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MBW SUB 1680 ... and what happend !

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Hello all ,

due to the event that happend in the last hour im still emotional and will even do things that i never thought of dooing ... show photos of me ...

NOW ... here is the story :victory:

I was in a bad moode last days as manny of you know my SFSO quit on me but that aside i was also a bit sceptical that my MBW that i bought from manuel did not surface from Spain yet ... i had some dealings with Spain members before all superb fellas so i was confident that he would deliver the goods also his flawless reputation keep my confidence up .

Since i payed fo the watch thursday 12.07 and still no sign of the watch i started to be a bit worried, also as my girlfriend sprung for half of the expences and was worried on what she will say about the board , my hobby and so called friends. Middle of day today my girlfriend invited me to a dinner at a known Greek restaurant called Taverna to celebrate my BD witch actualy is today next week so 30th July , but due to i leave on wednesday on a buisness trip she made reservations today .

I was not in a moode and wanted to just cancel it but after rethiking and beeing rational as she is not the cause of my recent problems i said meet u there just before i runned to my next meeting ...

So i arive there we started the usual how was ure day chat as i realised she had that grimm on the face , u know guys what i mean that grim that reveals she was hidding something what she wanted to reveil for some time ... so i ask whats up and she says --- I HAVE SOMETHIN FOR U :)

She pulls out a small paper bag with a little sheep n it and slides it forward ... i open it and inside a golden plated key ... in that secod i said bingo its that black watch box that we saw in old part of the town a few weeks back ... as she pulled out the raped box suggesting the size i was sure .

I unraped the paper big smille and said thx baby as she grinns more ??! She said unlock that ... so i do it thinking some nice cleaning cloth ? maybe a nice key chain , some sweets but NOOOO not that anyway u already know ... whats there do u :thumbsupsmileyanim:

HOW THEY DID IT .... Explained ... She saw mail adress from manuel as we were sending emails back and forward nd contacted him ... she told me he was confused and afcourse thought of a scam or some joke ... but when she asked him to send the watch on same adress but different name that name beeing a member on this forum ROTWILD witch by the way is my coworker and a personal friend . I remebered a way back manuel pm ing me about if i know him hehehe now i know why ... when and rest is easy ...

AT THE END _ i wanna thx manue for sendding this beautiful MBW 1860 with gen tropic installed and correct holow linb bracelet watch is a gem just briliant indeed , i wanna thx my girlfriend Monika for aranging this super sweet suprize THX BABE love u :wub: and the last accomplice thx rotwild buddy he was the one recived the watch today called my gf and pass it on , appriciated beers commin up .

NOW for the people that stayed tuned and actualy read this rant here are the pics of the events that took place just 3 hours ago !

Regards laz :1a:



















Happy birthday. It's a very cool bird who wear's a man's watch. Very stylish. Enjoyed this post more than most because it had real character. Enjoy and wear it well! Cheers.


Nice one... my wife pulled almost the same stunt with a GMT2 a couple of years ago. She intercepted it at the post office. I was really sweating on that watch, and had no idea!


Good morrning all ...

thx for ure kind replyes and nice wishes :) it showes what a little communication and a few great people can cook up ... i had some extra info that i digged out the suprize almost got ruined by me when i went ro rotwilds desk yesterday a few times to discuss customers ishues ... i remeber now that yesterday he jumped nervously seeing me strolling through open space to his desk ... the thing he was hidding was infact the envelope that contained the watch from manuel .

My GF said he was just repacking it to a diners club envelope witch are common in our office due to the corporate cards we use for buisness related travel heheh ...

I will be giving it a good week of wear and then with heavy hart sending it to the guy we all know well for the first batch of mods (gen crown,gen tube,crownguards reworked , drilling lug holes and instaling gen springbars) etc .

regards laz


Very cool surprise. Enjoy that beautiful 1680 Laz!!!

This was a nice post... I wish we got more like this one. :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Nice . My GF is Slovak im Slovenian we meet in a company i came to work for here in Bratislava.

That said pictures are from a greek restaurant not so far from the center Taverna Restaurant one of the popular ones , with great ambient and cousine .

If ull be back in SK in the near future be shure to drop me a PM :)

Regards laz


Im of to work now ... to pick up rotwild and take him for a well deserved morning coffe :)

u can imagine what is on my wrist hehe here is a sneak peak of todays apperance :rolleyes:

regards laz


Guest carlsbadrolex

Congratulations on a great find (the Girlfriend)... and the watch is sweet also!


My dear Lazarini, I do hope you realize what luck you enjoy having friends such as these in your life. Your lady friend is a delight, and I admire her taste, both in watches and men.

Well done! :winkiss:


Hi Laz,

I'm very happy that one reached you.

Happy birthday !

It's a great post and yes, you are a lucky man having such a GF and friend.

Congratulations and welcome to the vintage Rolex Club ;)




well, well... I'm just happy it worked out all good! When Monika called to organize this, I was surprised... wow... great idea... happy that you like it buddy!

take it as a memory - since I'm leaving the company next week... (but still - we stay in touch)

happy that you like it!


Great looking watch and good story. But don't stress out so much on future watches - life is good.


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