RWG ain't going to be easy.

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 Andy I guess it is a matter of mind set you say filter I say police.  I prefer an aggressive proactive policing so do the best I can to protect us in that manor. It would be safe to say I would not be kindly disposed to a less active position. When we were wide open with no PP I was on other boards checking guys content to see who they bought it from & original sales thread then checking out feedback on sales even where they lived had two guys same small town doing feedback circle jerk raised an eyebrow. Set PMs asked questions got hold of guys I knew there asked them about person/s of interest. I am not the smartest guy in the world but I am relentless once I smell a rat. To be clear I was not in the running to buy just looked to good to be true so off on the hunt I went. To me that is policing a sales thread just thought more of you guys could send me leads or misgivings (Nanuq already has) on things to investigate and most importantly as very time consuming help bounce around other boards collecting data to share if we feel someone not on the up and up. Either way I will remain vigilant can not stop them all but ain't going to make it easy for them, bad guys go to the easiest marks our RWG ain't going to be easy.

Good for you. I appreciate ansd I'm sure most others appreciate your diligence. I'm sure the dodgy folks and scammers don't, but making their life miserable should be our mantra. Let them take their shady dealings back to some other forum that doesn't care about their members, or to Ebay who certainly doesn't care!!

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