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Posted (edited)

True jjajh.

I didnt offend anyone, just stated that I think everyone here has understanding to post the way they do. People are mad. People are confused. Others have toi defend themselves.

But yes, I have no business here.

Back to math.


Edited by Dutchy
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I can tell you how to do it ken. Open your kenberg account on rwg then proceed to change your email address and insert a new but invalid email address to have a new validation email sent to you.....voila you are no longer able to post on RWG as kenberg. I did this to stop myself from posting as gran anymore.

Good answer, it shows you took responsibility for your actions :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Good answer, it shows you took responsibility for your actions :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Now that I like to hear :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I did not lock any threads on RWG (it must have been (an)other moderator(s))

I've seen lots of posts referring to Gran locking threads on RWGi. I'm amazed that the person(s) that actually did lock those threads has still not (as far as I'm aware) publicly owned up to it, and instead let many members continue to think it was Gran and contribute to the general feeling of ill-will towards him. :thumbdown:


human nature.

Gran is being upfront.

people do not have to like some of the things done,

but imo guy should be admired for not running and hiding

behind angry posts, or leaving altogether..

: )

Life is Good!


...not sure about the last one as couldn't Gran unlock them first and edit or delete them?

You answered your own question.

With his well honed powers of observation Bres3000 says : "It's as though they were Closed out of spite." I agree. In fact, that appearance is the basis of my curiosity.

about those tourbillons..

@K...why waste time on tourbillons when you could have tourmillons :rolleyes:

Cheers :)


@K...why waste time on tourbillons when you could have tourmillons :rolleyes:

Cheers :)


What about the closed threads.....?

Q: what is Carl Sagan's favorite watch complication??

The cosmograph?



Ken, a wise man once said:

"Remember it's not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame!"

No blame.

And at least we've managed to put everyone to sleep...

"Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas."

--Groucho Marx (1890-1977)

No flies on us.

By the way, the question (and answer) is an old Groucho Marx routine back in the days when he was hosting his own quiz show.


Well Gran... In my mind, you're back in... It took a lot of balls for you to enter this thread with your armor off and your white flag waving, I salute you.

Just to let you and all know, the reason for me starting this thread was not to be hurtful in any way... These questions had to be asked, and I believe Gran has answered all to the best of his ability... and with his heart.

As someone earlier said, it takes time to build bridges... So take your time and build a strong one.

You are so lucky to have so many supporters here, as I am sure you do in your outside-of-the-forum real life, don't take advantage of that.

Again Gran, welcome back, all the best to you and yours, and I pray for your continuing speedy recovery :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim::victory::victory::yu::yu:


Looks pretty nice to me :wub: I guess you are going with the SS bracelet JF?

gran :)


Thanks jf, I was sitting here sipping a nice red.................now everything is red :o


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