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America's financial woes

Richard Tracy

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I'm noticing that most of the business in the trading forum is now from European members...

when before we Americans were the bulk of the business everywhere...

I know I'm not buying replicas these days,.. they seem so far from my priorities that I can

only browse and dream of better days ahead...

I wonder how much of the void that we yanks have left is being filled with the Euro,

and how this will affect prices ? :g:

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I was thinking of posting that very observation, Richard! I suppose a lot of us have noticed that.

Dani, Raimondo, ElPrimerozen, Laz, and so many others from Europe now have sales posts that SEEM to outrank the American ones (no one has actually counted them after all).

I'm not sure it's a question of expendable money, though. I think good watches, or more to the point, great bargains are getting harder now on our forums. Whereas before you used to be able to find a PAM 111h with Asian Unitas, for around $110-150, now they go for $200. Ouch.

And my cheapies in good working order are no where to be seen (Rolexes for $40 and the like).

It can be that Europeans realise there's money to be made, now that their currency is stronger. But aren't the Americans the ones who are buying these watches, too? :)

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I don't really think we are the bulk sells that are dealers make, and if we were or still are then you have to take into consideration that this isn't just any type of business model that can be studied and manipulated.

The economy can go to hell (as it currently is on it's way) and maybe those buying the watches aren't necessarily affected by the crisis.

And those who are buying in euros..are having a great time buying watches at nearly 30% off! ( +/- due to the exchange rate)

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My wife and I are doing our part to inject some life into the economy...we just bought a new car and next week are having the floors of our house refinished (now there's a fun project for you....NOT!)

As for my reps, my money is going to The Zigmeister and the Chief right now. I haven't purchased a new rep from our collectors since last summer.

Will I buy a new rep later this year? Probably.

Do I know what model it will be? Not at all.

Will higher prices make a difference. Hell yes.

If sales slow down, perhaps our dealers will try to hold price increases down.

In any case, spending our money within the US to the extent possible is a good thing for the time being.

P.S. DT, I haven't seen you around in some time. Welcome back.

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My wife and I are doing our part to inject some life into the economy...we just bought a new car and next week are having the floors of our house refinished (now there's a fun project for you....NOT!)

P.S. DT, I haven't seen you around in some time. Welcome back.

Glad things are good for you....! I just lost my job today because I refused to fire someone else... :huh:

Thanks for the welcome though I have been lurking,.. just not posting much...

I hope that since some of us are not buying as much as we were,... maybe the prices will come down ?

That is unless the European members are keeping the flow steady...

Edited by Richard Tracy
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Stop paying the income tax members from US :lol: saw a movie about that yesterday :cc_detective:

No to a serious note or semi serious i think its beacuse the dollar is so low and that econemy in the US is somewhat bad after 9/11 and Iraq war i woud presume thakes a big chunk out of the US econemy also.


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Glad things are good for you....! I just lost my job today because I refused to fire someone else... :huh:

I don't want to hijack your thread, but this sucks man... hope you're back in the saddle soon... and with the jacuzzi ;)

Now for the question... i don't think it will effect the rep market in the near future. Watches will be bought, the forum is still growing and new rep-geeks and quick-buyers come to here every day. The currency difference between the dollar and the euro is somethign that mostly wories EU members when trying to sell modded reps, but the US house market and overall financial misery... i don't think there will be much effect.

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Thanks to the weak dollar I was able to buy a gen zenith el primero, what a bargain! :)

I have realised that a lot of us sellers are now taking international orders...

They now have to resign and be more market open.

Germans, Austrians, Italians are now leading the auctions are hitting new records..

But dollar is sure to recover. In fact it has stopped climbing down and it will soon find its way again.

As for a matter of fact trichet has announced not to raise interest rates but lower them. :(

So...long life Cheapo dollah!

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Stop paying the income tax members from US :lol: saw a movie about that yesterday :cc_detective:


Worked for Wesley Snipes! :p

Actually, it didn't. He was acquitted of committing tax fraud, but still faces up to 3 years in gaol for other counts. His less famous co-defendants are all going to the Big House. Leona Helmsley, a famous American billionaire who owned the Empire State Bldg, etc., was also sent to prison by Rudy Giuliani for tax evasion.

