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I Think Our Dealers Are Filthy Rich!


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I agree that it's no ones business in that no one is being wronged if the dealers don't give us spreadsheets outlining their profit margins, but I don't see any problem talking about it...

I too believe the dealers are making a sh!tload of money... and being from China and with family still there I can tell you $150/month is not the high end of average wages... my step mother works as a teachers assistant in a nice university and makes about $300/month and there are plenty who make more. There are still MANY who make much less, but in any decent sized city you will clear $150/month just being a salesperson in a small shop.

But back to how much dealers make... I honestly believe that if you setup shop with a drop shipper (ie front end from a factory) you get better prices than even that you get from the guangzhou markets... I mean even there they offered discounts for 5 or more watches... our dealers must send out dozens a month if not more. I know over 2 moths I personally bought 8 watches. So I would guess at least 100% markup for some dealers (I think margins vary widely though with some chariging much more for the same product)

But yes there are many expenses to worry about such as paying off officials (believe me in many places in China this is VERY common and in a city that cranks out nothing but illegal counterfeit products? You don't have to think hard about that...

Once I was in China with some American friends, and they got caught jaywalking... because they were white obviously and the cop figured they would be good for some money (no seriously, that is exactly why - they do not stop you for jaywalking in China, standard street crossing routine is go wherever you like, step out in to fast moving traffic and cross one lane at a time, standing on the white lines looking for gaps in traffic while busses pass both sides of you by inches at 40mph) bottom line was get arrested and go to the police station to fill out tons of paperwork and pay a stiff penalty (probably would have been $500 or so for a freigner at the time) or pay the officer to fill out an on the spot report/ticket $100 - cash only please.

Cash paid, officer left assuring us he would fill out the ticket and paperwork and we would not have to deal with him or anyone else at the police office... yeah...

That's for jaywalking in a large city and not even any sort of hub of illegal activity.

So I would be a good chunk of change goes toward greasing wheels every year, and every time someone gets fired or promoted I garauntee you have to grease his replacement all over again.

But even after this and all other expenses (returns/repairs etc) eat into profits there is the other side which is answering emails and such... that is a PAIN. I have a pretty small client list and only get about a dozen emails on a busy day... even that can get me pretty frustrated pretty fast. If you want me dealing with what these guys deal with I need to make a TON of money.

And yes $75k US is the life of a KING in China... It's roughly the equivalent of making $350k here in terms of lifestyle.

Am I bitter they make this much? No.

Do I feel ripped off? Well lesse, I have family in China and legitimately go visit every few years, I could tack on a plain ticket and hotel in Guangzhou for only a few hundred more and spend a few days watch shopping (which I will) but that would limit me to what is out at the time and what I can find and I might end up with the crappy generation of a watch instead of the later great one because I am not so hot at picking out those details... then there is getting the watches hom. I am paying a lot for a service but it's a service alright

So what do I think about it? I think it's fine and great. When I bought weed from my dealer in high school I knew he was paying $20 for the bag he sold me for $50. But I also knew he had to be $5-10k at a time to get those prices, risked some serious jail time, had to watch his back a LOT and got ripped off more than once. He got me what I wanted and I paid him for the risks involved, by the time it got to me the worst I had to fear was cops catching me with it and by then the risk was minimal as it was below the intent to sell volume.

But just like I expected him to get me good weed and not rip me off for the prices I paid I expect our dealers to deliver on the products that are making them a very nice living. That's why I don't hesitate to bring up problems, even small ones, with dealers if I think it's at all reasonable for them to fix it (scratched clasp or link, I want a new one - damaged dial or hands, I want new ones - wrong watch, I want the right one) I don't mind paying for an expensive service. Heck if I thought I could do it I would move to China and start peddlng watches too! But I just hope dealers don't forget they are indeed getting good $$$ and keep treating us like they should.

So far I am happy to say that all the dealers I have had issues with have come up with reasonable resolutions for me and that's all I ask for out of this.

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Im quite sure the profit on reps is a nice size - BUT I am happy to pay because of the service and risk involved to these dealers and I cant get these reps elsewhere!

That is a fact, they make big money, even in eyes of average citizen of USA or EU (like me). But i think this is easy earned money. Why? Well, let's say, you have access to the replica market or rep factories. So this is the main part. Then what you have to do? Only 2 things. Advertise on ebay, etc., here on rwg, trc... Send the watch. You do not need to have IQ>130, you dont have to be lawyer, programmer, IT expert. If they make 2000$ per month, that is big money.

