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Paypal Warning - Trc Warning!!!

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It would appear that I like Josh have been subject to a Pypal Hijacking. Some asshat has stolen my Business PP account. I have £400+ in it from Genuine Parts Sales that I owe my business partner, and.....yes.....It's all FU**ING GONE.

Some complete areshole has stolen all my money, they hacked my account and are holding me ransom over it. I got a email from the hijackers today saying that they want more cash or they are gonna close the account.

Well I like the US don't bargain with Hijackers, especially ones who can't even speak english properly. I am in contact with pp at the moment to try and resolve this, but they are being their usual Helpfull selves. It looks like I am gonna be out my £400+ that I owe the parts supplier and will have to reach into my savings for this debt.

This is a heads up to the rest of you that this [censored] happens for real and it could happen to anyone. I am [censored] RAGING, and pp are doing naff all to help me.

My personal account is safe, so I will still be able to function, but that's not the point I am out a [censored] load of cash and am barely making anything on the sales as it is cos I am just trying to help out.

If this is what trying to help folks gets then F**K It, especially on the day that the 1680 arrives, how about that for a kick in the teeth. My altruistic efforts have materialised in the form of Dutchy's 1680 and the I get [censored] on by some retarded non english speaking asshat.

This life SUCKS!!!!

Anyway rant over just thought I would give y'all a heads up that this [censored] actually happens.


Don't worry I have still got your order here, and I will honour our transaction, your dial will be sent out today.

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Damnit. How the hell do they do this?

As an aside, i have noticed that EVERYTIME (without exception) I PM someone on these boards with my p-pal ID, I get a suspicious email the same day asking for my password for "security reasons." Perhaps our PM system is compromised.


That really suck edge! I recently lost access to my yahoo account (5 years worth of friends, all gone). It didn't cost me anything, but did open my eyes to how unsecure the web can be.


Do you have the telephone number of PP in the UK (a direct line and not some button-punching arsewering machine?).

I don't have it myself, but it can be found, either though board members or by a search - if one is lucky.

If we could be of any help for you with this, just post.

Otherwise, it looks like an open-and-shut case of account hacking. I would like to think that pp will re-credit your account once they have established that it has been criminally breached.

Keep us informed, and don't hesitate to ask for help in terms of info and/or prior experience.

Best of luck with it,


Update: This is their verified business info, copied off the pp Sucks site:


and re-verified by myself using the FSA register:


Current Status: Authorised

Effective Date: 13/02/2004

Address: Hotham House

1 Heron Square

Richmond upon Thames


Post Code: TW9 1EJ

Phone: 440870 730 7191

Fax: 44020 8605 3001

Email: No email address supplied 

Also, we DO have a member who is apparently a private detective posting here (I've forgotten his moniker). He appears capable of finding out what you had for breakfast this morning using means unknown to common mortals such as ourselves... He might be someone to contact if you think you've enough information to trace and track your hacker/blackmailers.

Of course, confronting them in Tchechenia, Romania or the Gobi Desert might be another problem, but it could be a lead....


i hope it was really you who posted his watches up for sale @TRC yesterday and not the same guys who already stole your pp passwords?

i hope it was really you who posted his watches up for sale @TRC yesterday and not the same guys who already stole your pp passwords?

What watches?


btw. you might have a keylooger or something like that on your computer! so better dont use it anymore (or reinstall windows)



Guys I have just been informed that apparantly I put some watches up for sale last night on TRC, considering I do not own these watches and wasn't on TRC last night, it wasn't me.

Can the people who have paid for these please contact me ASAP!!!

I CANNOT access TRC, someone has fu**ed with that also, the passwords are the same........BAST*RDS, this just keeps getting fu**ing better and better.



those guys HAVE to be from the forum, because they KNEW what they were talking about! noone else would know about watchmaster and swan neck/ar coated fiddy and such! have admin check the IP adress and such


Damnit. My brother got sucked into that. He thought he was getting a great deal on an ultimate El 127 for $230. I feel horrible, because I alerted him to the sale and convinced him to buy it because I've dealt with Edge on several purchases. Well, I'm going to sell my 217 to help cover his loss, but this just blows big time. Anyone looking for a 217? I'll be posting later this evening with pics.

Damnit. My brother got sucked into that. He thought he was getting a great deal on an ultimate El 127 for $230. I feel horrible, because I alerted him to the sale and convinced him to buy it because I've dealt with Edge on several purchases. Well, I'm going to sell my 217 to help cover his loss, but this just blows big time. Anyone looking for a 217? I'll be posting later this evening with pics.

Just tell your brother to dispute the claim and try to get his money back...

those guys HAVE to be from the forum, because they KNEW what they were talking about! noone else would know about watchmaster and swan neck/ar coated fiddy and such! have admin check the IP adress and such

My thoughts EXACTLY. F*&king bastards. I'm SO fu&%ing angry right now!! :akuma:

It would appear that I like Josh have been subject to a Pypal Hijacking. Some asshat has stolen my Business PP account. I have £400+ in it from Genuine Parts Sales that I owe my business partner, and.....yes.....It's all FU**ING GONE.

Some complete areshole has stolen all my money, they hacked my account and are holding me ransom over it. I got a email from the hijackers today saying that they want more cash or they are gonna close the account.

I think everyone should consider the possibility that this is deliberate and organized. I am wondering if anyone else - of the dealers who take pp - has received phishing e-mails intended to induce you to reveal your pp password?

Have any of the dealers who take pp been the victim of complaints to pp? Having the account hacked can be part of an effort to shut it down. The dealer with no pp account is seriously disadvantaged.

There are hackers who specialize in this who advertise that they will destroy competition by hacking their account for a fee. Like econoomic assasins for hire, they are paid by third parties to hack accounts and destroy the person's business.

NEVER reply to anything pp sends you. If pp has a message for you, you will find it on your pp account when you log in. Open a NEW browser window and type www.pp.com and go to your account - never, ever click a link in anything anyone sends you.

Be cautious; there's no end of ugly garbage out there.



they wont get my money! if pp doesnt sort this out TODAY, I will call mastercard.

transaction to their bank account takes them more than 5days, and I wont give them 5 days!

they wont get my money! if pp doesnt sort this out TODAY, I will call mastercard.

transaction to their bank account takes them more than 5days, and I wont give them 5 days!

What if it's gon to another PP account?

What if it's gon to another PP account?

Alright, guys whoever bought something, listen up:

File a complaint NOW! I have already done so and I also called pp. They told me due to my complaint, the money I sent is already frozen. I should recieve my money within 11 Days MAX. If not, I will call Mastercard (and I told the lady on the phone that I will do so if they dont get it back!).

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