Some countries like to make famous people examples. Wonder how Sophia Loren coped in prison...

No to a serious note or semi serious i think its beacuse the dollar is so low and that econemy in the US is somewhat bad after 9/11 and Iraq war i woud presume thakes a big chunk out of the US econemy also.

From 2003 to 2006, this country's economy was JUMPING. US unemployment rate is the lowest in 40 years. In Saudi, it's 25% amongst males...

There is a sub-prime mortgage "crisis" and the real estate market is in the dumps. People are not spending money as much as in the early 2000s. In short, it's like every end-of-decade in the US.

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With so many people struggling in this economy I find that I can pick up a gen anything for next to nothing. I can walk into just about any place in Michigan that sells watches right now and get a great deal. I just picked up a gen explorer a pan 005 and hope fully if I can get in this week a new seatimer that was on layaway for the last 18 months that the jeweler is finally letting go. I have to say with prices the way they are I have just not really been looking at reps.

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That was just to stick it to her children and grandchildren. Hateful person. :(

When I die, even if my kids hate my guts, I'll leave them every penny. My cats can screw themselves.

(And I don't even have cats!)

@Jot: Are you serious? That's sick. May she be on some rotisserie spit in Hell right now. And not just for that. But for all the "little people" like the maids and workers in her hotels, she used to abuse. Money has never given anyone class. :hitler:

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That was just to stick it to her children and grandchildren. Hateful person. :(

When I die, even if my kids hate my guts, I'll leave them every penny. My cats can screw themselves.

(And I don't even have cats!)

Too bad for your pets V...Leona left something like 12 million to her dog "Trouble"

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if the situation continues like this US sellers will soon raise their prices realising that they can make more money on europians :)

every book and magazine here in usa has 2 prices: 1 in canadian dollars one in american dollars, we may see soon a 3rd price in euros...

Thanks to the weak dollar I was able to buy a gen zenith el primero, what a bargain! :)

I have realised that a lot of us sellers are now taking international orders...

They now have to resign and be more market open.

Germans, Austrians, Italians are now leading the auctions are hitting new records..

But dollar is sure to recover. In fact it has stopped climbing down and it will soon find its way again.

As for a matter of fact trichet has announced not to raise interest rates but lower them. :(

So...long life Cheapo dollah!

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I'm noticing that most of the business in the trading forum is now from European members...

when before we Americans were the bulk of the business everywhere...

I know I'm not buying replicas these days,.. they seem so far from my priorities that I can

only browse and dream of better days ahead...

I wonder how much of the void that we yanks have left is being filled with the Euro,

and how this will affect prices ? :g:

The American dollar weakness is a double edged sword. It hurts to import against stronger currencies but it sure helps American companies who export goods against the stronger currencies. I am in Canada and for over 40 years we had a weak dollar relative to yours. This allowed Canadian exporters to develop markets abroad much easier than if we had a higher dollar. Today the Canadian dollar is back up to levels last seen in the 1960's and is running almost par to the American dollar. Now we are less competitive than we used to be and already our exporters are feeling the pinch.

So think about the dollar as the key to your economy. A lower dollar will rev things up in the economy and help create jobs at home. It will hurt to buy imported products but the American exporters will revive your economy over the next couple of years. Keep the faith.

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The American dollar weakness is a double edged sword. It hurts to import against stronger currencies but it sure helps American companies who export goods against the stronger currencies. I am in Canada and for over 40 years we had a weak dollar relative to yours. This allowed Canadian exporters to develop markets abroad much easier than if we had a higher dollar. Today the Canadian dollar is back up to levels last seen in the 1960's and is running almost par to the American dollar. Now we are less competitive than we used to be and already our exporters are feeling the pinch.

So think about the dollar as the key to your economy. A lower dollar will rev things up in the economy and help create jobs at home. It will hurt to buy imported products but the American exporters will revive your economy over the next couple of years. Keep the faith.

Yea, but everybody else imposes tariffs on our (the USA's) stuff. Or stealth tariffs (VAT, etc).

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