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What's the average power reserve on an A7750?

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Amazingly my new Tag Link tachy has a 49hr power reserve when fully hand wound, however after a few days wear on the wrist it has perhaps only 20hrs (I need to investigate this some more) before it stops. I was quite impressed with the 49hrs, but slightly disappointed with the results through normal wear. Is this normal for the A7750? What about the variations of this movement? - seconds at six, seconds at three, 7753 layout, 21bph/21J version. Do they have the same, better or worse power reserves?

Do they have the same, better or worse power reserves?

Sheer physics should tell you that a 21,600vph 7750 will last 14% longer than a 28,800vph 7750. :D

Sheer physics should tell you that a 21,600vph 7750 will last 14% longer than a 28,800vph 7750. :D

I is not very clever like :p

Pug, you've got a few A7750s, what would you say the average power reserve is after a handwind or wearing for a few days? :g:

I is not very clever like :p

Nor I! I hadn't thought of doing the calcs.

Pug, you've got a few A7750s, what would you say the average power reserve is after a handwind or wearing for a few days? :g:

Sixty winds gives me 48 hours, if that's any help, Azerbyjam.

Pug, you've got a few A7750s, what would you say the average power reserve is after a handwind or wearing for a few days? :g:

I really don't know. I don't test the power reserve past a day. I know I really should, just like I should check how accurate my watches are.


I would say that ther PR after wearing against handwinding depends a lot on how active you are the more the watch moves the more it is wound, if you sit at a desk all day with very little movement then it wont get as much winding as say a mechanic or carpenter using hand tools all day, but on the plus side you watch will not gain as many battle scars sat at a desk.

What catgory do you fall into Azabyjam desk or manual work?


Vic, thanks for the input! When I first got the watch, I used The Zigmeister's fifty wind rule so I'm pretty confident that when fully wound it will last for 49hrs. I'm testing it again though just to check. It might not mean anything, but when I opened the watch back, the movement appeared to be the newer style A7750 with the machined 'fish scales' finish.

Rob, thanks for the link! I was wondering where your articles had gone :unsure:

Pug, if you decide to test on of your watches, please let it be the GST :D

Andy, I'm a sales rep and spend a good portion of my day driving and humping around boxes of books, but then there are times (like now) when I'm not very busy and spending far too much time on the boards ;)


So it should get a far bit of movement even just driving, i think it is just smoething you will have to test over and over, ie fully wind it and see agan how long the PR is then wear it for a day and see what the PR is, then try aday with mor activity and see what the pr is.


I'll keep monitoring it, perhaps even have it serviced at some point - maybe that will improve the duration or the automatic winding? As you say, driving alone should keep it 'charged' up more than enough.. especially the way I drive :)


i have an A7750 in my Breitling Bentley CHrono T and power reserve is about 12 hours after wearing it. Not very good. My ETA subs will go for 2 days

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