You know in my country average monthly income (netto) is around 790 euros or 1039 dollars. And you have to be at work for 8 hours every day (on average). So what is harder?

The IT specialist with Masters degree in our country is making on average 2200$/month only 10% of them make more than 3000$/month. I am professor of computer science (1st year at work) i make cca 1000 euros/1333$ per month. I think it would be easier to go in buissnes with reps, i could make at least 1500$ per month and i would have more free time... Life sucks... But, dealers have access to the rep manufacturers and i (we) don't.

You forget, you don't have to be a millionaire to have "rich life style". In my country our GDP - per capita were cca $22,000 in 2005 and i can tell you that if you have sallary more than 2500 or 3000$ (netto) you can live large, on average, citizen of our country with more than 2500$ per months have at least BMW (e60) 523i or Audi A6, big house (cca 400m2) (owned, not rented), he goes to the exotic countries for vacation, has small vacation house for weekends in mountains or at the sea... So imagine how someone lives with 3000$ per month in china, where GDP in 2005 was 8900$...

Sorry, my english is not perfect, but i am sure you understand what i wanted to tell...

I've met two of our dealers and they didn't seem to be millionaires to me.

I think your maths are sideways. :D

I also have few friends, they also do not seem to be millionaires, but they are... I also did not knew they were millionaires until they invited me to their home, then i realized, when i saw their cars in garages, huge mansion etc. ...

Edited by Iztok
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So what do I think about it? I think it's fine and great. When I bought weed from my dealer in high school I knew he was paying $20 for the bag he sold me for $50. But I also knew he had to be $5-10k at a time to get those prices, risked some serious jail time, had to watch his back a LOT and got ripped off more than once.

Someone was bound to make that analogy. Wonder what took so long..........

I was thinking the same thing.. :whistling:

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That is a fact, they make big money, even in eyes of average citizen of USA or EU (like me). But i think this is easy earned money. Why? Well, let's say, you have access to the replica market or rep factories. So this is the main part. Then what you have to do? Only 2 things. Advertise on ebay, etc., here on rwg, trc... Send the watch. You do not need to have IQ>130, you dont have to be lawyer, programmer, IT expert. If they make 2000$ per month, that is big money.

Being smart is only one way to make money... there are plenty of not very smart people in the labor forces out there clearing $75k a year.

But more importantly you do have to be smart in a certain way to do what our dealers do, and it's not that easy... well I think it's not, I obviously don't know for sure, but my feeling is that if you look in prisons (and in desserts in holes in the ground) you will find the people who tried to get into this kind of business and weren't very smart. The ones who are still around and doing it years later are indeed quite smart, street smart probably but still...

Back to my weed analogy... I tried to get in on the business when I was in high school, I had the connections and I was pretty smart (got high college entry SAT scores when only in 7th grade and I am still one of the smarter people I know - not trying to toot my horn, just saying) and I had a REALLY hard time, never came up in the game and got out pretty soon after I started... don't think everything is as easy as it sounds, especially in unregulated business, there is a whole complex set of rules to learn and it's often an expensive process to learn them. My afore mentioned weed dealer, not a really smart guy, I don't think he got the 200 points for spelling your name correctly on the SATs... but he evaded police and other dealers for over a decade and made a ton of cash (most of which went to his lawyer when he finally did get caught once)... so smart is all relative.

Also factor in the leg work these guys go through... again, how many emails do you think they answer a day? I don't know if you have ever had to do it before, but let me tell you answer 200 emails from potential clients a day is not fun, especially when a lot of those emails will not turn into busines (I am sure our dealers get lots of questions from someone who finally decides to buy elsewhere or changse their mind or just looses interest).

I think they are making a good profit margin for what they do, but that's how it is in every industry for the people who do the job well. And if you want to see the guys who do not do the job well... look in the prisons and back alleys.

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Hmmm...I'm not so sure I'd subscribe to that interpretation of how much most make, but I really don't think it's my business. Never talk about money, and never judge a man--especially not on the size of his wallet.


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The level of naivete and stupidity exhibited on these boards...never ceases to amaze me......prehaps Josty and Thrushy are making that kind of money.....the rest ..including myself.....nowhere near it.......I've had periods where I lost money.......e:g......I've sold ONE item since I left for Scotland...and that was a month ago....!

The only people who may be making hundreds of thousands if not millions......are the scam websites that are selling the same watches that we dealers here sell to you at RIDICULOUSLY low prices.......and don't provide the level of service that tdealers here do......and that service costs.....!

E:G........Noobmariner.........$110.00 with FREE shipping.......scam website would sell that as PREMIER SWISS MADE.....at a minimum price of $175.00 + $25.00 shipping.....and more likely at $500......the TRUTH is out there......witness the number of noobs who find their way here.....and tell their stroy of how they wuz scammed.....!

$25,000 a month......pass the pepper.....I need some flavour on that big pinch of salt.......DUH!

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i'm sure the guy that owns starbucks is making a lot of money too ;p

does not mean i don't enjoy stopping there for a mocha in the morning...

...and paying an insane 1500% markup!!!! :blink:

Now THOSE guys know how to rip people off in style :D

Not sure what the point of this thread is - regardless of however much dealers do or don't make, quite frankly it's none of our business. Maybe it's my reserved English ways coming out here but talking about how much you earn or speculating on how much others do is just :thumbdown: I mean I just really don't care - good luck to them I say.

If you're still curious/nosey/resentful, I know one established dealer who has a day job that is a constant battle against external beauracracy and that's even before he's begun to do what he does. If he was making a killing in watches, do you think he'd still be doing that just for the love of paperwork and long-haul travel??? Quite.

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Meh, i don't begrudge them making a few quid.

But like someone said, you could live like a king in China on $75,000. Actually that's pretty much what I earn at 23, but it affords no lavish lifestyle in England let me tell you lol.

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...and paying an insane 1500% markup!!!! :blink:

Now THOSE guys know how to rip people off in style :D

i know a guy here in town who is both not very bright and a social retard besides. he owns two small coffee houses here and one in chico.

he drives a 2004 M5 and a 2003 carrera. has a great house in a lovely old neighborhood that's just been completely remodeled with the best of everything and just built a 4 car garage in back that's completely finished and heated and air conditioned. oh, and picked up a 2003 M3 yesterday...

i am in the wrong business!!!

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For my money Star nailed it, I suggest everyone goes back and read his post carefully before making further comment.


I can't believe that people on this board have no idea about what the dealers are up against, like anybody else who owns and runs a small business (i.e. bureaucrats, dishonest manufacteres, customs agents, policemen, etc.). Not to mention the idiots from our end (customers) who waste their time asking questions, haggling over price, complaining to PayPal becuase the watch they did finally buy after seven weeks of "thinking about it" isn't in their mailbox in four days! It just kills me.

I am happy that the dealers I have purchased from do well, if in fact they do as well as some think they do. The people who really [censored] me off are the dishonest jerks who put fake watches on eBay and make a ton of money selling fakes to ignoramuses. That is CRIMINAL. I see at least five fakes for sale on eBay everytime I take the time to look. Just a shame.


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Personally, I don't buy a shirt and ask how much the company is making, and it's the same with watches, both replica or genuine. If someone has the contacts/ability to make some money from selling anything, then it's up to them, I say more power to 'em!

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Very true. Nice to see you're paying attention. :D

My eyes&ears are everywhere ;)

But I'm gonna step a little back from the forum for the next while, I have some important stuff coming up that will take most of my free time&attention <_<

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My eyes&ears are everywhere ;)

But I'm gonna step a little back from the forum for the next while, I have some important stuff coming up that will take most of my free time&attention <_<



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Guest eddielee11

25,000usd a month ?

it means one has to be even richer than the prime ministers of uk, canada, or even the president of usa.....etc...

if a dealer can sell 10 pcs a day.....tough luck!!!! not bloody likely.....

if a dealer can sell 10 pcs a day,,,,he or she would have nailed by the authority already.....

if i were to make 25000usd a month by watches,,,i would have quit my well paying job at the pharmaceutical filed...and invest a "[censored]" house or build a [censored] house

in a 30 rooms mansion in Argentina or Venezuela...and dress like " ALI G ", driving my bullet proof AMG...no joke....this is my dream.....

believe me,,,,,i have a dream too......my dream is to be a pimp, a pimp master,,,,,sugardaddy in my own [censored] house.

BY THE WAY, MATES ON TRC, RWG, RWCC, WT...all of you guys are invited to my [censored] house...and i will offer the best rate for the best rate entertainment.

( sorry Drinks not included,,,so B.Y.O.B.-Bring your own booze)

the biggest winner in the trade will always be the manufacturers.

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Guest eddielee11

just like to point out...my ladies working with me on the [censored] house will be eligible for medical, and dental benefits. It is mandatory for them to wear no more than 3nm thick fabric in each area. Total fabric area permitted is 9cm square footage per area,..which is 3cm x 3cm x 3cm on each side. ----....i dont want my ladies to get stroke in such a hot climate and evironment.....i care, because i am the suggardaddy.....

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